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Posts posted by Hoop

  1. 15 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    He was about 7 in that pic. Later in his life he preferred caps!! 



    Love him. Looks like a very happy, contented grand old man in that picture. Did he enjoy being on the water? Will you get another dog? 

    Fishing last night, again. Different part of the beach last night due to a few already in situ, so set up on the shit end into dodgy ground.. 3 casts, lost the first set, big hound on the second and somehow managed to break through 80lb trace body playing a fish in on the third.. wrapped up when the nobbers decended upon the beach, 2 rods in a moderate tide run with weed .. horrendous anyone playing a decent fish wouldve been carnage. I travelled to the beach just as most do, if I turn up to it full then I'd sooner go elsewhere than set up on top of someone because I'm too much of a fat cunt to go elsewhere.. pondlife. 

    Anyho, that aside..  before the noddies turned up, one chap did beach a Tope from a spot close to where I fished on Sunday. Also, I did spot some large fish feeding a ways out, first i thought they were dolphin as the wakes were so large but nothing jumped, i wondered if it were a shoal of Tuna? Sure the Solent boats would be better positioned for whatever it was..

  2. 18 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    He's cute, labs are just the best. We had a chocolate one for 13 years. He was the sweetest thing. 


    The advice I picked up over the years amounted to avoid labs, due to nature and lust for food but Archie has been the easiest pup I've ever had, an absolute joy.

    Neil, you're boy looks very dapper indeed. 

  3. As predicted, tis was pants! Finished with just the one hound. Will watch for the right conditions to get back over for another go.

    A not so little Lab. Mum and Dad are Silver labs that looked like Weimaraners, colours in the litter ranged from light like Archie here, to one silver and a few brown. He's the sweetest pooch, 14 weeks.. walking to heel, off lead even at the beach. Though this was his second outing.


  4. One big hound, will give it another hour or so before the off.

    Chatting in the tackleshop earlier, apparently codling are abundant so it would appear, being caught on Solent beaches, boats.. chesil are throwing them up too. Fiver says this is our cod run, blink and its gone!! 

  5. 11 hours ago, JDP said:

    Why not put a short wire leader instead of mono traces, sounds like they are getting the hooks down to deep if they keep snipping you off. We tend to rarely get bitten off on tope (bycatch) but we also fish with heavy drags and don't let the fish take line even with mono traces.

    All in hand, quick recce to the tackleshop for 7/0 sakumas, 80lb leader for trace body and 60lb wire.. standby for this evenings blank! 

    Regards locking up, my main line is only 18lb..


    3 hours ago, Andy135 said:

    Top effort Steve. Well done! Beats my weekend blank, so hats off to you 👍

    Blank!? Booooooo... The outing has gone quiet?! If you're allowed out on a school day, run down for a few hours.. welcome any time.

    3 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Nice going Steve, sounds like an exciting time on the shingle!  @JDP Steve did say that he couldn't find his wire leaders!! 

    Cheers Neil. 

  6. 17 hours ago, JDP said:

    Not only is the movie aimed towards adults, its also aimed at men in modern life, all of course in a very funny way. Its also your duty as a dad to do what your 13yr old daughter asks of you, its won't be long before she won't ask you anything!!!!

    So true!! Bar a hand holding request while getting her seconds pierced recently, Dad has long been relegated to past tense. 


    When are we organising an outlaws meet on JDP's stretch? Even I should catch something.. what's the Aus equivalent of a Dogfish? 🫢

  7. 28 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Yes but she's a 13 year old girl. That's appropriate, I'm pretty sure @JDP is a male in his late 40's / early 50's !! Unless he now identifies differently ??🤷🏻‍♂️ 

    You see what I did there!?

    My conundrum is that my daughter is adamant her dad needs to see it!!? Gosling was awesome in the new Bladerunner, and whilst I appreciate much of the comedy in Barbie will be aimed at an older audience, I'm not so sure it will be aimed at me. Kinda feels abit...  Love Island-esq to me.

    Am leaving the Conger alone this weekend, in favour of the cinema! I'm over to see Oppenheimer tomorrow, didn't have any availability last weekend across whiteley, Port Solent or Gunwharf.. so here's hoping.

    10 minutes ago, JDP said:

    Just ordered some barbie stickers for my boat.

    Pictorial evidence is a must, here.. ensure the nails are freshly done and sneak into the shot! 🤩

  8. On 8/9/2023 at 9:06 AM, Saintly Fish said:

    Hopefully you took some 8 year old kids with you.

    Offer of sweets to come before or after? 🫣 Steady the boat, the Outlaws are at it again! 🤣

    If its any consolation at all, my 13 YO daughter thought Barbie was wooooonderful! With Ryan Gosling getting a special mention at dispatches.. bless.

  9. Yeah.. as so often happens after catching on the first chuck, nothing! Dropped something reasonable on what turned out the last chuck, it was actually pulling back! As I got the rig back on the beach the heavens opened! Yet another forecast with no rain turned out to be wrong... no waterproofs called curtains on the evening. My buddy had a "fresh out" smut pup on last chuck and that was his lot for the session. 

    I did put an update together last night but before I submitted, my phone went to standby and upon waking it back up, the update had been erased.. most frustrating!

    Another chap on the beach appeared with light gear and had a few mackerel out.. most entertaining as it goes watching him reel in mackerel as he looked excitedly around hoping for an audience, yet the best bit was his lift by the knees effort as he reeled in.. lift and wind, lift and wind.. 🫣🤣


  10. 3 hours ago, Malc said:

    A rarity up here thankfully!

    Strange isn't it the difference a few miles can make? 

    1 hour ago, daio web said:

    great write up bud and pics keep at it  

    Thanks, mate. We will keep at it but I fear we have a few months of outtings ahead of us that will emulate this one. 

    I know Silver eel are a highly rated Tope bait, I wonder if Conger are any good? 

  11. .. Were some stupid mutterings made upon washing out many expensive baits upon taking back up the dark side of shore dangling.. !! 🫣

    Since my last report, fishing has been much the same. Trying lots of new areas for the standard return, some whilst doing the 'care of the community bit'.. during a recent session he disclosed to me that he had been suffering with poor mental health, grind of daily life leading to his retirement had all begun to add up but getting back out on the pebbles just once a week had worked wonders for him and has aided in his recovery. Surprising the benefits of this silly little hobby of ours that amounts to spouting bollocks whilst washing out baits. 

    Back to the fishing- last weekend of skanky bait up Eastoke on Halying was a manic bite a cast session with lots of micro bits. Bream, Bass, Dogs, Silver eel and Hounds.

    Prior to wrapping the bait gear in last time, Conger (of the boot lace variety) along with the ever present Dogs had become more and more of a nuisance.. efforts made to use non-preferred baits proves fruitless, I know that's fishing but where's the joy in that!!?

    Last night getting the old boy back out on the shingle, we found ourselves sticking more local than we'd hoped, ending up on Gilkicker.. providing some protection from the keen westerly and while fishing the flood from low.. it gives easy access to deep water, Gilkicker was the best of the options available. 

    Despite being over the moon with the Conger exodus, last night, that all changed! A session with a wall to wall practical demonstration that they are still very much with us, sadly! Most surprisingly for me, straps of a fair size, picking up baits fished close into the shore for Bass!! I've attached pictures of the biggest one caught of the session.. caught by my pal but I had the dubious honour of holding it up for his snaps.




  12. 17 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    A concept of what for what?

    The UK is losing its mine hunting capability in the not to distant future with the transfer of its current roster of HUNT / SANDOWN classes promised to bolster Ukrainian Navy, this has triggered an escalation of its replacement. I believe the vision is to have an autonomous MINE HUNTING capability / remotely controlled in much the same way drones are today. 

  13. Well done on getting out and putting the graft in and creating memories for the kids.

    I'm on 3 sessions including one on baits for the weekend thus far, for sod all in return! Considerable distance and water covered, no Bass appear to be home.. stacks of Mullet about though.

    Yesterday, a mate told me he had Bream, Hounds, Ray and Dogs from the same beach we'd fished the night before..the following day in daylight. 

    May Rot in the water, patchy up the harbour, range bait gear picking up occasional clumps on the line... Will slow things up till it clears. 

    Out again on bait next Friday on more favourable tides.

  14. A few hours on the lures last night with @Bones, our first session together this year. 

    Weather, mizzle and a very slight westerly breeze to begin with and by 0130 or there abouts, the wind dropped away to nothing and a light fog decended.. weather wise, comfortably warm and pleasant evening to be out.

    Covered a fair amount of water bit sadly nothing doing on the lures. spooked fish on the walk back in an area already identified that holds a number of fish.. sometimes it's out of the crap sessions that lessons are learnt and new approaches are developed from.. for the most part I think Rag or Crab will be the way forward on this particular mark next time, bust out the light gear, floats and go again.. 

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