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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Josh


    Love the jeep i have Jeep Grand Cherokee on a 08 3.0L crd ltd ultimate towing weapon comfortable for long journeys , road tax is extortionate and fuel bill is moderate,, but beats killing the shit out of my previous Honda CR-V just wasn’t up to it.
  2. Josh


    Cheers guys @Andy135. @mike farrants @GPSguru
  3. Josh


    Hopefully you sort the car out soon did I see u said it was a jeep in a prev post ? Then be back out there on the big winter pollack.. easterly never pleasant!
  4. Josh


    @JonC 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣 @Saintly Fish🙏cheers mate @suzook12 yes their stunning thanks guys💪
  5. Josh


    Hi all been a while sorry been quiet I had been in awe of recent weather readings over the last couple weeks and was just too tempting for a trip out. so I rallied up my troop which was my dad for this trip booked the b n b didn’t want to rough it this time . Specially with pops. got down to the West Country in good time Friday night ready to fish Saturday. so plan was with minimal to pretty much no wrecking done on my own boat I wanted to get out and try . I wanted to get to about 20 miles then start but the northerly was a little choppy so I held tighter for cover and said we will fish outwards and hope it flattens which it did. so on to the first wreck I chose ling rigs baited with mackerel that I had brought down. dad went on lures for pollack 1st drift a pout 2nd drift moved over a tad.. dads rod lunges over and zoomed off good pollack to start the day well chuffed we were specially as we were overlooking these inshore wrecks. so yeah let’s re run that drift 3rd drift in and I’m getting a few pecks I thought pout but then my rod tightens up then i thought oh shit snag then it moved ! And started really kicking ect oh yes I said we got either a ling or a conger on here ! After a good account it surfaced so lightly hooked on to the boat and I was totally totally made up ! i thought maybe 20 lb looking but the Ruben heatens said 16’ n hlf … either way I was well buzzing specially so soon I’m the trip ! she was really fat too Anyway as the weather improved we pushed around other wrecks with not a lot of joy I did manage a half decent pollack and smaller fish some jumbo pout whiting and cuokoo wrasse and the dolphins showed up which is of course always a welcome sight until next time ! Josh
  6. Yep goujons tonight True yes in the afternoon it didn’t flatten right off as predicted
  7. Oh mate I’m gutted I didn’t I put him back don’t really know why … any conciliation i kept the other fish
  8. So with a weather window incoming midweek trip. was going to push for two days but turned out to just be 1. wednesday was holding on every update force 2 untill the morning update wow ! Thanks ! wer already here in Cornwall and it updated to force 4 for the wholemorning, doable but just much more Unpleasant anyway.. it wasn’t too bad more left over swell than chop. And it flattened off in the afternoon as promised. i took the big rods incase I managed any fresh mackerel for any large suspects. but it was dead on the sabikis so pushed out switched the tackle round to boom n lures and hit the reefs.. all be it bloody hard work as nets were right over it not sure 🤔 preservation wise how this is good … mind you is any fishing… but netting in spawning season but surely we want them to spawn anyhoo a topic that I’m too tired for ha. ! says me ready to crane them up on the 4inch sidewinder… Slow going but found a few and a octopus a first !
  9. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Yeah the leader was too long that’s how long I thought I wanted it JDP, but next time I’d go shorter. Bites haven’t been like the mackerel fishing so if their was any doubt in spooking tackle I wanted to increase the fluro length.. I know people who use wind ons short hook lengths long hook lengths The Post already says that the long leader went around my rod eyes and very nearly got into the prop. already said about needing two people but in this case wasn't possible. fact its done the fish swam off And Im alive so untill next time 🎣
  10. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Yes that’s right GPS I assumed by my post that ‘gaff’ would of been seen as lip hooked in the chin where the fish doesn’t suffer. that is what I did managed to do all but not for very long … certainly not gaffed to kill .
  11. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Agree with you JDP the trip was on for 2 man crew as always to be fair general safety and costs of the trip. my friend fell ill and could not attend I couldn’t get anyone on the same days notice unfortunately… I suppose to be successful we have to learn what unsuccessful is sometimes too.
  12. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Yeah mate we need to group together on this, if we are serious about not loosing some of the best fishing we have over here
  13. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Lol , I think I’ll take my chances at trying to catch another , rather that let you guys maul my drawing efforts😝
  14. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    I like your style 👊😎
  15. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    I saw it posted all over the shark fishing forums on Facebook but to be fair it was glancing look as I was boating , just saw negative looked away … the post was abo it how to stop it to be fair
  16. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Re::porgies I’m not sure to be fair in the details of that but hopefully neither right. re: tuna yeah I’d say so everything was later … and I’d probably say that the skippers were learning more n more on the job as they went which picked up catch rate .. their also fight times are down sometimes to 5minutes, those massive spreader bars put enormous drag on the fish .. I suppose from a protective program point of view it has its place .
  17. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Mate , I kno this is the world we live in and believe me I was telling my mate and he was like what’s the matter and I said I still feel short of it. But reality is I couldn’t of got much face bombing on my own I just wanted picture of it while it had fully surfaced and gave up! Oh well keeps us coming back right!
  18. Well done for getting out there looked stunning ! Gotta go when the opportunity is given life’s to short for a day at work instead
  19. Josh

    Solo Saturday

    Thanks Andy yeah why not mate ,I will do Most of all safety, your clipping in to serious fish one wrong move and it’s all over. what amazing fishing we have here.. on another note that might be worth a seperate post ,,, have you guys heard about ‘somehting about banning porbeagle fishing ‘ Not official but doesn’t sound nice…I mean obviously we would just say we are fishing for something else but how long before they say you then can’t fish for that ..
  20. So single handed trip this time. heading west ! Two clear days of weather I just could not pass up even at the difficulties of being single handed with what might crop up.. day 1, No hook ups other than loads of 6inch mackerel constantly pretty much whenever I tried. (always nice when this happens) Stunning weather and displays of tuna literally every 30minutes or so but not fields of them just one full breach but there obviously was numbers you could tell. Managed to catch a good breach shot. I had one do this between my floats and no takes . …. day 2 ; Arrival harbour 6.30am bacon buttys on exit harbour 7am Day due for the same weather but it wasn’t. Was quite a northerly chop going fortunately I was in pretty close which helped but it weren’t ideal… anyway no birds no bait fish not one tuna bust sight this was looking like a different place to yesterday… so I carried on eventually found the mackerel and tons of it all small. after about 4 hrs of getting pushed offshore I saw the birds working In close again and thought I’ll go in for another 2 hrs drift back again from there… so I’m not too far off to finish. well I arrived at the birds put one bait out sent it back on the ballon. put my second one down bent down to pick something up got up and the float was gone ! F*****!!! Wer on and at a rate of knots !!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A run that was frightening literally makes u question wether this is for fun ! Engine on and into battle getting stuck in with a lot more confidence in my ability now .. although it was bloody hard work driving the boat and fishing this way. I had to be on the wheel continuously. Or it would of been gone ! anyway I had it on the leader but (lesson learnt ) my traces are still way too long pulling his head up without ditching the rod was almost impossible this was about an hour in. Then the fight was very nearly over as that extra long trace wrapped round one eyes and I actually said ‘that’s a lost fish’ somehow I managed to unwrap it with the prop going how I didn’t loose it I don’t know! anyway so another 40 mins the fish changed tactics now and was gunning for depth trying to keep me straight so I kept driving forward and around to avoid this . it was helping but getting hard and tiring obviously …. Every time I wanted to get stuck into the rod I need to go back to the wheel to manoeuvre… so back on the leader gloves on same thing I can either stay looking at the fish 10foot under or Unclip and go for it. so I did and YES I got her up monumental size what a sight ! I stuck the gaff in and felt a wave of relief but to be fair the only negative was that he shook his head so much so that he actually slipped off the gaff turned and popped the hook himself . i was gutted from a glory photo point of view but I knew i caught this fish unlike last year. Not a bad job on my own i thought … I wouldn’t recommend it though no matter how many people do it. Sorry I haven’t got more photos you’ll have to use imagination and take my word for it this time ! back to Kent! Josh
  21. Josh

    Fowey 20-24th

    Mike Sherwood probably be the guy to speak to mate , helpful bloke
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