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Posts posted by Josh

  1. On 1/25/2022 at 1:50 PM, GPSguru said:

    Yes, Cheep Cherokee KJ 2004 2.8CRD LTD, we have had it since it was almost new, and it has given excellent service.



    Love the jeep


    i have Jeep Grand Cherokee on a 08 3.0L crd ltd


    ultimate towing weapon 

    comfortable for long journeys ,

    road tax is extortionate and fuel bill is moderate,, but beats killing the shit out of my previous Honda CR-V just wasn’t up to it.


  2. 23 hours ago, GPSguru said:



    Well done Josh, some super fish there.

    I was going out with my mate today, and we had planned the 40 - 50 mile wrecks, but the wind turned easterly (not as forecast) so we gave it a miss.

    I haven't been out since the 17th due to a poorly tow truck with intermittent electrical issues, but that is now almost solved, so I will be out there when the next suitable weather arrives.


    Hopefully you sort the car out soon did I see u said it was a jeep in a prev post ?

    Then be back out there on the big winter pollack..

    easterly never pleasant!

  3. 15 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Nice going Josh. Two cracking fish for your efforts! 
    Did you keep and eat the octopus??

    Oh mate I’m gutted I didn’t I put him back don’t really know why … any conciliation i kept the other fish 

  4. 31 minutes ago, JDP said:

    Why the long leader and not simply a wind on that you can literally wind the hook to the tip of the rod if you like. Lucky you didn't get the line wrapped around the rod ending in a snapped rod or even wrapped around the prop in a big mess. Theres also the chance of getting wrapped in heavy loose line yourself, which could end badly with such heavy fish. Not being funny but these bigger fish really need two people for catch and release, different matter catch kill. 

    Its fantastic to see so many of these fish about, not sure what's going on with tuna generally but here we normally get a 2 week opportunity on bluefin and about the same with yellowfin (both like different temp water). However we have had around 7 months of combined tuna and albacore which at times are in land based reach. This isn't just our part of the coast but a stretch of water 15000km long has been getting similar catches which hasn't been heard of in many years. Bait fish, mostly mackerel have been in such massive schools that you quite literally drive over them all day along the continental shelf. We are pretty lucky that most of these bluefin are small 20-40kg which are easy work fishing solo with quite light spin gear. 

    Yeah the leader was too long that’s how long I thought I wanted it JDP, but next time I’d go shorter.

    Bites  haven’t been like the mackerel fishing so if their was any doubt in spooking tackle I wanted to increase the fluro length..

    I know people who use

    wind ons 

    short hook lengths 

    long hook lengths 


    The Post already says that the long leader went around my rod eyes and very nearly got into the prop.

    already said about needing two people but in this case wasn't possible.

    fact its done the fish swam off 

    And Im alive so untill next time 


  5. On 11/26/2021 at 12:07 AM, GPSguru said:

    The fish wasn't gaffed, probably a ‘loose’ description by Josh.

    The proper name of the tool we use is a lip hook. It looks like a gaff, but is carefully inserted under the chin from the lower gill flap, or in the mouth and out of the chin gill flap. It is a safe and recognised way of holding the fish at the side of the boat for recovery whilst motoring forward at 3  - 4 knts to ensure oxygenated water is flowing over the gills.

    Mine is made from 12mm stainless with a T bar handle so it can be roped if required. For the rope I use a long 24mm soft  multiplatt. i know that Josh uses the same tool.


    Yes that’s right GPS

    I assumed by my post that ‘gaff’ would of been seen as lip hooked in the chin where the fish doesn’t suffer. 
    that is what I did managed to do all but not for very long … 

    certainly not gaffed to kill .


  6. On 11/25/2021 at 11:22 PM, JDP said:

    Pretty sad to loose a tired fish with a gaff shot in it. Maybe think about doing this style of fishing with another person onboard for the welfare of the fish until you become experienced enough to target them solo. The truth can be harsh but this kind of report doesn't favour regulations to be changed.

    Agree with you JDP

    the trip was on for 2 man crew as always to be fair  general safety and costs of the trip.

    my friend fell ill and could not attend I couldn’t get anyone on the same days notice unfortunately…

    I suppose to be successful we have to learn what unsuccessful is sometimes too.


  7. On 11/24/2021 at 10:00 AM, Odyssey said:

    Angling trust are on the case now, they are putting together some information to lobby the government too…. 

    Im not sure what we as individuals can do but I’ll do some digging and see what I find 

    Yeah mate we need to group together on this, if we are serious about not loosing some of the best fishing we have over here 

  8. 1 hour ago, Andy135 said:

    No, not heard anything along those lines. Who & where are they discussing this?

    I saw it posted all over the shark fishing forums on Facebook but to be fair it was glancing look as I was boating , just saw negative looked away … the post was abo it how to stop it to be fair 

  9. 52 minutes ago, Dicky said:

    Well done again mate, cracking fish. There seem to be more tuna around now than there was all summer. The tagging skippers catches were getting better and better just as the program was coming to an end.

    With regards to the banning of beagle fishing is this in general or just when they are breeding as i know there has been pressure to stop fishing for them when in pup for a while. 


    I’m not sure to be fair in the details of that but hopefully neither right.


    re: tuna

    yeah I’d say so everything was later … and I’d probably say that the skippers were learning more n more on the job as they went which picked up catch rate ..

    their also fight times are down sometimes to 5minutes,

    those massive spreader bars put enormous drag on the fish .. I suppose from a protective program point of view it has its place .

  10. 1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Good report @Josh, sounds like fun. But, we have a rule here, no photo = no catch. Sorry better luck next time 🤣

    Great breach shot btw! 

    Mate , I kno this is the world we live in and believe me I was telling my mate and he was like what’s the matter and I said I still feel short of it. But reality is I couldn’t of got much face bombing on my own I just wanted picture of it while it had fully surfaced and gave up! Oh well keeps us coming back right!

  11. Thanks Andy 

    yeah why not mate ,I will do 

    Most of all safety, your clipping in to serious fish one wrong move and it’s all over. 

    what amazing fishing we have here..


    on another note that might be worth a seperate post ,,, have you guys heard about ‘somehting about banning porbeagle fishing ‘

    Not official but doesn’t sound nice…I mean obviously we would just say we are fishing for something else but how long before they say you then can’t fish for that ..

  12. 22 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    I’ll need to do some research this winter…. 

    I doubt I’ll ever get one but it’s nice to dream 🤣

    Mike Sherwood probably be the guy to speak to mate , helpful bloke 

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