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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. welcom ,its grate on here, plenty of dog fish (he he )looking forward to your posts
  2. are you robing them you old out law i must be felling better ive got my humer back
  3. dont wurry its just old age err who are you????????????????????
  4. 2 hours to fix the bow roller on. what a rigmoroll. forward cleat 20 minits now im n---d.
  5. hi and welcome to the club , i see santy fish is looking after you. he is grate fun.
  6. fine but how are we going to fund the change over.? i dont think it will be like converting to lpg.
  7. are what hapend to the steam powered radeo ( the goons)
  8. i feal for you. all that woork . never mind it could have been worse. some time ago a small back street garage went up in smoke garage and contence tottaly burnt to a crisp.
  9. never minde neil , you can do it, i will come help if you whont.
  10. they look nice but i canot afford them. santy would say im a tight arss and he would be right
  11. the truble with old units ( fish fider / sat ) is the backlight gose and its only fit for the bin.
  12. thank you all for your kind thoughts. as jeff says they do come aroud to quick. back to the boat tommorow ( weather permiting )
  13. it looks like a grate life. if only i was yung
  14. 2/3 ds rubed down , removed 2 layers of jell coat, willbe appling a new layer of jell coat wether permiting tommorow. then rub down lightly and second coat. i might put a resin coat on top to give it depth ? any thoughts on that
  15. it sows there real coulers, thay dont whont anybody eals to leave, so flexing there musels and making a lot of noise about it is for home use. (look how strong we are)its not our falt we screwed up the vaxernations its all the falt of thoes nusty british falt. truble is that the rest of the would can see the truth.
  16. it whont be long, it whont be can i have the car to take out my date it will be the boat. i sopose it some thing to look forward to
  17. hi wellcome.roland. its good on here for tip and help, and a bit of leg pulling
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