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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. i think andy 135v will be inviting peopple out then when your on the way he will cancile becouse of the bad weather 😂 🤣
  2. you will be having a race of who can clime the whall the farstis🤣
  3. thay not having a pop at you again they must be board
  4. nice van neal, is it a van or a camper? if its a van are you going to put rod holders on and baite fridge ect or is it a serport vicale for the boat
  5. cadnam garden center near southampton is open on sundays they sell a selection of frozen bate plus worms. do ring first and book what you whont. they have some freshwater tackel 023 8081 2238 the baite is in the aquatics section
  6. hello mike, welcome, its grate here, frendly , and helpfull, you can get your leg pulled, but its all in fun pete
  7. to day was warmso i got some woork done, drilled holes for cables to cme through , receved a electrick chook to day fitted the carier on to the outboard,but i will have to take the hand start offto complet that job, i spent most off the time trying to figer out where to put the remote controlls???? any sergestions (keep them kleen andy & fs) will add picks shortly
  8. at larst i have managed to find a choke soleniod for the outboard. the info was stearing me in the face. it makes you feal a right beerk when you realise it was there all the time
  9. i have a switch on my batery live, so the out board can be iserlated. the outher batery is seperate to the outher batery. i am going to get a batery maintainer for bouth baters. so the baters are fit for the job. so i come back and put the boat on the drive and conect them up. job done
  10. lymington. i would sergest that you go to there website info@lymingtonharbour.co.uk Public Slipways & Landings There are public landings at Town Quay and the Harbour Masters’ Pontoon adjacent to the Bath Road car park. The Town Quay landing is reserved for commercial users only. There is a public slipway from the Bath Road car park; a charge is made for launching. Pay the harbour staff if present on the slipway or at the adjacent Harbour
  11. me i like it. guted filerted seasond and fresh lemon sqized over i a bowl. clariefie the buter. add buter to the f / panwith a oven proff handel and heat gentlyaddthe fillits face down, cook for a few minits and turn over. add sliced allmonds , and put into the oven just a few minits on a slow oven. remover from the oven check to see its cooked through. place the fillits on to a warm plate add the remaning lemon juice from the holding dish marinadde. make it hot without burning (takes seconds )pore over the fish (dont dron it )put allmonds from the pan over the fish. parsly to decerate
  12. i thought it was going to cost an arm and a leg regardless
  13. it must be a day for it just recived a mesage regarding my income tax . what a joke, havent had a letter so it s anouther con i would wurry about it, but i sorted my tax out larst year and they gave me money
  14. i recived a dodgy emale from some one i know . arsking me to do them a faver which was get him a gift card from amerzon for his frend ? in the regine of £100.00 i new ameditly it was not him becouse he nose the state of my finaceis and would not have arsked i have reported it.
  15. if she was alive to day, hatty jaceks or babs
  16. yes i agrea that just plug in the computer ect but regarding seagulls there is not a lote to go rong. if it has points its a pain. the maneto syteam is so simple, my seagull normaly will start on 2nd pull .
  17. i have old engins, i have been lucky so far, i was brought up on seagulls (outboard ) and old desiles. im dont like over serfisted engins to mush to go rong.
  18. having a smallboat i youse the alderney rig. i just pull it in and put it into a bilders bucket ball and all;no probs
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