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Posts posted by Josh

  1. 14 hours ago, Malc said:

    Well that's what we're calling it. For some reason mackerel sizes have been going bonkers here with increasing length and girth, biggest this week was a 40cm fish with plenty pushing for the title plus the launce are getting bigger with one weighing 82gm at home on my digital scale so possibly 90gm+ fresh weight. 

    Not surprised that a BFT is caught off Whitby really! Just need the herring shoals to get closer in.

    Awesome job to the those guys who chanced it for the tuna off there . First and only tuna on that side in what 60 odd years turned out to be 100inch fish … what else lurks beneath

  2. 5 minutes ago, Odyssey said:

    Top marks! Was rather breezy by us managed to get out but wish had conditions like that 😍

    Nice to see the pollack ban has had an effect. How long does it last for? 

    Yeah is a rarity to look like that out there

    glad you got out. Mind you better for sharking with a blow.


    I’m not sure how long the ban is in got but I dread to think what not having it does to the population every spawning season nets everywhere… I know that’s rabbit hole of ‘each person got to make a living’ but purely from a conservation perspective.

    if they can keep it an annual spawning season ban… well it just makes perfect sense.


  3. On 6/26/2024 at 12:15 PM, GPSguru said:

    Mid springs, nice weather, flat sea forecast, what is not to like.

    It was a hard call, due to the usual slipway spring tide limitations it was to be either a morning wrecking session getting back at 13:30, or a full day on the skerries getting back at 16:00. The call was easier as fishing the skerries on a spring is hard work and often not productive, so it was out to the wrecks.

    Launched at 07:30 with kyle as crew and headed to a wreck at 18 miles. Wind over tude was an issue on the trip out with a short sea coming from all directions, but managed at steady 22knts being careful not to stuff the bow. 

    There was a commercial from Dartmouth fishing the wreck and we saw he was catching bass using one rod with hookais, and 2 handlines with multiple lures. The stamp of bass looked to be 3lb ish. We kept 4 fish that were 48 / 49 cm.

    we made a few drifts and had a good few bass on small lures, however, there was a large quantity of monster pout on the wreck and we had a few of those as well. We did try a wrecking rig with mack flapper over slack, but it only produced pout.

    Once slack came the sea quietened down, so it was a cracking morning to be out there.

    The trip in was quick on a flat sea, and we caught the tide ok by being back on the slip at 1 pm.




    Here is a pic of the trip off the plotter 😉



    Awesome stuff !

  4. 3 hours ago, GPSguru said:

    About 45 - 47knts, depending on tide and wind, but that is arse clenching speed, everything happens quickly, and you need eyes everywhere !

    Rarely do I go over 35kts

    😂😂 ha ha I can imagine sounds fun !

  5. 9 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Unlucky Josh. Looked mint out there though. A good way to unwind from a travel home from Turkey. Done that trip a few times myself and it's always knackering! 

    Thanks @Saintly FishYeah that’s right  flying I don’t find unerving it’s just a i find uncomfortable tiring experience .  Poor us having to go on holiday 🤣

  6. 10 hours ago, Andy135 said:

    Ah, bad luck Josh. Sounds like a frustrating session, but top marks for making the effort to get out there. You must be knackered!

    Thanks that’s it you gotta be in it for a chance . The last trip I lined up for there few week back I got in the car and bailed so it was a little breakthru session ha

  7. 7 hours ago, GPSguru said:

    We were fishing on the skerries today, and the weather was quite the opposite. Although warm, the visibility was variable from 1/4 mile to 1 mile, it was supposed to burn off, but stayed all day. At lunchtime, I even had the Nav lights on !

    AIS seems to work well in the fog / mist as we were called by a tug who was towing, in order we could identify our vessel type and take an agreed action (we stayed on his staboard side).

    Also we heard the CG calling a continual Pan Pan, for assistance to a 6.3m cabin cruiser that was dead in the water and anchored somewhere off Selsey Bill, so I guess you kept hearing that as well.

    Crazy how different it can be ,

    That’s horrible when you keep waiting for the fog mist to burn and it just doesn’t.

    think we wer all out same day I  put on here in October . When the visibility was down to about 5meters  unbelievable.

    thats odd I didn’t hear that pan pan and I was right on selsey bill … unless I wasn’t paying a attention I did a radio check yesterday also.


  8. On 3/22/2024 at 2:56 AM, JDP said:

    They'll be back again, one most likely again later this year and both next year again. Both have travelled pretty well and caught hundreds of sharks in UK waters. I believe Danny has had over 60 threshers from his boat now and 200+ porbeagles. We used to work and fish together back in the UK, just felt bad not being able to get them a mako to the boat.

    Oh Danny Vokins assumably u mean.

    well sounds like they’ll be a next time great stuff 

  9. On 3/20/2024 at 1:52 AM, JDP said:

    Just had some old sharking friends stay with me from the UK targeting mako's. Just before their arrival I was feeling confident of ticking the species off their list, with mako just about everywhere from inshore reefs to offshore, even the day they arrived a 264kg mako was landed. However the weather turned to pretty much to 2m swell on 1.5-2m seas for the entire period they were here, not to mention a couple of boats I had lined up falling through due to a split fuel tank on our first day and other issues.

    So it was down to my 15ft boat to get us offshore each day. Seals were a menace soon finding our burley trails each day, then thieving us out of baits. We had mako's just 5m from the boat very reluctant to take baits and those that did simply grabbed and dropped baits, even live bonito's weren't enough to keep their interest. Whalers sharks on the other hand weren't so fussy and took baits without issue, however it wasn't those we were targeting. Plenty of hammerheads also checked out the baits but typical to hammerheads, none would take a bait with wire. A thresher smashed a bait on the surface but only stayed connected for about 30 seconds before pulling the hook. 

    There was a fair amount of tackle failure, with 14/o hooks straightening and specially bought from the USA mako wire traces getting bitten through. I think a serious tackle review will need to be considered before heading out again. One day we had 9 runs to just one shark staying connected (which happened to be the only bait I rigged).

    We worked hard at it but just didn't manage the target, one mako even decided to jump cartwheels in front of the boat just to tease us!!! We flogged awful conditions, I even got seasick and took waves both over the bow and stern of the boat but it just wasn't to be. However one of the guests managed to top up 47 species and some 250lb+ stingrays the local bearded greenpeace warriors wanted to string us up for. 

    Weather is still terrible.

    Sounds like you guys really put your best efforts in.

    Hopefully they had a great experience still and saw much more than they normally would

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