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  1. Like
    Hoop reacted to Josh in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  2. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from suzook12 in Sole skills....   
    After much clambering around yesterday a venue for the evenings festivities had been agreed, an outing to Milford.. a venue put forward by our friendly bait supplier.
    The desired target was sole, the brief was simple ish..  a venue with easy access on proven sole ground, milford seemed to tick the boxes,. However, upon arrival the beach is undergoing works and the step down was not achievable so back in the car.. Google maps, Barton I called out!? Nope, the old fella doesn't agree with the slope leading to the beach.. wonderful! After 5 minutes he pipes up.. 'Lee'?!!.. an hour later, we had arrived on a mark 5 minutes from my front door.. 😭
    My buddy just enjoys being out with a line in the drink, catching for him is truly a bonus.. though I like to think my outlook mirrors that of my bud, in all honesty, I'd sooner blank being in the 'right place' than blank somewhere convenient not likely to throw anything up.. last night, we ended up on a convenient mark. 
    Big tide, patchy skies, warm with intermittent bright moon appearances. First cast mate had a great bite but failed to stick it, then that was his lot till the last cast with a tiny hound pup..
    I fished one at range - 6/o pully, squid and blank lug.. 30 year old Bass rod fished in close with size 4's, tiny black lug tipped squid.
    While the big baits remained untouched all night, first cast on the bass gear I had a smut pup. Just before wrapping up I had a cracking bite and upon picking the rod up I felt something pulling back! Happy days, moments later.. up popped a Codling. My mate insisted on weighing and it went 4lb 12. Sadly with it gut hook, it ended up coming home. 
    Safe to say, the Sole were no where to be seen. A match last week on Hillhead that's widely regarded as the local hotspot had a turn out of 18, not a single Sole was caught.. another fish with changing habits?
    In other fishing its been kinda slow, had a decent Bass Friday around 7lb, stalked which made it quite satisfying. Even squeezed a Mullet session in a week ago on floating bread. In an hour I had 2 Bass and 1 Mullet.. nothing big but pulled the string nevertheless. 

  3. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Andy135 in Sole skills....   
    After much clambering around yesterday a venue for the evenings festivities had been agreed, an outing to Milford.. a venue put forward by our friendly bait supplier.
    The desired target was sole, the brief was simple ish..  a venue with easy access on proven sole ground, milford seemed to tick the boxes,. However, upon arrival the beach is undergoing works and the step down was not achievable so back in the car.. Google maps, Barton I called out!? Nope, the old fella doesn't agree with the slope leading to the beach.. wonderful! After 5 minutes he pipes up.. 'Lee'?!!.. an hour later, we had arrived on a mark 5 minutes from my front door.. 😭
    My buddy just enjoys being out with a line in the drink, catching for him is truly a bonus.. though I like to think my outlook mirrors that of my bud, in all honesty, I'd sooner blank being in the 'right place' than blank somewhere convenient not likely to throw anything up.. last night, we ended up on a convenient mark. 
    Big tide, patchy skies, warm with intermittent bright moon appearances. First cast mate had a great bite but failed to stick it, then that was his lot till the last cast with a tiny hound pup..
    I fished one at range - 6/o pully, squid and blank lug.. 30 year old Bass rod fished in close with size 4's, tiny black lug tipped squid.
    While the big baits remained untouched all night, first cast on the bass gear I had a smut pup. Just before wrapping up I had a cracking bite and upon picking the rod up I felt something pulling back! Happy days, moments later.. up popped a Codling. My mate insisted on weighing and it went 4lb 12. Sadly with it gut hook, it ended up coming home. 
    Safe to say, the Sole were no where to be seen. A match last week on Hillhead that's widely regarded as the local hotspot had a turn out of 18, not a single Sole was caught.. another fish with changing habits?
    In other fishing its been kinda slow, had a decent Bass Friday around 7lb, stalked which made it quite satisfying. Even squeezed a Mullet session in a week ago on floating bread. In an hour I had 2 Bass and 1 Mullet.. nothing big but pulled the string nevertheless. 

  4. Haha
    Hoop got a reaction from thejollysinker in Sole skills....   
    🤣.. don't you worry, I will be down that way after Cod! 😉
  5. Like
    Hoop reacted to thejollysinker in Sole skills....   
    There’s been a fair few reports of cod on the fb groups at Chesil which is promising and there’s even some coming out at Southbourne so if you go Sole fishing you might end up with Mr Cod again 😅
  6. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from thejollysinker in Sole skills....   
    Really good shout this and having just checked Google maps, Southbourne is only a short hop along the coast.  May squeeze in a trip that way, thanks for the steer.
    Ref coddies, stacks coming out chesil way by all accounts?
  7. Like
    Hoop reacted to thejollysinker in Sole skills....   
    Sounds like you’re doing quite well 👍
    if you want a sole I hear Southbourne is producing quite a few.
    I would have happily taken that cod for the table, I can’t seem to catch one for love nor money 🤣
  8. Like
    Hoop reacted to daio web in Sole skills....   
    great report bud thanks for posting 🐳
  9. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from landcrab in Sole skills....   
    After much clambering around yesterday a venue for the evenings festivities had been agreed, an outing to Milford.. a venue put forward by our friendly bait supplier.
    The desired target was sole, the brief was simple ish..  a venue with easy access on proven sole ground, milford seemed to tick the boxes,. However, upon arrival the beach is undergoing works and the step down was not achievable so back in the car.. Google maps, Barton I called out!? Nope, the old fella doesn't agree with the slope leading to the beach.. wonderful! After 5 minutes he pipes up.. 'Lee'?!!.. an hour later, we had arrived on a mark 5 minutes from my front door.. 😭
    My buddy just enjoys being out with a line in the drink, catching for him is truly a bonus.. though I like to think my outlook mirrors that of my bud, in all honesty, I'd sooner blank being in the 'right place' than blank somewhere convenient not likely to throw anything up.. last night, we ended up on a convenient mark. 
    Big tide, patchy skies, warm with intermittent bright moon appearances. First cast mate had a great bite but failed to stick it, then that was his lot till the last cast with a tiny hound pup..
    I fished one at range - 6/o pully, squid and blank lug.. 30 year old Bass rod fished in close with size 4's, tiny black lug tipped squid.
    While the big baits remained untouched all night, first cast on the bass gear I had a smut pup. Just before wrapping up I had a cracking bite and upon picking the rod up I felt something pulling back! Happy days, moments later.. up popped a Codling. My mate insisted on weighing and it went 4lb 12. Sadly with it gut hook, it ended up coming home. 
    Safe to say, the Sole were no where to be seen. A match last week on Hillhead that's widely regarded as the local hotspot had a turn out of 18, not a single Sole was caught.. another fish with changing habits?
    In other fishing its been kinda slow, had a decent Bass Friday around 7lb, stalked which made it quite satisfying. Even squeezed a Mullet session in a week ago on floating bread. In an hour I had 2 Bass and 1 Mullet.. nothing big but pulled the string nevertheless. 

  10. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from mike farrants in Sole skills....   
    After much clambering around yesterday a venue for the evenings festivities had been agreed, an outing to Milford.. a venue put forward by our friendly bait supplier.
    The desired target was sole, the brief was simple ish..  a venue with easy access on proven sole ground, milford seemed to tick the boxes,. However, upon arrival the beach is undergoing works and the step down was not achievable so back in the car.. Google maps, Barton I called out!? Nope, the old fella doesn't agree with the slope leading to the beach.. wonderful! After 5 minutes he pipes up.. 'Lee'?!!.. an hour later, we had arrived on a mark 5 minutes from my front door.. 😭
    My buddy just enjoys being out with a line in the drink, catching for him is truly a bonus.. though I like to think my outlook mirrors that of my bud, in all honesty, I'd sooner blank being in the 'right place' than blank somewhere convenient not likely to throw anything up.. last night, we ended up on a convenient mark. 
    Big tide, patchy skies, warm with intermittent bright moon appearances. First cast mate had a great bite but failed to stick it, then that was his lot till the last cast with a tiny hound pup..
    I fished one at range - 6/o pully, squid and blank lug.. 30 year old Bass rod fished in close with size 4's, tiny black lug tipped squid.
    While the big baits remained untouched all night, first cast on the bass gear I had a smut pup. Just before wrapping up I had a cracking bite and upon picking the rod up I felt something pulling back! Happy days, moments later.. up popped a Codling. My mate insisted on weighing and it went 4lb 12. Sadly with it gut hook, it ended up coming home. 
    Safe to say, the Sole were no where to be seen. A match last week on Hillhead that's widely regarded as the local hotspot had a turn out of 18, not a single Sole was caught.. another fish with changing habits?
    In other fishing its been kinda slow, had a decent Bass Friday around 7lb, stalked which made it quite satisfying. Even squeezed a Mullet session in a week ago on floating bread. In an hour I had 2 Bass and 1 Mullet.. nothing big but pulled the string nevertheless. 

  11. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Geoff in Sole skills....   
    After much clambering around yesterday a venue for the evenings festivities had been agreed, an outing to Milford.. a venue put forward by our friendly bait supplier.
    The desired target was sole, the brief was simple ish..  a venue with easy access on proven sole ground, milford seemed to tick the boxes,. However, upon arrival the beach is undergoing works and the step down was not achievable so back in the car.. Google maps, Barton I called out!? Nope, the old fella doesn't agree with the slope leading to the beach.. wonderful! After 5 minutes he pipes up.. 'Lee'?!!.. an hour later, we had arrived on a mark 5 minutes from my front door.. 😭
    My buddy just enjoys being out with a line in the drink, catching for him is truly a bonus.. though I like to think my outlook mirrors that of my bud, in all honesty, I'd sooner blank being in the 'right place' than blank somewhere convenient not likely to throw anything up.. last night, we ended up on a convenient mark. 
    Big tide, patchy skies, warm with intermittent bright moon appearances. First cast mate had a great bite but failed to stick it, then that was his lot till the last cast with a tiny hound pup..
    I fished one at range - 6/o pully, squid and blank lug.. 30 year old Bass rod fished in close with size 4's, tiny black lug tipped squid.
    While the big baits remained untouched all night, first cast on the bass gear I had a smut pup. Just before wrapping up I had a cracking bite and upon picking the rod up I felt something pulling back! Happy days, moments later.. up popped a Codling. My mate insisted on weighing and it went 4lb 12. Sadly with it gut hook, it ended up coming home. 
    Safe to say, the Sole were no where to be seen. A match last week on Hillhead that's widely regarded as the local hotspot had a turn out of 18, not a single Sole was caught.. another fish with changing habits?
    In other fishing its been kinda slow, had a decent Bass Friday around 7lb, stalked which made it quite satisfying. Even squeezed a Mullet session in a week ago on floating bread. In an hour I had 2 Bass and 1 Mullet.. nothing big but pulled the string nevertheless. 

  12. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from thejollysinker in Sole skills....   
    After much clambering around yesterday a venue for the evenings festivities had been agreed, an outing to Milford.. a venue put forward by our friendly bait supplier.
    The desired target was sole, the brief was simple ish..  a venue with easy access on proven sole ground, milford seemed to tick the boxes,. However, upon arrival the beach is undergoing works and the step down was not achievable so back in the car.. Google maps, Barton I called out!? Nope, the old fella doesn't agree with the slope leading to the beach.. wonderful! After 5 minutes he pipes up.. 'Lee'?!!.. an hour later, we had arrived on a mark 5 minutes from my front door.. 😭
    My buddy just enjoys being out with a line in the drink, catching for him is truly a bonus.. though I like to think my outlook mirrors that of my bud, in all honesty, I'd sooner blank being in the 'right place' than blank somewhere convenient not likely to throw anything up.. last night, we ended up on a convenient mark. 
    Big tide, patchy skies, warm with intermittent bright moon appearances. First cast mate had a great bite but failed to stick it, then that was his lot till the last cast with a tiny hound pup..
    I fished one at range - 6/o pully, squid and blank lug.. 30 year old Bass rod fished in close with size 4's, tiny black lug tipped squid.
    While the big baits remained untouched all night, first cast on the bass gear I had a smut pup. Just before wrapping up I had a cracking bite and upon picking the rod up I felt something pulling back! Happy days, moments later.. up popped a Codling. My mate insisted on weighing and it went 4lb 12. Sadly with it gut hook, it ended up coming home. 
    Safe to say, the Sole were no where to be seen. A match last week on Hillhead that's widely regarded as the local hotspot had a turn out of 18, not a single Sole was caught.. another fish with changing habits?
    In other fishing its been kinda slow, had a decent Bass Friday around 7lb, stalked which made it quite satisfying. Even squeezed a Mullet session in a week ago on floating bread. In an hour I had 2 Bass and 1 Mullet.. nothing big but pulled the string nevertheless. 

  13. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Malc in Sole skills....   
    After much clambering around yesterday a venue for the evenings festivities had been agreed, an outing to Milford.. a venue put forward by our friendly bait supplier.
    The desired target was sole, the brief was simple ish..  a venue with easy access on proven sole ground, milford seemed to tick the boxes,. However, upon arrival the beach is undergoing works and the step down was not achievable so back in the car.. Google maps, Barton I called out!? Nope, the old fella doesn't agree with the slope leading to the beach.. wonderful! After 5 minutes he pipes up.. 'Lee'?!!.. an hour later, we had arrived on a mark 5 minutes from my front door.. 😭
    My buddy just enjoys being out with a line in the drink, catching for him is truly a bonus.. though I like to think my outlook mirrors that of my bud, in all honesty, I'd sooner blank being in the 'right place' than blank somewhere convenient not likely to throw anything up.. last night, we ended up on a convenient mark. 
    Big tide, patchy skies, warm with intermittent bright moon appearances. First cast mate had a great bite but failed to stick it, then that was his lot till the last cast with a tiny hound pup..
    I fished one at range - 6/o pully, squid and blank lug.. 30 year old Bass rod fished in close with size 4's, tiny black lug tipped squid.
    While the big baits remained untouched all night, first cast on the bass gear I had a smut pup. Just before wrapping up I had a cracking bite and upon picking the rod up I felt something pulling back! Happy days, moments later.. up popped a Codling. My mate insisted on weighing and it went 4lb 12. Sadly with it gut hook, it ended up coming home. 
    Safe to say, the Sole were no where to be seen. A match last week on Hillhead that's widely regarded as the local hotspot had a turn out of 18, not a single Sole was caught.. another fish with changing habits?
    In other fishing its been kinda slow, had a decent Bass Friday around 7lb, stalked which made it quite satisfying. Even squeezed a Mullet session in a week ago on floating bread. In an hour I had 2 Bass and 1 Mullet.. nothing big but pulled the string nevertheless. 

  14. Like
    Hoop reacted to Malc in Saturday 30/9   
    Not sure what the day would bring as we move into autumn, so bait and lures were on the cards.

    First drift over a drop off with lures for pollock and codling but the drift hadn't really started to push so we were struggling to get a couple of small codling and a coalfish. Then we tried an inshore reef where we have had good pollock before and the visibility was great as we could see the lures down to 15ft or more but apart from a few more codling, including a kelpy codling, nothing of size. 

    the water quality went downhill as we got closer to the river, an ebbing tide, and eventually we returned to the marina and saw the dredger was hard at work turning the Tyne the colour I remember it was 50 years ago!

    Nice day picking away but nothing of size and just a mackerel coming home to get smoked and turned into pate.
  15. Like
    Hoop reacted to mike farrants in Chesil beach - Monday 4th Sept - Evening   
    had some left over rag worm so headed out to chesil for an hour so after work on a lovely evening.
    Light offshore winds and a calm sea - was just a scratching session to use up some worm.
    One big rig out - pulley pennel with a whole king prawn - got me nothing, 
    but the scratching rod with a 2 hook flapper baited with rag tipped with squid was getting me constant knocks but no hook ups - i switched to smaller hooks and a delicate approach and was rewarded with a couple of small bream (and a lovely sunset)



  16. Like
    Hoop reacted to Malc in Itching to go out!   
    ...and wanted some herring, but got mackerel. There is a dredging vessel raking the channel and its really dirty despite week of clear weather and light wind. 
    Managed to dodge the car transporter. 

    However I couldn't avoid this...

    ...somewhere in the middle is a RN training/patrol vessel! I'll put up a recipe and pictures of my smoked mackerel pate at some stage. 
  17. Like
    Hoop reacted to Minters in Bream still there!   
    We went out from Hayling on Friday afternoon to fish the tide up. We didnt have high expectations as it was a neap tide but the wether was amazing and Ive never seen the sea so calm!
    After catching a few mackerel plus a bonus bass and gurnard at the drop off we headed to Boulder to make the most of any tide run. We started with whole mackerel and whole squid but had our baits ripped to bits so we rapidly changed to small strips of mackerel  on size 4 barbless circle hooks and were immediately into bream from tiddlers to 1lb plus. We ended up with 20 plus bream. I out fished Gordon - the only difference in our rigs was that I was using floating luminous round bead in  my  set up - although who knows if that made any difference apart from increasing my confidence.
    As we approached slack high tide Gordon kindly kept the strap conger amused by catching a couple while I sneaked a bass of just under 4lb.  
    Plenty of species but no dogfish - which have been noticeable by their absence in most spots we have fished this year.

  18. Like
    Hoop reacted to JDP in Big Barra   
    She's using light bait caster outfits flicking very light lures but surprisingly she quoted around a 2 minute fight. Even though the outfits are light to be able to cast hour after hour, the line class is 40lb braid and 80lb leaders. Due to snags and structure most barramundi anglers fish almost full drags to try and control them as quickly as possible.

    Another highlight was a barking owl flew into the room they were staying at as they were eating pizza. This is commonly known as a barking owl.
    Shes now around 5500km from home, still fishing on the Fitzroy River the opposite side of the country.

  19. Like
    Hoop reacted to JDP in Big Barra   
    My daughter has been away for week trying to get herself a big barramundi. Six days of flicking lures from 2hrs before sunrise to 2hrs 14hr days  and she's finally nailed a big fish of a lifetime in terms of Barramundi. 
    The thing in her hand is a scale.


  20. Informative
    Hoop reacted to Saintly Fish in Took my wife out for her birthday   
  21. Agree
    Hoop got a reaction from Andy135 in Quick lure session   
    Sometimes, it's hard to be mad when the task undertaken was nothing short of exceptional.. 😇
  22. Like
    Hoop reacted to Andy135 in Quick lure session   
    Yeah, she went nuts 🤣.
    Mother said she'd snagged three steaks off the kitchen worktop the night before 🤦‍♂️ and that I should look out in case she has a runny tummy. I mean the dog, not the mother 🤣
  23. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Andy135 in Quick lure session   
    Black minnow strikes again!! I don't mind the occasional wrasse when they pull back. See on face ache earlier, some chap fishing metals in an estuary out west for flounder and snagging a few!! 
    Silly dog 'appy to see her old man? 
  24. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Saintly Fish in If I wanted bream I probably wouldn't have got any!   
    Agreed. Horrible, combat style of fishing. Surely decent technique and ability but far outstripped mine. 
    Lovely little session Neil,  always had a soft spot for Bream on light gear. 
  25. Like
    Hoop reacted to Saintly Fish in If I wanted bream I probably wouldn't have got any!   
    I took Leo and his older cousin Harry out yesterday in search of some early season codling. Unfortunately we were unlucky on that front, but we did catch many fish. A half decent hound, some dogs, a couple of straps a pout and tonnes of bream. Biggest being a touch under 2lb. 
    Our baits were being destroyed within seconds of touching down. The culprits were a swarm of tiny bream. Good for future stocks I suppose. 

    The early start wasn't what Harry was used to...








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