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captin slows old outlaw

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Everything posted by captin slows old outlaw

  1. good luck, im in doors, sanding the van doore down then a bit more filling
  2. pugwosh must be able tro do 5 to 4 nots surley outherwise he would not get back into the harber or may be not
  3. i could think ove a few peopple that could youse that
  4. you mean he is not yousing the boat anker
  5. a bit big for solent cod (dog fish )
  6. j d p i sopse you will be barbeing. happy xmas to you and the famerly
  7. mike f happy xmas mate will you be out fishing
  8. geff happy xmas mate, have a grate xmas to you and all the famerly
  9. odyssey happy xmas to you and missys.look forward to hearing about your addventurs
  10. happy xmas malk. i hop you have a good time. and many fishing presents
  11. good luck ,with your project. a happy xmas to you and your son, lots of prezes. i will be thinking of you bouth
  12. i thought he wore sandels to save on socks ???
  13. and they wunder why we donot trust polertions
  14. i get arsked what i whont for xmas so no duff presents
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