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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Well done @Herbs73 Always found hardbacks superior when hound fishing @JonC its live and it generally won’t get gobbled by a doggie win win
  2. Fair choice i look forward to this time of year it’s usually right around 24th April ish the swallows come dashing on the pond in the garden … I believe journeyed all the way from africa
  3. I didn’t actually know what bird it was to be fair more of an assumption @GPSguru😊 got some more shots here
  4. Won’t be able to keep this up forever … mrs is pregnant now too…. Got to pack everything into the next 9months right
  5. This was was Lamb ghost … it was insanely good . Punjabi restaurant rather than Bangladeshi ha I think that one came with another dish . I had a garlic one don’t worry haha
  6. Well done Luke good job on getting out there too good a forecast
  7. So finally the weather broke enough to get out on North conrwall. I wasn’t going to miss my shot. So the long tow down from Kent to the very bottom.Friday night because of the tides we had to go out in the night which was interesting but absolutely ideal conditions to being doing it in. Totally flat calm and no swell. So we anchored up in a bay and obviously threw a rod over but I think we had one doggie and tryed to get some sleep .. (didn’t happen) 5 am came and light was creeping so we starting heading out saw a huge man of war. got to the mark and began drifting for porgies. to our surprise we actually saw them breaking the surface which was as far as I was concerned out of character. this happened about 5 times throughout the day… it was feeding by the looks. it wasn’t dolphins or anything else 100% anyway a long hard day and annoyingly seeing fish on the sounder seeing them come up to our bait line on the sounder too … to no takers but we had to try. //// so we came in and headed to our camp over on the south side and got dinner and got our heads down in the tent. The temptation was there to head back for the second day with due good weather (which is a rarity) but would of meant going back out in the night at 2am. We wer bo****ed from the night before and said we will have a day on the reefs tomorrow with no tidal demand. yes I regret choosing that over sharking but it’s done now. glass calm day and a steady run of pollack worst tides for pollack was going to do some long drifting but i managed a pollack of 11lb6oz which was a mega scrap on spinning rod. Ash had a ling off the reef nice eating size we had a tired canary land on the boat and stayed for a bit which was cool. we also had a shoal off fish right infornt of the boat all come fluttering to the surface no idea .. they wer not mackerel bass mullet … bigger thicker fish … maybe it’s wishful thinking albacore ? I’m going to ask about down there see if anyone else seen anything similar. We was thinking somehting big was going to happen like a whale breach. These fish weren’t chasing fry I’m sure they wer being chased. Few other bits n peices and then back to the camp oh and dinner at the curry house was 👌
  8. Josh


    Haha Well, i suppose i can’t promise more fish but more food shouldn’t be an issue 😆
  9. Josh


    Don’t worry guys I won’t let you down next time there’s going to be more food and more fish !
  10. Josh


    Haha these were chipotlatas to explain their girth ..and yes a pretty big pan . They tasted good with bit of blackening charcoal grill without the coal.
  11. Josh


    So no plans to go out this weekend and watching the Cornwall weather forecast that was out of the equation for the current targets Sunday forecast more local was looking too good I just couldn’t turn it down. So on the phone to Ash are you in. yes . good see you 3am . Tow down . Launch itchenor first light . make shift plan of attack was to hit a reef over the slack and go for some ballans but when we got there about 15mile from the harbour it was very poor clarity. Unbelievable amounts of bait fish on the sounder no takes on the tiniest sabikis .. not sure what they were . Well I did leave them hanging and missed one only shot at grabbing some wen the rod was bouncing ! so no joy there moved over to a big bank and dragged worms for a plaice … no joy . So moved over to another bank to anchor for blondes. soon as we set the baits didn’t feel confident after half hour I let out aload of anchor rope to move further along … just on the off chance we land on top of some fish . Just dogs . After a while up anchor and headed right back in to the bracklesham gulley. Barley any tide but I dropped a squid right on top of a nice hound which gave a good account of itself . Little bit perked up now thinking might be able to save the day here with some sport. Turned back into dog dog dog . anyway little reality check session is all part of it right !
  12. Josh

    Plan B pollack

    We had fish on the 5 mile reefs and the offshore reefs 12mile. Such a big tide think everyone who was out pollacking would of found some
  13. Josh

    Plan B pollack

    Yeah we wasn’t sure on the damage to tail . Wasn’t super fresh but yea we would like to think it was something toothy
  14. Josh

    Plan B pollack

    Hi Malc on this occasion we returned any live ones but I have frozen some before but to be fair we have only caught the launce a few times. Love to go a drift for turbot with them
  15. Another attempt to go North Cornwall turned into south as we headed down and was trying to talk ourselves into the location planned but the swells just were reading too big on the forecast… I think/know the boat would be okay out there it’s just getting past the bars and launching ect. So plan B back on the pollack. towed all the way home and back both times these last two sessions with maintenance to do on boat ect. Howling effort for such a short visit but hey.. anyway the fishing so ,,, still competing with an easterly on the south coast option . Which was annoying again becuase the east on the other side would have been okay..but the swells outweighed the option. headed out tryed for find some launce and sure enough with a little persistence we found them. mackerel too super excited about sending these down we headed off to the reefs and began . It wasn’t long before a rod went zooming over . then a steady stream of smaller ones . The tide went slack and it was slow. Then we kept on and on moved round a few times. And by that point the tide picked up and the fishing, Ash persisted with the live bait I had two on live bait but switched to a lure when things went slow then stuck with it and was seeming to keep getting the takes. so then Ash changed over to a lure too and bang both in . Better stamp coming through now and Ash couldn’t stop catching so we stopped no point clearing the reef out. Some nice doubles and high single figure fish. great trip very tired now. Josh
  16. Josh

    Pollack time

    Update cookery: Panko Pollack it’s a yes from me
  17. Josh

    Pollack time

    Good to hear their early at wales , weather, time& tides . Like gold dust ! yea I saw he was onto them, good to see because last year I think they struggled in the spring and the year before was a slow start too. we was going off that side today but didn’t want to get bashed about. will have to go back soon! hope your on them soon enough
  18. Josh

    Pollack time

    Hi Malc these wer on soft plastics mate I want to get into Jigs but just stick to what worked before. I don’t doubt jigs work just one of those things
  19. So a drive through the night in an attempt for a day on the reefs and wrecks to couple up with a second day on the sharks. We pulled out of second day. Looked too rough. Stunning day it really glassed out out there. not loads of fish but fish at most stops. This was a the best of bunch a nice double will be filleting up along with the others for the fryer
  20. Absolutely insane results amazing pics. 10’marlin a day 20 mako a day … im booking a ticket ..! I’m already in Thailand now how much further 😄 re: the leadering ect. personally yes I would want that photo for the efforts gone in it’s nice to look back at these memories. I have noticed this in marlin vids seems to be a quick release (which to me actually looked like a hook pull) then away and understandably as their so so hectic boat side if that wasn’t classed as a catch many wouldn’t be ‘caught’.. iv done the same On a tuna think I put it on here couple seasons back got the lip hook in then slipped back out ect . And even tho I clearly completed the fight . I felt a little robbed of the photo ha. … saying that with multiple marlin in a day i think I’d be happy to catch one get aload of great shots for each anglers first one of the day then pull the hook on the rest to keep the boat rotating with fish all day. also… straightening the hooks ??
  21. Looks insane loved to get out there well done
  22. Understood looks very weather proof stable all too much I’m sitting there in question as to wether I am going or not .. I know (first hand ) the warrior will handle a lot but a 16ft boat is still small if things get ugly. yeah when I do take the plunge something like that for me will have to be down west on mooring there’s so much exploring I want to do down there . never really looked into Ribs but @GPSguru seems to do very well ..fast too . More fish quicker 😎
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