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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. this outboard didnot have a starter on it,so i am starting from scratch .
  2. well i have put the new calls ect , on the outboard and we have a grate spark. know i will have to save up for the starter motor. as i am lazey
  3. you beat me to it, you lucky@@@@@@ good luck mate if you had not been there before me i would have had it
  4. sounds like you had a good day. nice to see someone is getting some fish
  5. what do you nead done. what year is it mate
  6. hi .the boat looks grate i hop you dont have to rebild the outboard ,
  7. limington slip i have not yoused it myself, there is a good carpark by the slip.
  8. i like woorking on my boat, tring to find the best way to do it ,finding out from thouse who know beter and having a go . looking at outher boats for idears which i can youse. fishing is grate to .targeting fish and cathing dogys instead. all part of the fun. and then the best bit the fishing boating comuty, helpfull, funny, serpotive, and plenty of nolage to share
  9. looks like i have some reading to do, men only , playboy.
  10. if i had fiished my boat i could have gone to the public free slip
  11. 6e9 i have one bilt in japan i have the manuel, and several outhers
  12. just moved to vodaphone a stonger signell then before so i am happy. we youse free vew and disney plus
  13. wellcome to the madhouse, my boat is still being rebilt, but i will get it done 🤣
  14. wellcome to the made house. it sounds that you have a few tips and storyys to tell. will be looking forward to your inpout
  15. no , it didnot woork for me ,i pot photo on imgro then put it from there to my compter frunt page then on to the site. is the basiks of it but i had options, i dont rember which one i yoused to do it
  16. tried to put pic on my profile but would not except it to big
  17. gor blimy they are large , no wunder they are good at rugby if they are praticeing doging them
  18. we have canceld xmas , we are staying at home ,
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