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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. ha ha haπŸ˜ƒ 🀣 i raise a glass to you all and a prosperous new year
  2. merry Xmas Luke i hear you have a bulging sacks you lucky one
  3. geoff that's all right but for the fishing meet i would have to leave the day before to get to the fishing spot.
  4. i was thinking of the hand pump for bike treys . bit like a pump that you stand on the foot of the pump and pull up down (strip pump ?)
  5. oh well i keep it small to save on the fuel ££££££££££££ i would consider a sailing boat but i would be a bit slow. (trying to keep up with the others )
  6. i thought he was referring to the tyer inflate
  7. heaven help me , i just don't get it. hand pump.??? it must be one of those jocks you get out of cheep xmas crackers
  8. bit of Irena g p s lousing his g p s so its just guru now i sopose
  9. i going threw the sites on the web, it made me smileπŸ˜€ so happy Xmas to you all and a grate new year
  10. its all about money , they need to be contravention so more people will watch, sorry i think its boring, now where is that pot off paint* Evan cricket is more entering. what have done with my pot noodle
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