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captin slows old outlaw

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Posts posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. 1 minute ago, GPSguru said:

    I replaced a starter motor on a Mercury 100 (2009) last week as the built in solenoid is a common fault ......the solenoid is not available as a separate part and the complete starter was £420 ....... easy to replace (3 bolts)

    this outboard didnot have a starter on it,so i am starting from scratch .

  2. i like woorking on my boat, tring to find the best way to do it ,finding out from thouse who know beter and having a go . looking at outher boats for idears which i can youse.

    fishing is grate to .targeting fish and cathing dogys instead. all part of the fun. and then the best bit the fishing  boating comuty, helpfull, funny, serpotive,  and plenty of nolage to share

  3. 2 hours ago, Manicdev said:

    Thank's bud, and yes the business is moving as covid hasn't affected it really, it's mainly online 🙂

    Just gone through the "your own boat pics" thread........don't think i'll post my baby on there, tooooo many really nice one's that would put mine to shame Hahahahahaha.

    Mine still needs some work, I got it to the "now I can fish off it" stage and just use it now 😁

    I will get around to finishing it.......one day lol.

    i know that felling

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