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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. just keep taking the tablets you will be all right
  2. it is bizy in the summer as there are 2 campsites near by.plus dog walkers ect.
  3. now i have wheals i can get to leep beach.
  4. the one i cept had a belly full of small crab.
  5. well i went beach fishing to day (26/724 ) sun was out, a bit of a brease but pleasent, it was 10 pm and i loweded up my transport. 3 rods and rod rest,i had no idear what i was going to catch but tbe out of the hose was grate. off i went heading to leep beach,the trip there was uneventfull , iterned on to the park and maide my way to the little spit. iset myself up on the beach. there ws a bit of a breaze but the sun was out. i set one rod up with 3 hook rig, and one with a 1 hook on a slidder,the last rood i set up for mackreal. the tide was on the tern to come in. i yoused dirty squid for baite. nuthing happend till the water had coverd the flat ground and then one rod gave some bigbite movement. grabing the rod and lifting it slowley i got 2 more jerks, so i wound in the baite was only in about a 30 to 40 cm of water. it was a desent bass, tide came in a bit more and the outher rd did the same. yes anouther bass a bit smaller but a fish arfter all. it went quite and the wind got up a bit. then the seewead made fishing hard woork. so i packed up and went home. photoes to follow
  6. if he had a boat full of imergrints he would have got away with it, cant say more as it would be politacaul
  7. looks grate i have been near there a long time ago.brings back memerys
  8. no i just open the doore and sea what neads replacing next
  9. it what boating is all about😂
  10. what a fantastik time you had i am so jelous of you bouth.
  11. at the moment i canot evan think about it mick,to much going out not anouf comming in.
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