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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. what about the kitchen, and the staff for this grand house.
  2. i have found a conecter \ joint that has gon green should i paint it with by carb or start with a new one
  3. i have got servace holders and 2 cheep and narsty plastick holders ( i beleve desined for conoes ) which i will replace in 2022 and reposition them,
  4. im not that fused about it all, with my luck i will get struk by lightnig coming out after getting the injection.
  5. aparently im not aat risk, not old anouf, hmmm. well im staying in and bide my time.
  6. i thought this was about santys boat, now this isnot cricket. any way neal i am glad you have got an easy fix and not have to remorgage your house.
  7. yep them photos are realy good. but i canot see any fish ?
  8. geff nealy 😬 finished 😬 i better get on with mine then.
  9. ha ha if only no dogy tiker the british desize , over woorked and underpaide
  10. err what whistleing i yoused to be a chef but have retierd now due to ill helth
  11. no i havent done a thing. to windy to wet, or 2 cold. i carnt get out to b & q, or anywhere eals, besides i think jeff has not done much eather, he is my insperation 😂
  12. so jelouse ,nice weather, nice fish nice boat, what more could you whont. i wright this looking out at a windy cold and wet day
  13. i thought it was murhhy`s law
  14. is that right that you soak the baite in guiness 🤣
  15. you are not having much luck are you. might be an idear that you have a good look at the seat to see if it neads any tlc while it is not fixed to the boat.
  16. welcome, that boat looks realy nice, hows the fishing.
  17. i fell for you, its so frustrating waitng to get orgernised to try the next test . but you will get there. good luck
  18. wellcome to the site, matron has not been around with the tablets yet.
  19. nice boat, there are so many reasons for loss of spead, i have a smimerler problem, i have been told that i dont have anouf whaite in the bow. when i can get out on the water i will find out.the outhers on here have beter knollage than me, i just trial and eara and see what gives
  20. i will pm you with a phone number. i look for larg amout of ram memery helps with thr runingof a program. a farst proscesr, and a desient size on the hard drive. widows 10 is still serported where the outhers arnt,
  21. i new someone with a simerler problem i know he yoused a heater in the boat th help it dry out.
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