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  1. Like
    Josh got a reaction from suzook12 in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  2. Thanks
    Josh got a reaction from daio web in Cornish bass   
    Thanks @daio web packing in what I can she’s only got a few weeks left before baby . 😱
  3. Like
    Josh got a reaction from GPSguru in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  4. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Geoff in Cornish bass   
    Thanks @daio web packing in what I can she’s only got a few weeks left before baby . 😱
  5. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Maverick in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  6. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Hoop in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  7. Thanks
    Josh reacted to daio web in Cornish bass   
    well done josh on the fish again theres no stopping you nice fish  nice report
  8. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Andy135 in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  9. Like
    Josh got a reaction from mick in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  10. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Dicky in Cornish bass   
    Last couple days left of the holiday 
    using up all my brownie points 
    forecast today was 
    gusting 17mph dropping all day so I was on the boat at daylight.
    but I held back a bit threw a lure around in harbour just to let the wind die a little.
    out and steaming by 7.45am about 4 miles on some mixed open ground I was dropping blue and white shad to the bottom winding up a few turns and just put the rod in the holder it and wait for it to fold over.
    an incredible stamp of bass 6 fish all chunky well fed . Best went 7.something
    to be fair the fights were strange almost nothing like. I’m not sure what that was about.
    anyway I didn’t want to take all these fish well one you only allowed 2.
    And two I didn’t want the agrovation of storing them whilst on holiday.
    so I was struggling to revive some of these fish but did keep two that didn’t go. And managed to pop the lure out in the net with the others .
    I opened up the stomach to find aload of crabs in there .
    out again tomorrow incredible forecast I’m taking a local out who used to take me out when I was young. He’s 92 I hope can put him on the fish he loves pollacking. Not the biggest tides but we will see what the days brings



  11. Like
    Josh reacted to Odyssey in West Wales Weather Window   
    Short weather window yesterday so managed to get a trip in. 
    Nice conditions on the way out and to start…. Then the rain came and stayed…. Visibility down to 0.5-1NM meant was hard to spot tuna so the guys focused on sharks. 
    15 to the boat to just under 100lb. Not bad for the 2 of them. 
    I did some fishing on the bottom, loads of whiting and spurs…. There was a low point to the day…. 4 dogfish on baited feathers at the same time…. Not much fun to drag up from 350ft of water 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    long ride home, didn’t see land until I was half mile from the entrance to the haven, crew were relieved to see land as I think they were starting to worry to I was going in the wrong direction….
    Hopefully back at on the weekend and maybe early next week (Monday looks mint for a tuna trip!) 

  12. Like
    Josh reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 1st October - weymouth - Dawn raid   
    heard reports of squid showing up so thought we would do a dawn raid.....
    5am alarm and down on Tims boat for 5.30 - His new spot lights were great for lighting up his foredeck and rails - not so good for spotting pot bouys (😜)  - so we used the plotter to take a wide berth out of the harbour - no issues and we were on the mark before first light  - glowing squid jigs went down and after an hour we only managed the one - still target acquired - guessing the water is still very dirty from the storms earlier in the week.
    off out to anchor up and due to the massive tides and strong SSW wind we opted for an inshore mark - 3Nm off on mixed ground known to show up allsorts. we weren't disappointed!
    between us we had a steady stream of fish all day.... 
    Mackerel, Loads of red gurnards, loads of black bream, conger, dogfish, smoothounds, Scad, Tope, 

    I do love a red gurnard!

    Feisty tope was a surprise!
    brought home one squid and 2x black bream for the table, plus a couple of mackerel for the bait freezer. 
    a long but cracking day - and still in shorts in Oct!
  13. Like
    Josh reacted to Malc in Saturday 30/9   
    Not sure what the day would bring as we move into autumn, so bait and lures were on the cards.

    First drift over a drop off with lures for pollock and codling but the drift hadn't really started to push so we were struggling to get a couple of small codling and a coalfish. Then we tried an inshore reef where we have had good pollock before and the visibility was great as we could see the lures down to 15ft or more but apart from a few more codling, including a kelpy codling, nothing of size. 

    the water quality went downhill as we got closer to the river, an ebbing tide, and eventually we returned to the marina and saw the dredger was hard at work turning the Tyne the colour I remember it was 50 years ago!

    Nice day picking away but nothing of size and just a mackerel coming home to get smoked and turned into pate.
  14. Like
    Josh reacted to daio web in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    great report bud and pics better luck next time thanks for sharing 
  15. Like
    Josh reacted to Dicky in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Bro will be in  a cast until late October minimum so probably not this season, really gutted. Got some mates from our club going down this Friday and weather looks changeable 
  16. Like
    Josh got a reaction from suzook12 in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Sorry guys thought I put this one up had a busy few weeks since this trip.
    we did 2 full days and half day 
    day one we headed out 
    struggled a bit for mackerel but had some in most places … 
    didn’t see signs of life no birds dolphins which was off putting but ultimately needed to start a drift somewhere so picked a spot and nothingness for a few hours and I just felt like we needed to move.
    So in comes the rods headed southwest and soon enough started seeing
    birds yes 
    dolphins yes
    then washing machines of BFT which was incredible and very heart pounding.
    even amongst them all we didn’t fool one .not that we were trying to ;
    but lots of excitement wen had an amazing forecast after a long day we headed in for food and sleep.
    Pic below tunas as they wer going thru under boat during frenzy 

    day two was a horrible easterly that had randomly come through the night and was hanging on so we went in the harbour and tossed the lures around . 
    we had a couple bass 
    actually I had this bass pictured on day 1 on a live joey at the end of the day . But still.

    so after some lunch we jumped back on the boat and pushed out for the afternoon with no joy . 

    obscene amounts of these crest jelly fish I mean there was more of them than there was water 

    day 3 half day to make it happen.
    started about 1mile off . The worst fog Iv ever experienced. Clarity about 15m

    Then a weird weird encounter of a pup blue shark at only 1.3mile off in about 100ft of water .

    an achievement for the location but not what we were after .
    be down again soon as come on weather !

  17. Like
    Josh reacted to Dicky in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Nice one mate, at least you got out. Should have been in Fowey last week but had to cancel due to the weather and my bro breaking his wrist
  18. Like
    Josh got a reaction from daio web in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Sorry guys thought I put this one up had a busy few weeks since this trip.
    we did 2 full days and half day 
    day one we headed out 
    struggled a bit for mackerel but had some in most places … 
    didn’t see signs of life no birds dolphins which was off putting but ultimately needed to start a drift somewhere so picked a spot and nothingness for a few hours and I just felt like we needed to move.
    So in comes the rods headed southwest and soon enough started seeing
    birds yes 
    dolphins yes
    then washing machines of BFT which was incredible and very heart pounding.
    even amongst them all we didn’t fool one .not that we were trying to ;
    but lots of excitement wen had an amazing forecast after a long day we headed in for food and sleep.
    Pic below tunas as they wer going thru under boat during frenzy 

    day two was a horrible easterly that had randomly come through the night and was hanging on so we went in the harbour and tossed the lures around . 
    we had a couple bass 
    actually I had this bass pictured on day 1 on a live joey at the end of the day . But still.

    so after some lunch we jumped back on the boat and pushed out for the afternoon with no joy . 

    obscene amounts of these crest jelly fish I mean there was more of them than there was water 

    day 3 half day to make it happen.
    started about 1mile off . The worst fog Iv ever experienced. Clarity about 15m

    Then a weird weird encounter of a pup blue shark at only 1.3mile off in about 100ft of water .

    an achievement for the location but not what we were after .
    be down again soon as come on weather !

  19. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Dicky in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Sorry guys thought I put this one up had a busy few weeks since this trip.
    we did 2 full days and half day 
    day one we headed out 
    struggled a bit for mackerel but had some in most places … 
    didn’t see signs of life no birds dolphins which was off putting but ultimately needed to start a drift somewhere so picked a spot and nothingness for a few hours and I just felt like we needed to move.
    So in comes the rods headed southwest and soon enough started seeing
    birds yes 
    dolphins yes
    then washing machines of BFT which was incredible and very heart pounding.
    even amongst them all we didn’t fool one .not that we were trying to ;
    but lots of excitement wen had an amazing forecast after a long day we headed in for food and sleep.
    Pic below tunas as they wer going thru under boat during frenzy 

    day two was a horrible easterly that had randomly come through the night and was hanging on so we went in the harbour and tossed the lures around . 
    we had a couple bass 
    actually I had this bass pictured on day 1 on a live joey at the end of the day . But still.

    so after some lunch we jumped back on the boat and pushed out for the afternoon with no joy . 

    obscene amounts of these crest jelly fish I mean there was more of them than there was water 

    day 3 half day to make it happen.
    started about 1mile off . The worst fog Iv ever experienced. Clarity about 15m

    Then a weird weird encounter of a pup blue shark at only 1.3mile off in about 100ft of water .

    an achievement for the location but not what we were after .
    be down again soon as come on weather !

  20. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Andy135 in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Sorry guys thought I put this one up had a busy few weeks since this trip.
    we did 2 full days and half day 
    day one we headed out 
    struggled a bit for mackerel but had some in most places … 
    didn’t see signs of life no birds dolphins which was off putting but ultimately needed to start a drift somewhere so picked a spot and nothingness for a few hours and I just felt like we needed to move.
    So in comes the rods headed southwest and soon enough started seeing
    birds yes 
    dolphins yes
    then washing machines of BFT which was incredible and very heart pounding.
    even amongst them all we didn’t fool one .not that we were trying to ;
    but lots of excitement wen had an amazing forecast after a long day we headed in for food and sleep.
    Pic below tunas as they wer going thru under boat during frenzy 

    day two was a horrible easterly that had randomly come through the night and was hanging on so we went in the harbour and tossed the lures around . 
    we had a couple bass 
    actually I had this bass pictured on day 1 on a live joey at the end of the day . But still.

    so after some lunch we jumped back on the boat and pushed out for the afternoon with no joy . 

    obscene amounts of these crest jelly fish I mean there was more of them than there was water 

    day 3 half day to make it happen.
    started about 1mile off . The worst fog Iv ever experienced. Clarity about 15m

    Then a weird weird encounter of a pup blue shark at only 1.3mile off in about 100ft of water .

    an achievement for the location but not what we were after .
    be down again soon as come on weather !

  21. Like
    Josh reacted to GPSguru in Teignmouth Saturday   
    OK, I understand the issue, this may help.
    Once anchored, back off the warp until the buoy is about 30yards from the boat.
    When you are ready to recover, clear the deck on the same side as the helm (I assume yours is starboard).
    Move off at a 45 degree angle to the buoy and then watch the warp at the bow to maintain the angle, you will then be making a large arc around the buoy. The buoy will go under and the popup once the anchor has broken free.
    This is the important bit .......... now the anchor has broken free, steer slightly straighter and the warp will come along side the boat. KEEP THE POWER ON, lean over the side and grab the warp (it will be almost at gunnel height), with the power still on leave the helm and run back to the stern still holding the warp and put a quick turn around the stern gunnel cleat.  Run back to the helm, and you can then watch the angle of the warp off the stern gunnel and the buoy. Open up with more throttle until the buoy is firmly being towed, then slow down to stationary and walk back to release the rope off the stern cleat. If you are not using a lazy line, then make a very low speed skid turn to point the bow at the buoy. Leave the engine on with the boat stationary and engine on idle, recover the warp and buoy. If you are using a lazy line, then just recover the warp and buoy from the stern, and then tie off the lazy line in its normal position.
    Regardless of how bad the sea is, by looping onto the stern gunnel cleat, you can always see the angle of the warp. If you don't use the stern cleat, then it is easy to lose sight of the warp and run over it.
    Also, you should always have your anchor set to trip, even with the slightest snag. Mine will trip about 1 in 5 times when recovering. Just replace the cable tie, and ready to go.
  22. Like
    Josh reacted to thejollysinker in Teignmouth Saturday   
    Took the opportunity to go out yesterday as there was a small weather window which couldn’t be ignored. Beautiful calm morning and with fresh anti fouling on the hull it was hammer down time to get over to the Ore Stone for a jigging session. 21kts achieved, got there nice and quick so thought I’d try ‘mackerel corner’ at Hope’s Nose first. 3 drifts, a suicidal tiny pollack and 2 joey macks later I headed off to Tucker Rock reef and was in straightaway with some nice sized fat mackerel 👌
    I continued to do repeat drifts along the edge of the reef and bagged up with about 15kg of mackerel and scad with a solitary sardine in the mix. I really wanted a red gurnard for my species hunt group as I already had tubs and greys so fished hard on the bottom every drift and was overjoyed to get one after about an hour of trying 😅
    I really wanted to anchor up on the northward flow at the back of the reef and foolishly decided to go for it knowing that the wind was going to get up a bit. Got some nice fresh baits down on 12lb class gear, 3 oz leads and away we go, dogfish🤣
    It got rough very quickly and the yachties were now out in force using me as a bloody target🤷‍♂️ carried on and got a ratchet whizzing bite which gave me a hell of a fight. Took about ten minutes to get it up and wasn’t surprised to see a 20lb plus conger which I had to gaff as I was struggling to stand up let alone net the bugger 🤣
    Another fresh bait sent down saw a lovely Huss of around 12lb come up, chuffed with that. Next bait saw a really gentle bite so I left it a couple of minutes then pulled into it only to get another epic battle which saw a 24lb conger come up (I weighed it best I could in the by now awful conditions).
    This is where my day went downhill. I could not for the life of me use the Alderney ring technique to retrieve my anchor…. every time I tried I lost sight of the rope, couldn’t keep direction in the snotty sea and completely lost confidence in what I was doing. I even went over the bloody thing once so engine off and tilt up….. no choice but to pull by hand which was like riding a bucking bronco and I very nearly decided to cut and run. The nose of my boat nearly went under at one point and I seriously questioned my sanity. Anyway, once it finally broke free I managed to get it up and stowed it through the front hatch. I made for quieter waters and then sorted it all out.
    Got back to the mooring with a sense of relief and was treated to the spectacle of about 10 mullet messing around under my tender alongside the boat in a foot or so of water and they were pretty big, 3 or 4 lbs apiece 👌
    So for the first trip out on my own in 18 months it was probably the best trip I’ve had since I started boat fishing which was only tainted by the anchor incident. I’m here to tell the tale and that’s all that matters, lesson learnt 👍
    8 species, mackerel, scad, sardine, pollack, red gurnard, dogfish, conger and Huss….. I very nearly landed a huge spider crab but he let go at the last minute 🤣

  23. Like
    Josh reacted to thejollysinker in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Nice report mate and a few good fish 👌
  24. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Malc in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Sorry guys thought I put this one up had a busy few weeks since this trip.
    we did 2 full days and half day 
    day one we headed out 
    struggled a bit for mackerel but had some in most places … 
    didn’t see signs of life no birds dolphins which was off putting but ultimately needed to start a drift somewhere so picked a spot and nothingness for a few hours and I just felt like we needed to move.
    So in comes the rods headed southwest and soon enough started seeing
    birds yes 
    dolphins yes
    then washing machines of BFT which was incredible and very heart pounding.
    even amongst them all we didn’t fool one .not that we were trying to ;
    but lots of excitement wen had an amazing forecast after a long day we headed in for food and sleep.
    Pic below tunas as they wer going thru under boat during frenzy 

    day two was a horrible easterly that had randomly come through the night and was hanging on so we went in the harbour and tossed the lures around . 
    we had a couple bass 
    actually I had this bass pictured on day 1 on a live joey at the end of the day . But still.

    so after some lunch we jumped back on the boat and pushed out for the afternoon with no joy . 

    obscene amounts of these crest jelly fish I mean there was more of them than there was water 

    day 3 half day to make it happen.
    started about 1mile off . The worst fog Iv ever experienced. Clarity about 15m

    Then a weird weird encounter of a pup blue shark at only 1.3mile off in about 100ft of water .

    an achievement for the location but not what we were after .
    be down again soon as come on weather !

  25. Like
    Josh got a reaction from thejollysinker in Delayed report 6/7th/8th sept   
    Sorry guys thought I put this one up had a busy few weeks since this trip.
    we did 2 full days and half day 
    day one we headed out 
    struggled a bit for mackerel but had some in most places … 
    didn’t see signs of life no birds dolphins which was off putting but ultimately needed to start a drift somewhere so picked a spot and nothingness for a few hours and I just felt like we needed to move.
    So in comes the rods headed southwest and soon enough started seeing
    birds yes 
    dolphins yes
    then washing machines of BFT which was incredible and very heart pounding.
    even amongst them all we didn’t fool one .not that we were trying to ;
    but lots of excitement wen had an amazing forecast after a long day we headed in for food and sleep.
    Pic below tunas as they wer going thru under boat during frenzy 

    day two was a horrible easterly that had randomly come through the night and was hanging on so we went in the harbour and tossed the lures around . 
    we had a couple bass 
    actually I had this bass pictured on day 1 on a live joey at the end of the day . But still.

    so after some lunch we jumped back on the boat and pushed out for the afternoon with no joy . 

    obscene amounts of these crest jelly fish I mean there was more of them than there was water 

    day 3 half day to make it happen.
    started about 1mile off . The worst fog Iv ever experienced. Clarity about 15m

    Then a weird weird encounter of a pup blue shark at only 1.3mile off in about 100ft of water .

    an achievement for the location but not what we were after .
    be down again soon as come on weather !

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