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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. thats ok i will move up to the dog fish challenge
  2. . *-what Andy no chance of that it would have been the tattler or photo mag. you wont to keep looking you might pick up some white fivers
  3. what was the item you wonted your birth not-is 😂
  4. i think booth dogs have fallen on there feet good owners that will love them lots they look so nice good lack to you all
  5. it looks ok but i will pass on that one.
  6. this sounds very interesting, looking forward to your post .
  7. don't worry geof it gives them some thing to moan about. i think i would be top of the list for mistakes on line if i did not have spell check it would be worse
  8. what tax state pension me mate only vicall tax
  9. welcome malc, yep you will fit in well on here. there is a grate amount of information held in versus members. as well as pot noodle fans,
  10. so that put in in the geriatric to
  11. dose this mean if i by a pot noodle , i am reliving stolen goods
  12. i did not think you needed an excise to go to the pub
  13. my view is stop or by pas if possible, all ways look for a way past be-for you get there bit like driving a car, and it dose not mater if you are in the right a hole in your boat is not fun prevention is allays better then qua-er
  14. i renumber being at addu atoll some r a f guise took us to the reef , you could make out the sharks swimming just off the reef , the fish wore amazing to look at
  15. belie me , i do not fell like it
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