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Posts posted by Hoop

  1. On 7/30/2024 at 10:15 PM, Andy135 said:

    Down in Cornwall for the week and we headed to Lantivet to take my son snorkelling. As we reached the headland we were greeted with a stunning vista.


    Heading down to the beach itself we were looking forward to getting into the crystal clear water.


    After an hours' snorkelling together Tom headed back in for lunch. We'd seen some amazing ballan wrasse amongst the kelp. Both cocks and hens, proper fish the size of piglets, plus plenty of sandeels, spider crabs and a sneaky brown crab in a rocky hole that we couldn't quite tease out into the bag.

    I stayed out and loitered over a submerged reef for a while, having a suspicion that bass would also frequent the same spots as wrasse. Of course I'd taken my speargun out with me. As if someone had flicked a switch I found myself surrounded by schoolie bass, with a huge mullet cruising below them. I took a shot but missed, the spear bouncing off the rocks below. Cursing my luck I reloaded the speargun and floated motionless above the reef again. Didn't take long for another shoal to come by, again with a mullet in tow. Another shot and success! A golden grey in the bag.


    He tasted great on the barbecue with lime, salt and pepper - very much like mackerel.

    This is not cheating.... at all!!? 😅

    A guy this way (that knows what he's doing) has had a couple of GG's to the same shallow diving lure! Jammy ... 

    I'm down that way in a week, fully intend on taking lure gear.. any marks worth a go for Bass? 

  2. Mullet are easy once you've got them cracked.

    Feeding habits change from location to location. When you can see the fish up in the water like this on top, throw in half a slice of bread and sit on your hands and watch. Rip into finger tip sized flakes but don't squash the bread and knock the air out..as it will obviously sink.

    Key is to gradually build up the offerings and only when they confidently numing the bread should you sling in a line... and then beyond the feeding fish and bring your line in slowly to the area where the fish are feeding.

    Hooks? Mustard B983's, size 8 or 6. I use a carp self cocking float .. hook length is tricky as fluoro will sink so just a good quality line, about 5 ft should do it.. bread flake should be pinched around the eye of the hook.

    Mullet will also feed differently upon location, creeks can be tough if they are sifting silt for micro organisms.. no different from chucking surface lures for Bass if the bass are noses down looking for crabs.. match the hatch to a degree..

    Harbours, sea walls at depth is easier again but less fun.. shop bought ground bait, mix in some bread.. shitty mackerel if you have it and ball it in to start then gradually feed.. as for set up? Waggler style with a reasonable drop or as some of the less finesse guys approach is to drop down a two hook patt small hooks and mould bread to hook, obviously exposing the hook point. Another tip, mould bread or ground bait around the sinker.. also worth fishing mackerel strip!

    Time of the day plays a part, off the top.. early mornings late afternoons into evenings..

    Fishing deeper, you'll catch any time of day or at night.. 

    When we used to get round to Hurst Bassin on bait gear, we used to regularly catch Bream and Mullet on 8/0's, mackerel head and gut baits. Goes to show that Mullet are not all that difficult.  

  3. On 2/8/2024 at 11:24 PM, Andy135 said:

    Bah! Me too. Spent a few seasons trying to work it out. @Hoop once described it as "combat fishing", which sums it up nicely. Tides too fierce to anchor, and too fast to drift effectively most of the time. I had a few bass from the pinnacles and the ledge off Ventor but nothing worth the fuel to get round there. I tried SPJ off St Cat's point once and quickly got fed up of the jig kiting out past the stern.

    If I was to make the effort to get there again I'd be tempted to drift the series of ledges & broken ground north west of St Cat's lighthouse in Chale Bay. They look to have potential but probably not worth the steam from Pompey/Solent area.

    A tenner says JDP will be along soon telling us about how well it fished in the good old days before he was deported...


    Hey guys, happy new year!! 🤔

    It's that time of year again and the fishy season kicks off for me in 6 days! 

    Funnily enough, Andrew.. I was recently talking to someone about the deeps, apparently.. it's bloomin amazing!? Mostly spinning Shark dits but other species also got a mention..

    I'm all for cracking tricky spots but our session there still gives me nightmares. Best left to those with webbed hands and funny shaped heads I reckon.. 


  4. Hey @Malc.. I know you asked 'boats' but I'll through some shore knowledge in!!

    Chesil / Brizzle Channel Codin, pully or up and over then tie off a short hook length beneath a gaff. 7/o or 8/o. School of thought, size 4 or 6 baited with small worm squid bait. Allows for streaming and maximum range when casting, for example hitting clay patches at Chesil we know that are at distance. Draw backs with the method are obviously your not wanting to regularly check the end as you may have a perfect live bait sat on it.. though sounds like you've got this weighed off with a scratching rod beside..

    Live baits are always more likely to be picked up and the theory about Cod hoovering up whatever doesn't stack up in my experience..

    Another method worth considering is a bait sliding rig, especially when the Cod are up in the water, when they've turned onto sprats for example. 

    As with all live baiting, it's all or nothing. Whatever you connect with is going to be worth while... Conger are a regular bycatch along Chesil and Brizzle worth tying heavy leaders.. I know a man that does just the job! 👌

    Oh, save some Whiting for Spring Thornies.. nearly as good as (fresh frozen, not the shop bought frozen) Mackerel! 

  5. 22 hours ago, Malc said:

    Lots of people dusting off their big rods in anticipation of fish moving inshore due to the easterlies and I might be able to join them, but first I have to shake off this cold.

    Sunday or Monday might be good as the swells subside. 

    What are the realistic species to target along your patch, Malc? Yet to see a single Whiting this end, never a bad thing! 

    A local youtuber (local marks fishing) fishes beach and harbour / Solent in a Sib at night, filming live streams as he does so, have been catching more Conger than anything else. 

    Good luck shaking off the cold, if not.. stick another jumper on! 

  6. 15 hours ago, thejollysinker said:

    There’s been a fair few reports of cod on the fb groups at Chesil which is promising and there’s even some coming out at Southbourne so if you go Sole fishing you might end up with Mr Cod again 😅

    🤣.. don't you worry, I will be down that way after Cod! 😉

  7. On 10/1/2023 at 7:31 PM, thejollysinker said:

    Sounds like you’re doing quite well 👍

    if you want a sole I hear Southbourne is producing quite a few.

    I would have happily taken that cod for the table, I can’t seem to catch one for love nor money 🤣

    Really good shout this and having just checked Google maps, Southbourne is only a short hop along the coast.  May squeeze in a trip that way, thanks for the steer.

    Ref coddies, stacks coming out chesil way by all accounts?

  8. On 8/29/2023 at 10:21 PM, Andy135 said:

    Yeah, she went nuts 🤣.

    Mother said she'd snagged three steaks off the kitchen worktop the night before 🤦‍♂️ and that I should look out in case she has a runny tummy. I mean the dog, not the mother 🤣

    Sometimes, it's hard to be mad when the task undertaken was nothing short of exceptional.. 😇

  9. 5 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Apparently august in that area is always hit and miss. No actual reasons offered up as to why though! TBF it was not the skipper who said that, but one of the more experienced anglers from that patch. 

    Fair enough, I'd have thought there would be banks over that way rammed with summer species!? Everyday's a school day mucker! 

  10. What did the Skipper put the poor showing down to? 

    whenever I've been out and had a poor day, the Skipper has always pointed at the tide fished being the issue.. whether they picked the tide or not!

  11. On 8/18/2023 at 2:36 AM, JDP said:

    I do, or should I say did have a couple of Penns. The battle mk 3 is still going strong but the more expensive latest version slammer was not up to the Shimano class in my opinion. The line roller bearing soon became rough after just a couple of trips, which seems to be a common issue here with them. I replaced that one with a same sized small Saragossa which is better than the first Stella reels in my opinion. 
    Another issue with the Penn reels is that many have very heavy chunky builds, to the point the reel leg can split the reel seats on rods, which has happened to me on three rods. Its something our dealers have complained to Penn about, so hopefully they will address the issue but for the meantime I don't recommend anyone over tightening the reels down on their rods. Its different here as we need them pretty tight when targeting bigger sharks etc from the beach or tuna in the boat, in saying that I wouldn't use a Penn for flicking lures at tuna as the reels are to heavy for me.


    On 8/19/2023 at 9:22 AM, RogB said:

    I use a Vanford for my shore lure fishing for bass, very light and great line lay but the line roller bearing rusted up within a month. Shimano claims they are treated with a hydrophobic coating.....I swapped the bearing for a ceramic, which is noisier but works full time. If you are on a trip away pack a few spare line roller bearings (and screw for them as they are very light and made of cheese, the head came off first time I unscrewed it!).

    Held a slammer in the shop a while back and was surprised at the weight.. thing was built like a tank and not cheap, talking reasonable shimano money.

    Not heard the issue with the vanford before, that's not to say there isn't one. Am I right in saying that the vanfords replaced Stradics? I can speak to that, I used and thoroughly abused mine and for years I didn't have a problem, one would hope that when a range is updated that its improved as the cost increases. Moved my Stradic on without fault, as I imported an Exsence from Japan that has been flawless and does what I need it to do, beautifully - though, I do recognise UK & Aus fish the complete opposite ends of the  spectrum when it comes to what pulls back on the other end.

    Have you ever had a flick with a Shim Lunamis? Ci4 reel seat made for ci4 reels.. never needed nipping up. Adored mine for bigger top waters 125's, Patch 2's etc.. but for soft plastics felt it wasn't subtle enough so moved it on, have thought about getting another for metals when it's blowing up.. The Apia that I have now, awesome rod.. though would loathe getting it out in ugly conditions.

  12. On 8/19/2023 at 3:28 PM, Odyssey said:

    I crimp mono, rigs don’t last long but you only need a short piece, for wire crimp or haywire twist…. 49 strand doesn’t kink too much


    7 hours ago, Malc said:

    If you want I could make you up a couple of traces as I have crimps and 220lb mono and if you get on with it you can buy your own and make them up yourself?

    Contact me on the messenger system if you want. 

    Thanks guys.

    Blown away with your very kind offer, Malc. TY. I'll ping you over a message.


    Thanks again.

  13. On 8/17/2023 at 9:48 PM, Odyssey said:

    This is Pippa the Skipper…. She runs the boat really 🤣🤣🤣

    Some lovely hounds there 🙂 

    Od advise 6in of wire if you’re after tope. 60lb won’t last long at all… or go for 200lb mono if you want to avoid wire 


    Very sweet, can't go wrong with a Spaniel, unless it's one of those ugly pug nose faced things.. Pippa looks right at home in the skippers seat, all she's missing is the hat! 

    Thanks for the Tope, pointer. I'd love to use mono but used to find the heavier the line the more of a pain to get it to knot probably, (thinking about which, guess could use crimps?) any particular mono / knot suggestions? Wire is a pain for developing kinks, due to the removal of bait elastic.. the application of which is never shy.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Our lab had deformed front legs (never gave him trouble) so was on a strict diet, but given half a chance would eat all day. 
    Cooper was a street dog and had a few mental scars, but healing well beyond expectation. He is a Slovenski Kopov, basically translates as a Slovakian hound. Bred for bringing down wild boar. 

    Ahhh bless him. Common traits in labs? or so I've read. 

    Bred for Boar hunting? Must be a beast of a dog? Presumably a pack dog?

  15. 2 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    No mate, you're confused, that's your area!! 🤣

    🤣, ahh yes, the Common Pompey skate, rarely found under 100kg. Indigenous to portsmouth water. Right gob on'em too. When landed they make the strangest grunt that when recorded, slowed & cleaned through digital means, the result can be most closely linked to the word 'cunt'.. 😳 

  16. 2 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

     Lifting a 35kg dog on and off the boat was not as easy as one might think. 
    We have a new dog, he's called cooper and he's a rescue from Bosnia. He's about 2.5, and loves being on the boat, but hates water deeper than his elbows. 


    I bet he felt it as an older dog getting off the boat too. Did he bulk up into adult/seniorhood? 

    Cooper, great name for a pooch. Was he a street dog? Do you know the makeup? Bit of doberman in there??

  17. Lovely little reels, great sport for the smaller bits. I've noticed that Penn have taken over in tackleshops here, understand they are bulletproof but the line lay and weight doesn't come close to shimano.. wonder if its a supply / distribution issue!?

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