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Posts posted by Herbs73

  1. 6 minutes ago, JonC said:

    He gave me the wanker sign last year as I went past him🤣

    He has a reputation for being paranoid about his marks I’m told. 

    I’ve not been with him before, my mate goes with him a lot and catches a lot of big tope and bass so I’m hoping for a good trip. He doesn’t waste time feathering for mackerel like other skippers  he goes to billingsgate on the day and get fresh mackerel so we get more fishing time. 
       Probably best that I don’t log his marks on my navionics app then, could make for an awkward atmosphere. 

  2. 2 hours ago, JonC said:

    Hoo are you out with? 
    I think it’s the crouch comp Sunday so there’s going to be loads of boats out although they all tend to head south towards the Kirbys. 
    I’ve told them and I’m telling you, stay off my marks. 😡

    Galloper with Scott Belbin, I’ll tell him (I’m sure he already knows) to stay clear of your marks. Might be a good idea if you sent me a list of your marks that way we can make sure we always avoid them ? 

  3. 5 hours ago, JonC said:

    I think the later, it’s something that takes years to get your head around. I understand that most species we fish for move along with the tide, running along certain contours where the water pressure suits them and where food is. I’ve caught very few fish in deeper water locally so I don’t bother fishing in the deeper areas much. 

    It’s definitely the latter for me. I have a mark that always produces better smoothounds on the down tide and I have no idea why. We still catch fish there on the up just not as many and generally smaller. My mate fishes the same mark and says the same. If I knew why I think I could waste less time trying marks and moving about. I also don’t generally fish in deep water. 

  4. So I’m trying to get my head around why fish are in certain marks at certain times. I have marks that I know fish better on the ebb or the last 2 hours of the flood for example but why ? I assume it’s to do with the strength of the tide but and topography of the seabed. But is anybody able to work out a mark by knowing how say smoothounds feed and looking at a chart and saying that should fish well  3hrs down at on such a tide with this wind direction etc ?  Or do we just all go out and trial and error, slowly build up knowledge without really understanding how fish decide where they want to be. 

  5. 3 hours ago, JonC said:

    Nick boyce over our side does frozen helmets, but not live as he says he loses too many 

    Do you find frozen hermits any good ? 
     Frozen peeler I find good but not had much success with frozen hermits. 
    I’ve asked a fisherman in Brightlingsea if he can get me live ones and he reckons there’s not many crabs out there at all. He cites the “beast from the east” as the culprit. I went peelering 2 weeks ago and 2 of us managed to find a grand total of 3 in an hour and half so there’s definitely something going on. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    @Herbs73 you have just won two trophies. First one is for worlds longest thread title . Second is for worst step dad ever who tried to cook his step son alive, whilst pretending to fish!! 🤣

    Haha, I’ll amend it, definitely bad parenting, in my defence we didn’t  think the sun was that strong and I’m not  burnt at all. I’ll take the 2 awards though as I rarely ever win anything. Do I get some sort of prize ? Maybe a gift token or car sticker ?   

  7. 9 hours ago, JonC said:

    I’ve been using 42lb j braid for my fishing lately, but I’m still not convinced that it’s any better for boat casting. In anything other than a flat sea I find that the rod tip just bounces whereas mono seems to soak the movement up better. 
    I’m considering going back to 15lb mono straight through which is what I’ve always used for uptide/boat casting. 

    I find braid gives  better bite detection and hooking, my Cousin fished with mono the weekend and I completely out fished him, the only difference was i had braid. 

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