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Scotch_Egg2012 last won the day on June 12 2021

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  1. It is a failsafe release I've never not had it deploy the contents. Made a huge difference when Bream fishing last year
  2. I use this successfully in an around the Solent, 316 stainless.
  3. There has been a few landed from the Dolphin Bank over the last couple of weeks, not heard of any coming from our side yet but it won't be long Had the weather played ball this weekend we would have had a go for them. Been quite a good showing of them Brighton way
  4. We faffed for a similar amount of time, tried the net. Did think rope but we were in 4kts of tide so scrapped that idea. I think the dog grabber type tool is likely the way I'll go if I want to boat them.
  5. We only try to weigh the bigger ones as they're likely to be a PB or boat record, anything below 35 estimated gets T barred off. I was trying to land exactly like that onto the swim platform and then through the stern door, the rig must of had a nick or been rubbed as I got it out up to it pectorals before the 80lb rig body parted just off from the wire. I hate leaving tackle in fish so wasn't best pleased with that.
  6. That's the 3rd bigger one we've lost boat side going to find a different way of landing them
  7. Headed back out to last week's mark to see if we could bag some more Spurdogs. We had a small weather window and around 10am it was almost a spring like day 12 degrees on the thermometer and the see totally flat. Spurs didn't read the script and didn't show but we had a nice by catch of Blonde rays, Smoothound and a very nice 40lb+ Tope which we managed to loose whilst trying to get it on board, weren't prepared for it so had to improvise the landing on rigs that weren't up to the task the end result was very predictably challenging and not entirely unexpected. The big ones are always a pain to land.
  8. I think it depends on your chosen quarry, some species are lovers of deeper marks other not so much. I go searching for a particular feature that will likely produce my quarry rather than go for depth. Blonde rays being a good example, I have caught them on shallower grounds but also deeper ones, the key I look for is a series of sandbanks with a good run of tide. A tactic I use which has come with me from shore fishing is to research the most consistent marks for your chosen quarry, one that produces them year after year. Then put the time in to learn whether they fish better on the Ebb or Flood, Big or Small tides. Yes fish can turn up anywhere but you cut your chances on a mark with little history of producing what you want.
  9. Well done for getting out, we had very much the same on Saturday, 6 miles off St Catherine's and it was lumpy, should have been 5-6mph NW but was more Westerly and well over 10mph
  10. No just standard J hooks, we found the Spurs didn't hit hard and fast, very gentle tugs and a few pull downs but didn't break the lead out, maybe different with a bit of tide run though
  11. Very much pack hunters & fast moving so once you hit the first one time is of the essence before they move on
  12. Spurs clearly visible in the image when you zoom in
  13. Headed out with Ray today prospecting a mark for Spurdogs. Stopped off of the Camswan wreck on the way out to try and obtain some pout & whiting for bait and to burn up some time so we could hit the mark at St Catherine's in a fishable state. We picked up a few pout for bait and moved out to scout the area for likely looking banks that we suspected should hold Spurdogs. Settled on a good looking spot and dropped the pick, which we struggled with in the tide, we aimed to fish the last hour of the flood, slack and then the start of the ebb. I was fishing 1 uptide and 1 downtider, Ray decided on 3 uptiders and a downtider. We actually managed to get the uptiders dug in in the 3kts of tide and 115ft foot depth with 8ozs. Out went the first of our baits and very quickly the bites commenced, we landed 3 Blonde rays in fairly quick succession, 2 for Ray 1 for me, followed by an Eel a piece in the 35lb range. It was nice to be able to really lean into a fish that put up a real battle in the tide. As the tide dropped slack the bites changed and we boated 4 Spurdogs one after the other 3 on Rays uptiders at the same time and one on mine. As quickly as they came they went and we hit into a run of smaller strap eels. Only managed the 1 picture of the biggest Spur of the day 15.75lbs, mine had taken the hook down and was bleeding so I quickly unhooked and returned and didn't bother with a picture, weighed somewhere in the 13lb range. Better tides next weekend so weather permitting we will head back A good day on the fish just a shame the weather was not as forecast
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