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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. it was a long time ago. if it was resent i would have poundered on that
  2. happy new year to you all, i hop you have a better year then 2020. tight lines to you all. cheers
  3. part of a paving slab hook was in a sea plant, it was just south of the nab tower
  4. if you have the boat in the stack ,would the boat be in the shade from the boat above. if you have a cuver on it. at the top of the stack would it blow off ? would be a long way to come to fix it. so i soppose sopoase that scuppers would not be pretty or bling but would work sun or no sun, or flaten your battery,
  5. POINGDESTRES in southamption good serlection of tackel , helpfull , have some good deals time to time, frozen and fresh baite (i would ring first and book it as they do run out ) https://poingdestres.co.uk/ or 02380 510077
  6. i hope you get your opp soon, i dont like driving at knight eather
  7. my boat sits on a trailer so i persome i donot nead anti foul paint . what would you sergest instead. ( keep it kleen )
  8. dont blame me. im like a crab at home anywhere and happy to give a narsty nip
  9. never mind mate you have your bad luck for a while , but bewear your dauter may try to repeat the sping dad trick again.
  10. never minde things happen, its the digetal age
  11. not nice, i understand that when thay have a big low tide at callshot , they find the odd boom / mine ect evan now.
  12. its one place i allways whonted to go. we were going there but got diverted, isinit just tipercall
  13. dose that make him a barking member ???? (the dog)
  14. through the flears ect, change the gase bottoll put the rest of it in a sail bag and stow it thats what i am going to do with mine
  15. they were standed issu in life boats. they are better than buckets becouse you pull them in by the rear so they callops.
  16. yes and we have one on the isle ofr white 🤣
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