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Josh last won the day on June 30

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  1. Oh really was they sharking or same lot trying for tuna
  2. Awesome job to the those guys who chanced it for the tuna off there . First and only tuna on that side in what 60 odd years turned out to be 100inch fish … what else lurks beneath
  3. Josh

    A few pics

    Good going @Odyssey oh them scad will be getting hoovered up soon no doubt
  4. Looks great day out and a feed bream is so good to eat
  5. Looks like it kept you guys busy good going
  6. South side @Dicky 20ish mile out
  7. Josh


    Good to see plenty porgies mate
  8. Yeah is a rarity to look like that out there glad you got out. Mind you better for sharking with a blow. I’m not sure how long the ban is in got but I dread to think what not having it does to the population every spawning season nets everywhere… I know that’s rabbit hole of ‘each person got to make a living’ but purely from a conservation perspective. if they can keep it an annual spawning season ban… well it just makes perfect sense.
  9. Too good a Saturday forecast to miss saw me towing to Cornwall Friday night. arrival around 1ish launching at daylight meant couple hours sort rods unstrap pack away and shut eye for not very long but it all helps. first stop was bait and I was picking up some jumbo mackerel only close in which was great after about 8/9 I headed out. i stopped off on the way out around the reefs what difference the not netting of pollack has made. Well saying that Iv seen more fish in the past but compared to last year there were a few good fish back ! Pushed out to the 20mile band it was glass on the way out which was lovely then I spent an hour or so over the slack trying for ling on this wreck. I know they’re on there I just couldn’t get them ..another time ! dumped the chum over and waited quite a while with no wind i was moving with the tide but not a great deal. then I had one probably of 40lb. Hour or so later I had a better one round more like 75lb the boat going for the chum bag and the proper. i had this fish round the bait and I could wind up any more so I just hand hooked her and she wernt happy gave me a searing run. Great fun the Yank The run chum curious blue I ended up with another one so 3 in total Had to pull the hook in again by hand to get that last one tight , rather that than deep hook. food as follows Bangers on boat took some skin damage @JonC Dinner made up for it then I crawled into the tent 💤 Josh
  10. 😂😂 ha ha I can imagine sounds fun !
  11. Lovely skipping along , and WOT would put you at ?
  12. A pleasant day by the looks and sounds well done, what speeds do you normally sit at in calm conditions @GPSguru
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