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Posts posted by Josh

  1. 52 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

    Yep, and currently owned by yours truly. I'm sure a deal can be done 😉👍

    Oh shoot… I did wonder ..

    what’s the coo mate ? How comes ur selling up.


    oh I’d love it . Looks like everything it says 

    and how reassuring to buy it off of someone you trust.

    only problem is it’s not the moment for me . ££

    I’m sure I’ll miss that opportunity but I never seen too many of them ..

    how do you rate them ? 



  2. 1 hour ago, Odyssey said:

    Got to be in to win it! 

    My issue with flying solo is helm is in cabin… can’t fit through door harnessed up 🤣 then when you leave your gaff in there too…. (Should of gone to scouts).

    Weather crap next week…. I want ti sunny but windy next Saturday as I’m a bit busy getting wed but after that hopefully get back out there 🙂

    looks like you had cracking conditions… next time sure you’ll find one 😄😄😄

    Agree with you there bud 100%

    something I defo would install (if and when I ever go up a boat)… I’d have to have external helm.

    becuase the whole point would be to be able to do more of this so I would inevitably end up solo at times and need to manoeuvre.


    always pondering on that change of boat a few variables to consider though 

  3. Fair play Luke got out there and made it happen , had solid day out there,

    takes extra alone even though we can all do it , and are all motivated, when someone else is game with you it seems easier.


    I went out solo too.

    the weather updated good in the weather I went out into a bit of residual swell but it literally went to pancakes by the afternoon.


    i really thought it was going to happen , I had ones n twos busting up round me .

    doing everything I could checking algae ,but it wasn’t to be … next time though !



    when I looked over the hood after hearing these dynamite blows to the water … not dolphins…

    I started chunking like Jeffery darma .



    Lad I speak to was out today caught his first thresher today nice big one . 

  4. 2 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    Down to 1.3m…. Jerry cans refilled… chum ready…. Just need to wake up on time 🤣

    Get out there ! Come on …


    push the drag up

    ’cold steel to the face’


  5. 1 hour ago, Odyssey said:

    If anyone can get to Milford haven for 07:30 tomorrow you can jump on 🤣

    I’m down in conrwall I’d of shot over got the big rods

    but I’m with the mrs and dogs .

    don’t think it’ll go down too well.. 😬


    although I am trying to squeeze a mornings fishing in poxy east wind showing tomro 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    @Josh nice fish you had there, good to see a couple of good fish jumping too. 
    Now all we need to do is get you to put as much effort into posting your pics as you do your fishing! Then you'd be the perfect member!!🤣



    😂😂😂😂 I know mate I’ll give this a read tonight 

    thanks Andy .


  7. 6 hours ago, GPSguru said:

    It is a little over a month since I have been out, but the forecast was good, so a trip to the Skerries it was.

    The crew for the day was Kyle, and the Skerries are probably his favourite mark.

    I picked up Kyle at 7:00am and the outside temperature was 7C, so quite chilly. We launched and were making our way out to sea at 7:40am.

    The sea was flat, so it was a very comfortable run to the mark at a steady 25knts. At 08:30 we were on the Skerries and ready to fish.

    I was expecting more boats to be out, but there were only a handful. I guess in some quarters, going fishing on the funeral day of our Queen would be frowned upon, however, I wasn’t exactly on her Christmas card list and TBH we have had enough of our own family despair and a funeral over the past month.

    The Skerries is a mark where you really need a neap tide, and that was exactly the conditions we had today. Our first drift took us diagonally across the banks at 1.2knts, 223 degrees true. Although we had plenty of frozen Mack, I dropped the tinsels to see what was about, and had a full string before the tinsels hit the bottom. Another few drops saw us with plenty of bait and enough to replenish the freezer.

    I was first in with a decent Plaice of 2½lb, and that was to be the stamp of the larger keepers. We were also getting a huge number of smaller Plaice that were quite plump, but we decided to release them. Kyle is the king of the postage stamp Plaice, and he had a few of those.

    Also in the mix were the usual hordes of Gurnards, however, Kyle caught a really decent Grey that went just over a pound, and for a Grey that is a stonking fish. Interestingly, Kyle and I were using different baits for the Plaice as an experiment, but that also had an effect on the Gurnards, he caught all Grey’s and I caught all Tub’s.

    By 1:30pm we had 9 keeper Plaice, and a shed load of Mack in the coolbox, so we decided to call it a day and head for home, which was an uneventful trip at 27knts. A total trip of   44nm.


    A decent Grey for Kyle


    The average stamp of the keepers


    To give you an idea of the Skerries banks size, that is the charter boat Gemini on the outer edge of the banks, we are almost in the middle in the middle of the banks.


    Nice to be back out there and some nice fish to show for it @GPSguru well done

  8. Just now, Dicky said:

    Unlucky mate but top effort again. That Coomber fish looks great, must be a pretty rare catch. I've just spent an hour and a half mixing chum for our trip down in September. Algae should be clearing now as they have had it for a few weeks now 


    not long for you now . I’ll prob see u there soMe point

    Yeah hopefully it does . 
    mind you will this heatwave pro long it ?

    or not necessarily 

  9. 13 hours ago, Andy135 said:

    Nice one Josh. I did consider the Overfalls for Sunday's weather, which incidentally turned out even better than the forecast predicted it would be, but in the end we stayed relatively local and went to Sandown Bay instead.

    Did you get caught in the sea fog that came down around 8.30am, or were you already far enough out to avoid it?

    Ah nice one mate 

    yes wer caught in it visibility was terrible on the overfalls really hung on till about 10am

    then turned lovely 


    any joy in the bay 

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