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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. try suzuke on that he seams to be up together on that sub-get
  2. i have a second battery with an isolation switch, if the starting battery is low i can always yous the 2 battery's together,then once the engine has started i can isolate the spear battery.
  3. you will have to ask an expert on these maters, i have not a clew .
  4. how long before you have to change the battery
  5. yes yes😁 🌈 i will be keeping worm and watching the coast 2
  6. well i cant Waite for the snow to come. then there will be snow drifts road and rail closure ect. then all the complaints about how we are not ready for the snow and ice . then there will be the throe . plumbers will be biz y sorting out the burst pipes, there will be programs on the t v why we are not ready for this weather. same every year. is it fun
  7. why not just answer the question, if you don't lick fixed reals .just give your reasons for that. don't fright-on other people of giving theirs. i might add that you do have a lot of very good idears
  8. nice to see that some one got out there and had a go.
  9. just take the small change out of his pocket? 😁
  10. welcome , nice set up, i hope you enjoy it on here, i find it fun and informative, there are a grate bunch of guys only to willing to help.
  11. yes i agree but he has to be invited first????????????
  12. thinking about it, if he wont to go and get a rib for his own reasons then i cannot see the problem. kids will love it .and he will be able to sell it easy anuff.
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