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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. must be really saucy, did addmine sencer it. after the last debarkel
  2. poor jon what has he done to deserv all this
  3. welome nice to see some thig diferent . a nice looking craft, but a wet sout must be a must i bet
  4. and you belived him. did he go on the trip?
  5. i fell for you. at least i was not there to get the blame (joner )
  6. dont worrie we will all have to youse exspencive battery engins soon. or be band from fishing alltogeather.
  7. you have not seen the ponds have you. i could floot the boat on one off them (just )
  8. you know what they say old fisher men never die just smell that way
  9. thank you. i have had a fault on the van, tried all sorts to finde the root of it . no spark my frend over the road a engernear said had i tried the eath wire ,i had allready taken the battery to earth lead off cleaned ect. but had forgot the engin to frame lead, so ifitted a new one and i have a spark.so i am having a good day
  10. that is a very bad drarwring of anndy
  11. that is a clever bit of thinking, anybobody got anymore tips like that and andy will have to start a new section.
  12. for thoes that are intrested , boat juble / carbot sale at hythe marina saterday 6 of april 2024 from 930am till 12 am in ade of the R N L I
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