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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Josh

    Whales !!

    No Mike on the drift and under way at certain points
  2. Josh

    Whales !!

    Oh yeah i saw the write up on it a couple month back frightening ! initially I was cruising around filming then I stopped near and carried on fishing and as you can see he came right through he went under the boat and I braced for impact … not sure what for I’d be toast in a 165 if he did decide to lift me. after he went through I moved off a bit felt uneasy.
  3. Josh

    Whales !!

    Wow some incredible shots there was stunning to see it all going on. that’s exactly what the tunas whales and dolphins were feeding on the white bait.
  4. Josh

    Whales !!

    Edited pics so much easier on the eye and head tilt
  5. Josh

    Whales !!

    Fin whales apparently I thought Minke and a Hump firstly ha I kno poor photography as usual I did have some serious sausages though Big chilli ones
  6. Josh

    Whales !!

    too close for comfort I thought I was done for these swam under the boat about 5ft clear terrifying but most amazing experience the video footage is cool Iv just screenshotted some bits here
  7. Josh

    Reefs today

    Yeah quite a limited stretch of water i imagine with the wind out there .. but an amazing place… I got to fish it on a live aboard a couple years ago on size matters . Great boat & skipper for out there . but never been myself not on the warrior… I’m sure it can be done but with so many variables could make it quite a job to plan and a lot of amazing fishing on the south coast to contend with at half the risks probably. coming from the same guy who towed all the way to irleand from Kent 🤔 good luck with the weekend charter we will await your report bud🫡🦈
  8. Josh

    Reefs today

    Lovely haul there Luke !
  9. Was their much Algae around yet ? hope you get out again soon
  10. Josh

    Selsey 14 May

    Lol they wer pretty bad I was waiting for that haha !
  11. Josh

    Selsey 14 May

    Also Just seen someone got picked up by aThresher today over the puller
  12. Watching the forecast all week this Sunday has had a gap but I wasn’t convinced it would hold I thought it would be one of those blow outs that happen on the morning of the trips. When you’re already out there. Well thankfully the forecast didn’t do that and it was exactly as it said. so the intention was to try a inshore trip for a bit of sport for my dad and I. coming through the harbour the place was filled with the nursery bass birds everywhere bass flopping. headed out A quick drift for bream and found two very quick on strips of cuttle then couldn’t get back on them . brought hardback crabs to try and guarantee some hound action so felt pressed to get the anchor down. down it goes and the tide was pulling pretty hard. Eventually it eased and then it wasn’t long before the hound rod arched over we had 2 and a few dogs on fish bait rod. Baited for tope. After a while we wanted to go back breaming so we did but couldn’t find them again. The tide went dead and I did manage a nice Ballan over the reef on a dexter. then we came back in to another anchor mark then out baits down for the last couple hours but slow too with a couple more dogs a nice day on the water oh and we caught a one Mackerel
  13. Well done @GPSguru glad the engine was a quick fix 47 mile 😮
  14. Teignmouth !! would be a dream if I was that close to Cornwall. must be some good fish out there big wrecking grounds ? I used to tow 1 hr to my local Kent slipways herne bay when I first started then progressed to 2 hrs to selsey now mostly Cornwall which is just outrageous 5+ hrs but it’s just that good down there .. either that or I just love it there is a wonderful place . But try to leave the boat in yards there when I can
  15. Talking of birds this is walking round our garden right now . Been here. Everyday for about a week it’s MASSIVE !
  16. I see someone of Fb say it was one so I’m stealing the glory here
  17. Good to hear yea I have seen reports of more coal fish great for the furture
  18. Nice ! and thanks Probably see you out on the water mate
  19. That’s awesome ! Incredible fish 24lb and a Coaly I’ve never caught one would love one . Fight even harder ?? yeah maybe some huge pollack lurking in the hurds
  20. *Back in the day of disposable cameras
  21. Excellent 18 That’s a proper proper one that ! the reefs aren’t what they used to be and i imagine people would say the same about wrecks. see alot of nets round the reefs in spawning season I know everyone’s got to make a living but that logic just doesn’t add up there’s got to be a better way. Trouble is it’s a if I don’t take them someone else will scenario. 19lb was my best as a young boy I’ll dig the photo Not sure I’ll go north again this season now with life commitments but a blue session won’t be that far ahead
  22. They do in places like south africa im sure yeah great memories with hounds
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