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captin slows old outlaw

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Posts posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. Saintly Fish
    Encrusted with barnacles
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    Oct 9, 2020 at 7:34pm via mobile  
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    Post by Saintly Fish on Oct 9, 2020 at 7:34pm

    jonc Avatar
    captinslow Avatar
    i would love to but i could not get my boat there
    set off now you can motor around to the Solent.

    Pete lives on the solent, he needs to motor the other direction .
    All’s fair in love and Offshore Outlaws!
    JonC’s guilty pleasures!
    Giving Andy nightmares !
  2. jonc
    Walking the plank
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    Oct 9, 2020 at 7:17pm via mobile  
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    Post by jonc on Oct 9, 2020 at 7:17pm

    captinslow Avatar
    Odyssey Avatar
    Count me in :)

    Maybe we can run a winter meet in the Bristol Channel? Chase some cod and rays?
    i would love to but i could not get my boat there

    set off now you can motor around to the Solent.
  3. iowspence
    Bosun's Mate
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    Oct 9, 2020 at 6:44pm via mobile Saintly Fish likes this
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    Post by iowspence on Oct 9, 2020 at 6:44pm

    Saintly Fish Avatar
    iowspence Avatar
    Ill be in, as long as they arent any sharks within a 25 mile radius of the Isle of Wight which I could be catching.... wink4.gif
    You might have to settle for smooth hounds for this one Spence !

    Noooooooooooooo....... 😭😭😭
  4. iowspence
    Bosun's Mate
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    Oct 9, 2020 at 3:02pm  
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    Post by iowspence on Oct 9, 2020 at 3:02pm

    Odyssey Avatar
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    Ill be in, as long as they arent any sharks within a 25 mile radius of the Isle of Wight which I could be catching.... wink4.gif

    Bet you bring a shark rod just in case..... ;)🤣🤣🤣
    There has been the odd Thresher very very very occaisionally seen in the Solent. Enough to warrant bringing it along of the off chance...  (rofl)
    Wishing I was Fishing
  5. Saintly Fish
    Encrusted with barnacles
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    Oct 9, 2020 at 2:12pm via mobile Andy135 and iowspence like this
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    Post by Saintly Fish on Oct 9, 2020 at 2:12pm

    Andy135 Avatar
    Saintly Fish Avatar
    All on your boat ? Be a bit cramped Luke.
    Don't forget Headlight and Swampy - they're both in the BC too. Oh, and AndyBa (who seems to have disappeared lately)

    Who is headlight ?
  6. Dogfish dangler
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    Oct 9, 2020 at 1:52pm  
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    Post by Andy135 on Oct 9, 2020 at 1:52pm

    Saintly Fish Avatar
    Odyssey Avatar
    Count me in :)

    Maybe we can run a winter meet in the Bristol Channel? Chase some cod and rays?
    All on your boat ? Be a bit cramped Luke.

    Don't forget Headlight and Swampy - they're both in the BC too. Oh, and AndyBa (who seems to have disappeared lately)
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