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    Hoop reacted to JDP in Barbie….   
    Late 50's. 
    Just ordered some barbie stickers for my boat.

    I personally think the humour and messages in the movie are aimed more towards adults, its actually very funny.
  2. Like
    Hoop reacted to Saintly Fish in Barbie….   
    Yes but she's a 13 year old girl. That's appropriate, I'm pretty sure @JDP is a male in his late 40's / early 50's !! Unless he now identifies differently ??🤷🏻‍♂️ 
  3. Thanks
    Hoop got a reaction from JDP in Barbie….   
    Offer of sweets to come before or after? 🫣 Steady the boat, the Outlaws are at it again! 🤣
    If its any consolation at all, my 13 YO daughter thought Barbie was wooooonderful! With Ryan Gosling getting a special mention at dispatches.. bless.
  4. Haha
    Hoop reacted to Saintly Fish in Roman Emperor   
  5. Haha
    Hoop reacted to mike farrants in A trip down to the pointed end   
    and deep fried in batter?
  6. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from thejollysinker in No monsters here…   
    Great little mix of bits there!!
  7. Like
    Hoop reacted to thejollysinker in No monsters here…   
    In an effort to get some rod hours in after shortening our holiday I nipped down to Babbbacombe pier with my mate Aaron for a couple of hours (can’t say I’d go there again but never say never 😅).
     I caught the smallest mackerel I’ve ever seen with my spinning gear so decided to get the lrf gear going. Simple dropshot setup with a size 10 carp hook resulted in loads of micro pout, a tompot blenny and a long spined sea scorpion. Aaron caught a small Huss.

     I went to Cogden next day only to be confronted with a massive swell so got the big guns out and fished hard all day for a bass and a cod. The pout showed up in numbers as did the poor cod. I also got a small strap, two bass (under size) and a flukey flounder on a 4/0 😅

    something decent hit that poor cod at the wrong end unfortunately 😕 and I also lost a good fish just before dark, damn 😩 that spurred me to stay on until 11pm but strangely it literally just went dead 🤷‍♂️
    Never mind, in the space of 24hrs I’d added 6 new species for our ‘group’ hunt so was happy with that 😊
  8. Thanks
    Hoop reacted to Andy135 in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Well done Steve. Good fishing 👍
  9. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Andy135 in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Not an overly exciting update bit an update nevertheless..
    Sat driving the work desk when I looked to the skies and the trees when the thought strikes, what am I doing.. I should be fishing! So that's what I did, an hour before HW on a big spring, I thought I'd give what has become.. my most fished mark this year. I like it due to it feeling wild, far from easy going and is normally very quiet.. no other danglers, dog walkers etc.. dare I say a secluded area of pompey harbour. 
    Truth be told the fishing has rarely lived up to the expectation at this mark, but its quiet and this normally wins out. Anyho, had a pleasant couple of hours.. loads of fish off the top with one worth a picture.. not a big fish but a lovely dark colour to it.

  10. Like
    Hoop reacted to mike farrants in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    nice fish!
  11. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from suzook12 in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Not an overly exciting update bit an update nevertheless..
    Sat driving the work desk when I looked to the skies and the trees when the thought strikes, what am I doing.. I should be fishing! So that's what I did, an hour before HW on a big spring, I thought I'd give what has become.. my most fished mark this year. I like it due to it feeling wild, far from easy going and is normally very quiet.. no other danglers, dog walkers etc.. dare I say a secluded area of pompey harbour. 
    Truth be told the fishing has rarely lived up to the expectation at this mark, but its quiet and this normally wins out. Anyho, had a pleasant couple of hours.. loads of fish off the top with one worth a picture.. not a big fish but a lovely dark colour to it.

  12. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Dicky in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Not an overly exciting update bit an update nevertheless..
    Sat driving the work desk when I looked to the skies and the trees when the thought strikes, what am I doing.. I should be fishing! So that's what I did, an hour before HW on a big spring, I thought I'd give what has become.. my most fished mark this year. I like it due to it feeling wild, far from easy going and is normally very quiet.. no other danglers, dog walkers etc.. dare I say a secluded area of pompey harbour. 
    Truth be told the fishing has rarely lived up to the expectation at this mark, but its quiet and this normally wins out. Anyho, had a pleasant couple of hours.. loads of fish off the top with one worth a picture.. not a big fish but a lovely dark colour to it.

  13. Like
    Hoop reacted to daio web in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    great write up mate smoked bass lol👍
  14. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from daio web in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Not an overly exciting update bit an update nevertheless..
    Sat driving the work desk when I looked to the skies and the trees when the thought strikes, what am I doing.. I should be fishing! So that's what I did, an hour before HW on a big spring, I thought I'd give what has become.. my most fished mark this year. I like it due to it feeling wild, far from easy going and is normally very quiet.. no other danglers, dog walkers etc.. dare I say a secluded area of pompey harbour. 
    Truth be told the fishing has rarely lived up to the expectation at this mark, but its quiet and this normally wins out. Anyho, had a pleasant couple of hours.. loads of fish off the top with one worth a picture.. not a big fish but a lovely dark colour to it.

  15. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from thejollysinker in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Not an overly exciting update bit an update nevertheless..
    Sat driving the work desk when I looked to the skies and the trees when the thought strikes, what am I doing.. I should be fishing! So that's what I did, an hour before HW on a big spring, I thought I'd give what has become.. my most fished mark this year. I like it due to it feeling wild, far from easy going and is normally very quiet.. no other danglers, dog walkers etc.. dare I say a secluded area of pompey harbour. 
    Truth be told the fishing has rarely lived up to the expectation at this mark, but its quiet and this normally wins out. Anyho, had a pleasant couple of hours.. loads of fish off the top with one worth a picture.. not a big fish but a lovely dark colour to it.

  16. Like
    Hoop reacted to GPSguru in Tune of the day (or week, or month, or whatever)   
    Tyler was 75 this year, so retirement is well earned, nobody goes on forever, unless you are Keith Richards 🤣
  17. Like
    Hoop reacted to suzook12 in Tune of the day (or week, or month, or whatever)   
    Well this page deteriorated rapidly........
    Time for some balance
  18. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Malc in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Not an overly exciting update bit an update nevertheless..
    Sat driving the work desk when I looked to the skies and the trees when the thought strikes, what am I doing.. I should be fishing! So that's what I did, an hour before HW on a big spring, I thought I'd give what has become.. my most fished mark this year. I like it due to it feeling wild, far from easy going and is normally very quiet.. no other danglers, dog walkers etc.. dare I say a secluded area of pompey harbour. 
    Truth be told the fishing has rarely lived up to the expectation at this mark, but its quiet and this normally wins out. Anyho, had a pleasant couple of hours.. loads of fish off the top with one worth a picture.. not a big fish but a lovely dark colour to it.

  19. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Big tides bring on the Bass   
    Not an overly exciting update bit an update nevertheless..
    Sat driving the work desk when I looked to the skies and the trees when the thought strikes, what am I doing.. I should be fishing! So that's what I did, an hour before HW on a big spring, I thought I'd give what has become.. my most fished mark this year. I like it due to it feeling wild, far from easy going and is normally very quiet.. no other danglers, dog walkers etc.. dare I say a secluded area of pompey harbour. 
    Truth be told the fishing has rarely lived up to the expectation at this mark, but its quiet and this normally wins out. Anyho, had a pleasant couple of hours.. loads of fish off the top with one worth a picture.. not a big fish but a lovely dark colour to it.

  20. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from thejollysinker in Where have all the Conger gone!!?   
    .. Were some stupid mutterings made upon washing out many expensive baits upon taking back up the dark side of shore dangling.. !! 🫣
    Since my last report, fishing has been much the same. Trying lots of new areas for the standard return, some whilst doing the 'care of the community bit'.. during a recent session he disclosed to me that he had been suffering with poor mental health, grind of daily life leading to his retirement had all begun to add up but getting back out on the pebbles just once a week had worked wonders for him and has aided in his recovery. Surprising the benefits of this silly little hobby of ours that amounts to spouting bollocks whilst washing out baits. 
    Back to the fishing- last weekend of skanky bait up Eastoke on Halying was a manic bite a cast session with lots of micro bits. Bream, Bass, Dogs, Silver eel and Hounds.
    Prior to wrapping the bait gear in last time, Conger (of the boot lace variety) along with the ever present Dogs had become more and more of a nuisance.. efforts made to use non-preferred baits proves fruitless, I know that's fishing but where's the joy in that!!?
    Last night getting the old boy back out on the shingle, we found ourselves sticking more local than we'd hoped, ending up on Gilkicker.. providing some protection from the keen westerly and while fishing the flood from low.. it gives easy access to deep water, Gilkicker was the best of the options available. 
    Despite being over the moon with the Conger exodus, last night, that all changed! A session with a wall to wall practical demonstration that they are still very much with us, sadly! Most surprisingly for me, straps of a fair size, picking up baits fished close into the shore for Bass!! I've attached pictures of the biggest one caught of the session.. caught by my pal but I had the dubious honour of holding it up for his snaps.

  21. Like
    Hoop reacted to mike farrants in Wed 26th Thurs 27th & Fri 28th July - Weymouth & Portland   
    I took a week off and had the father in law down for a few days to get as much fishing in as possible - typically mother nature didn't want us fishing for some reason - so i have combined all 3 days onto one rather disappointing report. 
    things that slowed our fishing down - Wind, Rain, Tides, Yachties, Seals, Dolphins and some dam right stubborn fish!
    With the forecast showing +20mph SSW or SW winds for most of the week and neap tides we knew we had to grab our moments. 
    Wednesday looked the best day - little or no wind in the morning - building to 20mph SSW from lunchtime we decided to head straight out to the Mark to anchor up as might be the only chance - taking frozen mackerel instead of wasting time trying to find fresh. 

    dropped the hook before 9am in near glass conditions - and we both opted to go small baits for gurnards/bream etc - very quiet with only one dog so i upped the bait size - and found myself a few more dogs and straps. I picked up my rod to check the bait and found a heavy weight on it - no fight - I though maybe a bull huss, but turned out to be a huge lazy conger - easily over 20lb - maybe more - didn't get it in the boat for obvious reasons. 

    Phil had a few congers and dogs too.
    I wanted a ray so switched to a bunch of sand eels bound together and sure enough pulled up a lovely spotty ray - with an interesting black face and chunk taken out its wing. (by my right hand)

    the wind soon got up around 2pm and it got uncomfortable so we pulled the anchor and headed for Portland's entrances to try for mackerel - found them easily enough to top up the bait freezer and some big enough for dinner too. total of around 20.

    we tried a different area drifting with baited feathers and all i managed was a pin whiting. 
    the rain came in heavy around 3pm so we called it and went to the pub to dry out. 
     Thursdays forecast was awful - wind and rain all morning - so we went to the D-Day museum in Portland instead - from there we could see the sea state wasn't too bad inside Portland harbour so decided to poke our bow out in the afternoon and find some shelter in newtons cove - visibility was improving - we couldn't see the top of Portland all day - but the cloud broke up for a bit. - got a great pic of Portland with a cloud hat on..

    we drifted a small inshore reef and i managed a pollock and a Sea Scorpion

    we moved to a close in wreck to try for wrasse and all i got was pout - phil blanked. Thursday is race night at Weymouth sailing club and they all decided to race around us so we called it and went to the pub. 
    Fridays forecast was similar to Wed - light wind in the morning building to 20-25mph from lunch. 
    plan was to target Gilt heads in Portland harbour on the drift (can also get Bass and mullet here) - didn't work out - nothing - so we moved to a new area where we were greeted with a playful dolphin - think he was slapping a dead fish with his tail for laughs. this area only produced a couple of pin Whiting for me. as all other fish had seen the dolphin carnage!
    next spot we drifted was one dog and a small Ballan wrasse for me. 2 inquisitive seals scared off all the other fish & the wind picked up so we returned to the reef and I managed a corkwing wrasse - that's all -  nothing for phil all day. we went to the pub. 

    Saturday was forecast 30mph so we binned it off altogether. 
    not a very successful few days but way better than being at work! and i ticked off 4 more species for the hunt- whiting, Ballan, Corkwing and pollock.
  22. Like
    Hoop got a reaction from suzook12 in Live reports.. remember those!??   
    It's Friday evening, that can only mean one thing.. it's care in the community time! 🤣
    Anyho, having just caught on the first chuck, I thought I'd give a live report a go. A new PB.
    Caught on a pennel pully with double squid mounted on 6/0's.  Hour after HW, weed pulling.

  23. Like
    Hoop reacted to Ivan Tuna in Shetlands……The Return   
    Last day saw 18 degrees and no wind……what could possibly go wrong…..one of the engines, thankfully we had two!!
    Didn’t risk the wrecks on the outer ledge some 5 miles north of Muckle Flugga so drifted around the Flugga banks - carpeted with Cod 10-20lber class with a few 22s throwing in and every now and then double figure Coalfish would fit on the way down or up. 
    110kg of Cod and Haddock fillets now in the freezers….till next year
    will re-size some large files and video later

  24. Haha
    Hoop got a reaction from Andy135 in Live reports.. remember those!??   
    Yeah.. as so often happens after catching on the first chuck, nothing! Dropped something reasonable on what turned out the last chuck, it was actually pulling back! As I got the rig back on the beach the heavens opened! Yet another forecast with no rain turned out to be wrong... no waterproofs called curtains on the evening. My buddy had a "fresh out" smut pup on last chuck and that was his lot for the session. 
    I did put an update together last night but before I submitted, my phone went to standby and upon waking it back up, the update had been erased.. most frustrating!
    Another chap on the beach appeared with light gear and had a few mackerel out.. most entertaining as it goes watching him reel in mackerel as he looked excitedly around hoping for an audience, yet the best bit was his lift by the knees effort as he reeled in.. lift and wind, lift and wind.. 🫣🤣
  25. Haha
    Hoop reacted to Saintly Fish in Live reports.. remember those!??   
    Greedy bream. That was it then? Or you still there waiting for another? It's 07.20 atm 
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