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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. good hunting and the best of luck i hope thing get better soon. but i wont wurry about the jokes 🤣 😂
  2. some peopple you just cant please, a good fish is a good fish. if you are not happy then organise one yourself its time to put up or shut up at least some one is trying
  3. it just dosent have that magent itsim.
  4. hi welcome to the outlaws, hop to see your thoughts on here
  5. i will let you know how windy it is down here in the morning andy
  6. i here that there is going to be a fishing com next year at portsmouth over 2 days , can any body conferm that?????? i beleve its from chister harber to portchester
  7. honst we dont bite , well maybe jon humm ??? no there all right really they put up with me.
  8. could it be an insurance claim ?????? (con)
  9. that makes me wince, it must have made a racket going along the road.
  10. i made mine from scrape s/ steal
  11. now that could be an idear. seeing the price of boats ect have gone up so much, it might get stolen out there on the water
  12. wellcome brian .nice boat, and that fish wow it must have been a good fight
  13. ha ha you will get old one day
  14. im not doing a thing im to hot
  15. happy birthday, yes the bus pass comes in handy, may you have many more b/days to come. you picked the right weekend to go away on hope you are having a good time
  16. the minde bogels at that, the difercalt thing is teaching the shark that you are frends that the difelcalt part luke are you getting in with the shark first
  17. you have to larf or you would be in tears.
  18. wellcome . nice to see a new face on here looking forward to hereing about your addventurs, you will get your legg pulled on here but when it comes to help about boats , fishing, ect , you will be have some very good help . all idears are wellcome on here even the silly ones
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