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    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Nicholson Trailer   
    I also decided I wasn't happy with the castor rollers, so they will get replaced also.
    After that, it just left the winch and winch strap.

    It was at this point the decision was taken to retire for tea!
    I need to get some glue for the bunk carpets, then can start the carpeting process and get those refitted with new bolts. Don't know whether to go for evostik or sticks like sh*t.... We will see.
    Will make a decision in the morning, have to go pick some sealer up so get both at same time....
    The trailer looks to have been modded for height, with the roller blocks, and also packers between the chassis and axle. I feel this should probably have 16" wheels, but that would involve new hubs as the bolt pattern is now obsolete.....
    Like the boat, what started out as a cheapie, is fast racking up, with the current shopping basket, plus the bits already bout, we are over £500 already, so the trailer is coming in at £1300 so far...... As yet, I still have to finish the boat, service the engine and probably reprop it. I envisage being around £3k all in..... Had I had turned up a shetland alaska for that sort of money, this wouldn't be here but half the fun is the project eh.....
  2. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from JDP in Nicholson Trailer   
    I also decided I wasn't happy with the castor rollers, so they will get replaced also.
    After that, it just left the winch and winch strap.

    It was at this point the decision was taken to retire for tea!
    I need to get some glue for the bunk carpets, then can start the carpeting process and get those refitted with new bolts. Don't know whether to go for evostik or sticks like sh*t.... We will see.
    Will make a decision in the morning, have to go pick some sealer up so get both at same time....
    The trailer looks to have been modded for height, with the roller blocks, and also packers between the chassis and axle. I feel this should probably have 16" wheels, but that would involve new hubs as the bolt pattern is now obsolete.....
    Like the boat, what started out as a cheapie, is fast racking up, with the current shopping basket, plus the bits already bout, we are over £500 already, so the trailer is coming in at £1300 so far...... As yet, I still have to finish the boat, service the engine and probably reprop it. I envisage being around £3k all in..... Had I had turned up a shetland alaska for that sort of money, this wouldn't be here but half the fun is the project eh.....
  3. Like
    suzook12 reacted to willyhookit in suzuki DF 140   
    Just a update  om my suzuki DF140    i finally  got to  sea on sunday   and the engine run fine for about 1/2 an hour  then started to misfire on one cylinder   Bugger   throttled back  and it went back onto 4 cylinders   thinking it may be a duff plug     we stayed  inshore  and never went above  4000  RPM     all was fine     on the way in a  gave it some  throttle   and  it  ran great  even at WOT   it never missed a beat     idle speed is   spot on    while  the engine is out of gear and in the water    ( something ) you can.t test on muffs     once home  i checked the water separator & filter  and there was a drop of water in there   thinking this could of been the cause of the misfire     ive fitter a new filter and 4 new plugs   now ill have to wait until the weekend as see what the weathers like   if  ok  ill drag the boat back over to whitby   for another days fishing    we did ok on the inshore ground with cod to 4 lbs   loads of maks   a few  undersized  haddock      so the  £26 /27   I A C valve off a ford  Ka       works as it should  on a DF 140      tight lines Alain 

  4. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Dicky in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Made our way to Gorleston harbour to jump on the High Flyer 2. The previous day the sea had been flat calm and a boat record tope was caught at 70lb. They had also had a big session on schoolie bass, tho mist were undersized. The first notable thing before casting off was there was a significant breeze, NE 12-15mph, so was going to be a bit snotty to start as wind against tide, The day was also rearranged to hit the bass marks first and do some drifts rather than be at anchor, then anchor on the tope mark once tide had turned and sea flattened off.....
    Mackerel, plenty of them, all bait size, but no bass. Got harpooned by a scad, and thrown about a bit, but unlike 2 of the crew who needed to rearrange their stomach contents, all good...
    The time came to hit the t5ope mark, a little bit early, but weren't too bad. First rod goes flying off... My mate to my right off of the back, then it goes quiet, dropped........ Shortly after, the rod to my left goes off, this time a 20lber on uptide to scad head. Then the tide dropped away and all went quiet, the wind switched to E, and that was us done, not a thing after that on feathers, bait or tope rigs, even with a move.
    Right at the death a rod goes flying off, I jokingly said it was the seal that had been watching us for the last hour....... It was!! Hook pulled, seal reappeared to give us the flipper, and that was that.
    With that we headed back in. A good day out except for the fish..... Roll on the 16th
  5. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from daio web in VHF Radio licence   
    I agree, vhf regardless of licence. But all the better if you know how to use it.
    Was quite surprising when I did mine, I was on CB for years so no issues at all, but there were 2 or 3 gin palace owners who really struggled with the basics, like keying the mike before you start talking...... If you have no experience of radio useage, then I think the course is ideal......
    However, with many areas being combined nowaday, we got a call for a mayday at Matgate. Now, if we had left to attend immediately the call came in, we still wouldn't be back yet!! I think they need to look at it again, otherwise people will start turning them off....
  6. Like
    suzook12 reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    glad you had a good day mate
  7. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from GPSguru in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Made our way to Gorleston harbour to jump on the High Flyer 2. The previous day the sea had been flat calm and a boat record tope was caught at 70lb. They had also had a big session on schoolie bass, tho mist were undersized. The first notable thing before casting off was there was a significant breeze, NE 12-15mph, so was going to be a bit snotty to start as wind against tide, The day was also rearranged to hit the bass marks first and do some drifts rather than be at anchor, then anchor on the tope mark once tide had turned and sea flattened off.....
    Mackerel, plenty of them, all bait size, but no bass. Got harpooned by a scad, and thrown about a bit, but unlike 2 of the crew who needed to rearrange their stomach contents, all good...
    The time came to hit the t5ope mark, a little bit early, but weren't too bad. First rod goes flying off... My mate to my right off of the back, then it goes quiet, dropped........ Shortly after, the rod to my left goes off, this time a 20lber on uptide to scad head. Then the tide dropped away and all went quiet, the wind switched to E, and that was us done, not a thing after that on feathers, bait or tope rigs, even with a move.
    Right at the death a rod goes flying off, I jokingly said it was the seal that had been watching us for the last hour....... It was!! Hook pulled, seal reappeared to give us the flipper, and that was that.
    With that we headed back in. A good day out except for the fish..... Roll on the 16th
  8. Agree
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Sure is mate, hence why I want my own boat on the water, if the day is right, do it
  9. Agree
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Sure is mate, hence why I want my own boat on the water, if the day is right, do it
  10. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Yes n no, it is what it is, just good to be out, plenty of banter
  11. Like
    suzook12 reacted to Saintly Fish in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Unlucky mate, but that's fishing huh!!
  12. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Made our way to Gorleston harbour to jump on the High Flyer 2. The previous day the sea had been flat calm and a boat record tope was caught at 70lb. They had also had a big session on schoolie bass, tho mist were undersized. The first notable thing before casting off was there was a significant breeze, NE 12-15mph, so was going to be a bit snotty to start as wind against tide, The day was also rearranged to hit the bass marks first and do some drifts rather than be at anchor, then anchor on the tope mark once tide had turned and sea flattened off.....
    Mackerel, plenty of them, all bait size, but no bass. Got harpooned by a scad, and thrown about a bit, but unlike 2 of the crew who needed to rearrange their stomach contents, all good...
    The time came to hit the t5ope mark, a little bit early, but weren't too bad. First rod goes flying off... My mate to my right off of the back, then it goes quiet, dropped........ Shortly after, the rod to my left goes off, this time a 20lber on uptide to scad head. Then the tide dropped away and all went quiet, the wind switched to E, and that was us done, not a thing after that on feathers, bait or tope rigs, even with a move.
    Right at the death a rod goes flying off, I jokingly said it was the seal that had been watching us for the last hour....... It was!! Hook pulled, seal reappeared to give us the flipper, and that was that.
    With that we headed back in. A good day out except for the fish..... Roll on the 16th
  13. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Yarmouth 31sr July   
    Made our way to Gorleston harbour to jump on the High Flyer 2. The previous day the sea had been flat calm and a boat record tope was caught at 70lb. They had also had a big session on schoolie bass, tho mist were undersized. The first notable thing before casting off was there was a significant breeze, NE 12-15mph, so was going to be a bit snotty to start as wind against tide, The day was also rearranged to hit the bass marks first and do some drifts rather than be at anchor, then anchor on the tope mark once tide had turned and sea flattened off.....
    Mackerel, plenty of them, all bait size, but no bass. Got harpooned by a scad, and thrown about a bit, but unlike 2 of the crew who needed to rearrange their stomach contents, all good...
    The time came to hit the t5ope mark, a little bit early, but weren't too bad. First rod goes flying off... My mate to my right off of the back, then it goes quiet, dropped........ Shortly after, the rod to my left goes off, this time a 20lber on uptide to scad head. Then the tide dropped away and all went quiet, the wind switched to E, and that was us done, not a thing after that on feathers, bait or tope rigs, even with a move.
    Right at the death a rod goes flying off, I jokingly said it was the seal that had been watching us for the last hour....... It was!! Hook pulled, seal reappeared to give us the flipper, and that was that.
    With that we headed back in. A good day out except for the fish..... Roll on the 16th
  14. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Back at it today.
    Mission today was to find out why water wasn;t draining..... Quite simple really, nowhere to run, no drain hole to allow it to get to the bilge pump!! Cut a section of cockpit floor out so as could get a pistol drill in to run a 19mm hole saw through. Will enlarge at some point and glue a tube in, will also make  a cover for the hole so water can drain out of the cockpit
    A tube of sikaflex will stop other points getting water in and capping a hole off where we think an anchor winch was fitted.
    The lead and plug arrived for the NMEA plug for the radio, so can get that coupled up and test it once I dig the navionics card out....
    So, few little jobs for this summer to finish the boat, will be starting on the trailer very soon, and getting the engine ready.......
    Video up soon
  15. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from JDP in VHF Radio licence   
    Another for the just do it call-
    The one good thing about the course is that you actually use a radio, so you can get the mike shyness and newbee mistakes over and done with where it doesn't matter.
    Its will also teach you how to use the DSC (Digital Select Calling) and the red button properly. As well as all that, you will go through different call scenarios, Mayday, Pan Pan etc and learn when to use what, what information to give......
  16. Haha
    suzook12 got a reaction from JDP in Xmas in July   
    So are most of the bars in Amsterdam!!
  17. Agree
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Hi I’ve just purchased this boat can anybody identify make or model for me please? Thank you   
    Lack of splash well I would find quite worrying in all but flat calm waters.....
  18. Haha
    suzook12 got a reaction from daio web in Xmas in July   
    So are most of the bars in Amsterdam!!
  19. Agree
    suzook12 got a reaction from daio web in Hi I’ve just purchased this boat can anybody identify make or model for me please? Thank you   
    Lack of splash well I would find quite worrying in all but flat calm waters.....
  20. Like
  21. Like
    suzook12 reacted to JDP in Xmas in July   
    Yes it’s a thing here in Australia as it’s often the coldest month and can be very much like Europe in winter.
    My son headed off Friday to do a few music gigs in a small town the other side of the mountains, a 10hr return trip. His next gig after that is a 4 day 4500km drive. 
    Just settled down for a relaxed evening with the Mrs when the phone rings🫣 our son, forgot his guitar and music folders😳
    Mum, dad can you bring my music gear 😣. However the gear is at a different house an hour in the wrong direction from our place.
    So a quick overnight trip it was. Got to his gig with 20mins to spare , which was a good night out. Camped at the bottom of the mountains in sub 0’c temps. Didn’t have to head to high before we were driving in the white stuff and -4’c mid day temps. Must admit it’s good to do a few trips to the snow over winter given it’s so close to where we live on the coast. It did feel very much like Xmas.











  22. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Back at it today.
    Mission today was to find out why water wasn;t draining..... Quite simple really, nowhere to run, no drain hole to allow it to get to the bilge pump!! Cut a section of cockpit floor out so as could get a pistol drill in to run a 19mm hole saw through. Will enlarge at some point and glue a tube in, will also make  a cover for the hole so water can drain out of the cockpit
    A tube of sikaflex will stop other points getting water in and capping a hole off where we think an anchor winch was fitted.
    The lead and plug arrived for the NMEA plug for the radio, so can get that coupled up and test it once I dig the navionics card out....
    So, few little jobs for this summer to finish the boat, will be starting on the trailer very soon, and getting the engine ready.......
    Video up soon
  23. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Malc in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Weather will be fine, I'll be working on boat and/or trailer. Once it's ready weather will be shit until 2324!!
    Out on a charter on 31st hopefully
  24. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Nicholson Trailer   
    Box of parts landed today. Was hoping to get them fitted tomorrow but more likely will be wiring instead....
  25. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Hi Jon, yeah over seven and a half foot beam, that's what sold it.
    As for whether it's a keeper, we will see. If I get on with it ok, it'll be around for a while, if not, will move it on. Like everything, if the right price is offered, it'll go..... But not until I've christened it
    I have seen some real horror stories when it comes to wiring, bikes too, and inevitably, what starts as a tidy up ends up as a rewire, just because it's ultimately easier
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