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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. well it came , but so did the rain, i got 2 done, so i will see what tomorow brings. some i will have to drill out. so i can get the rivert inn. what happened to gloreus may.
  2. waiting for my new pop revit gone to arrive, the revits are here, so i can get to the job as soon as poss.
  3. that tide at ashlet creek can cath you out
  4. well jhon there is allways the idiot who gose to farst (big wave ). collision ect. regarding my head (tanks for arsking )its not that good, i ferget things as well you know
  5. one of the things on my to get list is a flowtaion soute. for ruff weather.
  6. well morrice ,there has been much discuhion about this in the past, 1 what if the boat capsized ect. i wouuld have to deflate to get out
  7. its so true. whereing a life jacjet is necery in a small boat . but i perfer the hand inflation ruther than self inflation.
  8. bludy rain , i have been cleaning the bits and boobs to back on the boat cleaning the old paint off carnt really do a lot in the rain
  9. oh i dont know it wasent that bad, at least it was kleen and no sweer woords.
  10. this intresting i must bear it in mind next time i by something
  11. i dont go to the pub, its exspencive,
  12. but if we had birth controll, just one child per person it would reduse the poperlaction.it would reduce the nead of housing hospital beds.ect but it would kill manafacrting. when we went to ware it would reduce the poperlaction but its a bit mesy. but seriousely , the plant has two many humuns all ready causing many problems, if we went tottaly green vegan ect we would still have two many humans.
  13. well it they said it would rain, so i put the wire brush on the grinder and started taking off the old panit. it did rain and i have taken the windows out, so a bit wet. i got about a 1/4 of the cabin dun. any idears on replacement widows for the boat. i thought a light smoke rather than black or clear
  14. that sounds as good addvise i will bear that in mind when i get a new one
  15. i am so sorry , please forgive me. john eer i mean neal or s/f
  16. so are we all going vigan. stop wearing leather. i dont think so some how. i rember some thing on the net some time ago , that plants can feal too, aprently recorded a rose screaming when it was cut i thought it was a bit far feached at the time.
  17. they look grate do you take shirt buttons by anny chance he he 😄
  18. i did not sleep much the night before, i was exsited to say the least to get out fishing again after a long brake. met ian at the merina about 8am we headed out to the solent it was a bright sunny morning . we ancerd and started fishing after a while with no bights we moved to a spot near cows. no wind and bright sunshine. he said we allways catch here. he was right to. i had 12 dog fish , and ian cought a smouth hound , whiting , and dog fish. including the bigerst fih of the day. it was a terifike day i had cougt fish,(i havent been out for a long time ). the weather changed so we headed back home. i am really grate full to ian , for a wuderfull day out and it will get me woorking on my boat again with viger. again thank you ian
  19. gor what a load of c--- it dose not mater what way you do it, just cath the fish and enjoy doing it. you loot must be board stiff, i say it dose not mater which way you hold it as long as the lady is happy
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