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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. how dear you. i cath fish with my broom handle, its not a blanky ti blank rod
  2. what are you saying do you whont to borrow my yellow rod ?????
  3. hi wellcome there are a few of us from the solent area on here. looking forward to seaing your fishing photos and reports
  4. old fishamen never die just smell like they have
  5. you and whose army ? not my falt you have nuthing better to do
  6. dont forget he has servents to look after his estate🤣
  7. if it is quick to grow then it will nead more maintanece. plus you may end up with the dreaded ivy invading and bindweed as well and they are a devel to sort out. me i would look aroundfor anouther soletion
  8. i will be taking it to the garage before youse. i will do a road check first, ie braking ect then feule then to fawley garage. i dont think it would pass a mot for it youse led additive in the feule, plus many aditional rules . frankley at this age a reguler check up would be addviseable
  9. taxed the van today and i donot nead a mot now.
  10. poor thing the R SP A will be after him
  11. jon c oh glorius leader scaffolder serpream off course.
  12. happy new year to all members those i know and those i donot know. tight lines no jon i did not say you are tight . be sides jon its to early for you.
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