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Bazzer last won the day on August 17

Bazzer had the most liked content!

1 Follower

Boat name

  • Boat name: Everything


  • Location: Itchen marine

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  1. Welcome Jake where you based ?
  2. This didn’t go well, tide was quite light and wind was taking over, every time we set the hook we drifted a different way !!! any suggestions or don’t bother when it’s like this ?
  3. Bazzer

    Great day

    Horrible 😂😂😂 it was a bit rolly early but only to be expected after the previous day.
  4. Bazzer

    Great day

  5. Bazzer

    Great day

    What a day, loads of mackerel off the shingles bank, coupled with quite a few bass, three nice ones just over 50cm. Then back into the Solent to a little wreck for bream, cracking day.
  6. That’s what I thought, if any of you are about we are in blue hulled Arvor 250, leaving around 6am
  7. I’m out this Friday, first day out for ages. Just hope the weather dies down a bit.
  8. Hardly used in perfect condition £375
  9. Bit further down stream, you know the slip way at Itchen ? The marina next to that with the big tugs in ?
  10. Just learning how set it up 😉
  11. Are any of these things fish ?
  12. Hi guys can anyone help with what I am seeing, couple of screen shots to follow.
  13. I’m in Itchen marine towage 👍
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