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captin slows old outlaw

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Posts posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. On 3/12/2024 at 2:55 PM, Saintly Fish said:

    So what does trapped between furniture and fittings mean?? It's a bit vague! 

    i will arske the skipper of the resque boat when i sea him

  2. 5 hours ago, Malc said:

    From about now until May the fishing is pretty poor so thoughts are on what the rest of the year will be like. We are in a species hunt based from the marina so the easy stuff will be cod, pollock coalfish, ling, the usual flats, doggies and pout and SSSS along with the summer visitors of mackerel, herring and the sandeel. 

    Getting rockling,  LSSS and gobies should be doable but we will have to change tactics dramatically and might be able to get eelpout and further out we will have to really try hard for turbo, TBR, Gurnard and others that tend not to get caught up here often. 

    In the river and the sand areas we might even get a bass or possibly sea trout. All in all things are looking up and hopefully the doldrums will pass quickly!

    What are you looking forward to?

    geting out

  3. 41 minutes ago, Malc said:

    Handy for nobbling those pesky pests. Unfortunately the alarm gun can't fit a full cartridge, just the short blanks but guaranteed to cause underwear to be messed-up 



    seems like the type of thing to attach to the tollet dore,

    a jon. no more consterpation

  4. thinking about what you said jon. 

    if you cannot change a spark plug or a feuse then take some one eals with you who can

    all of my knolage comes from outher peopple (like you,suzuki,neal and outhers. 

    by joining clubs you can get help for free and learn from outhers.

  5. 7 minutes ago, JonC said:

    That’s all good if you have the skills and knowledge to make them like zook otherwise it’s chucking good money after bad as we’ve seen with a lot of people in the not so recent past. 
    I know a lot of people really like the 2smokes as the power to weight ratio is better than the 4s 

    that is why it is good to be on this site, there is a lote of help availerboul

  6. 1 hour ago, suzook12 said:

    Yes mate, people still use them, and still better value than the chinese cr*p on the market. Obviously they are not worth what they were 20 years ago, but still have value.

    i agre on that, as long as you can get parts its fine. i dont have a cuple of grand to by a nealy new out board.

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