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Everything posted by James78

  1. Hi Geoff, Thanks for the advice.. I’ll have a go and let you know how I get on. Many thanks.. James
  2. Hi Geoff, Just following on from my previous message. I just noticed on one of those pics you can see the patch done from the inside of the hull, see below.. Cheers.. James
  3. Thanks.. I’ll check out that channel on YT. James
  4. Hi Geoff, Thanks for your response. I don’t think there was a hole in the hull as I don’t remember seeing evidence of this on the inside. I’m not actually at home at the moment so can’t check. I’m thinking there was probably just localised damage to the gel coat. As I mentioned in the thread, the boat was my father in laws and it would be great to restore it as it holds some memories for him & the family. There’s no issues of restricted access, it’s just a fairly small fishing boat. It would be great to restore it and do something with this patch that doesn’t look great. Your advice on this would be appreciated. I’ve attached a couple of photos of the boat now and also one from the past. Many thanks & best regards James
  5. Hi Andy, Yeah it was patched after the boat broke free from its mooring and ran aground, presumably as you say there’s perhaps a hole underneath. Advice on how to best remove the patch would be appreciated. It would be nice to do a fix that is a little nicer than CSM which while functional, doesn’t look great. Cheers.. James
  6. Hi, thanks for your reply. It’s actually my father in laws boat originally, have asked him & yes he carried out a patch on this area of the hull.
  7. Hello, Just looking for a bit of advice from some sage sea dogs. I’ve recently moved to the west coast of Scotland & my new house has come with a small fishing boat with a GRP hull. The boat could do with a bit of maintenance & I’m keen to restore it and get out on the Loch for a bit of mackerel fishing. My original plan was to use a 3M compound to remove the oxidation and polish the hull but I fear it’s gone beyond that. There are some areas where the hull has worn through to the fibre. I’ve attached a couple photos showing where the damage is worst. From the bit of research I’ve done, I can deal with scratches and dings but looking for some advice for where it’s worn through to the fibre in particular. Many thanks in advance.. Best James H
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