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  1. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Hi Jon, yeah over seven and a half foot beam, that's what sold it.
    As for whether it's a keeper, we will see. If I get on with it ok, it'll be around for a while, if not, will move it on. Like everything, if the right price is offered, it'll go..... But not until I've christened it
    I have seen some real horror stories when it comes to wiring, bikes too, and inevitably, what starts as a tidy up ends up as a rewire, just because it's ultimately easier
  2. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Dicky in Jack Tar 17fter   
    For anyone interested, 2 videos up
  3. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Another busy day in the heat, but, apart from a couple of niggles the wiring is all done!! 😁👍
    Everything powers up, I need to swap the wires round for the bilge pump, but that runs so much better now. I have to get the right fuses for it and I need to replace the rocker switches as they are a bit intermittent as to whether they are going to work or not.
    I am very happy with the results. Obviously still have to sort the motor electrics but that should be straight forward.
    Couple of days off now to recover from all the aches and pains and scorchio weather. Later in the week, I will cut a couple of bits of cockpit floor so we can get it draining properly. I will also drag the motor down and make a list of parts to order as well as set about mounting the control box. I also have to find/make/buy a mounting bracket for the HDS5M unit acquired from our very own Andy, and also need to find the navionics card acquired from our very own Neal. Onwards and upwards....
    'Will try and get video edited and up tonight for anyone wanting a look see
  4. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from JDP in Jack Tar 17fter   
    For anyone interested, 2 videos up
  5. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from JDP in Trailer time   
    I too have a growing collection of trailer parts, just waiting for the tyres to arrive
  6. Like
    suzook12 reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Paradise for sport fishing lovers!   
    looks grate
    i have been near there a long time ago.brings back memerys
  7. Like
    suzook12 reacted to Juan Ramírez in Paradise for sport fishing lovers!   
    We have been visiting Gran Canaria for 1 week and I have been delighted with the weather, the people and food. 
    We hope to return soon, we have caught more than 20 k of fish!  The skipper of the boat didn't know much English but his sailor translated for us.  It was an incredible day. I bought my ticket at Dorado Sport and everything was incredible.
    Thank you very much to the community and I will continue posting my fishing experiences! 🙂

  8. Agree
    suzook12 got a reaction from mick in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Cheers mate, I would love to say 3 weeks time, but, we'll see what it throws at us yet. Would rather have it right and miss the tope than in the water and dangerous faults
  9. Like
    suzook12 reacted to JDP in Trailer time   
    All setup for new adventures. 


  10. Like
    suzook12 reacted to JDP in Trailer time   
    Slow postage getting the softer black skids but all cut and fitted now and marine carpet on the bunks. Starting to collect so many trailer parts now, I could almost build another !!!!

  11. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from daio web in Jack Tar 17fter   
    For anyone interested, 2 videos up
  12. Like
    suzook12 reacted to Malc in The long and short of it..   
    A good weather window and we headed out in my friends boat to some wrecks off the mouth of the Tyne, first stop was a little bit further off the piers than normal due to the amount of fresh water coming out of the river for mackerel. I had 3 weever and the smallest whiting I have ever seen, about the length of my little finger! However the weever count for the species competition and my mate managed a few monster mackerel for bait. Pretty fish but nasty stings, and strangely well up in the water column.

    First wreck was pretty quiet but it was a small tide and early in the ebb. Next was better as we were getting bites on baited muppets etc. The idea was to get the easiest species for this time of year so we don't struggle later when they are offshore, I needed pollock and ling and my friend, ling, pout and haddock. 
    He got 3 decent pout, best about a pound and half possibly a bit more and then a good bend in his rod had me grabbing the net, I was sure that it was a ling but a Cod of 7+ ended up on deck.

    Shortly after I had a savage take on my baited muppets and a few pumps had it away from the wreck and could reel more steadily. Turned out to be a nice eating sized ling around 6lb and another tick in the species competition box!

    Looking forward to tomorrow's tea!
  13. Like
    suzook12 reacted to Bazzer in New one to me 🎣   
    Needs a bit doing to it but working my way through the jobs 👌

  14. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Cheers mate, I would love to say 3 weeks time, but, we'll see what it throws at us yet. Would rather have it right and miss the tope than in the water and dangerous faults
  15. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from daio web in Jack Tar 17fter   
    2nd step, shrink the butt heat shrink

    3rd step, cover with glued heat shrink.....
    Final step, heatshrink again over whole joint
    As this is a 3 wire pump and couldn't find any suitable 3 core, I had to run another wire, so taped them together leaving enough spare to remake if needs be.
  16. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Today will be back at it, hoping to get everything wired to bus bars and fuse box. I also have to make some short wires from busbars to switches as well, need to run negatives for switches to illuminate and positive feeds to the fuse box. Hoping to have the wiring nailed today. Then next task will be concentrating on drainage.
    Still not received the tyres yet, so no point doing the trailer yet, may well be a next weekend job, then can arrange getting the boat on to it......
  17. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from mick in Jack Tar 17fter   
    More done yesterday. Late start as had a funeral to attend by which time, was so hot, I waited til about 4 before heading to the boat.

    Fair bit done again. Bilge wires run through and spliced, Plotter box relocated, consul trimmed and nailed down, vhf and search light power cables run through, battery cables rerouted and started terminating wires.
  18. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    2nd step, shrink the butt heat shrink

    3rd step, cover with glued heat shrink.....
    Final step, heatshrink again over whole joint
    As this is a 3 wire pump and couldn't find any suitable 3 core, I had to run another wire, so taped them together leaving enough spare to remake if needs be.
  19. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Today will be back at it, hoping to get everything wired to bus bars and fuse box. I also have to make some short wires from busbars to switches as well, need to run negatives for switches to illuminate and positive feeds to the fuse box. Hoping to have the wiring nailed today. Then next task will be concentrating on drainage.
    Still not received the tyres yet, so no point doing the trailer yet, may well be a next weekend job, then can arrange getting the boat on to it......
  20. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    So, I have been using some different products to my normal this time around. I have butt connectors with heat shrink, and I am also using a glued heat shrink. They don't shrink as easily, so bought a heat gun and that solved the issue.
    Having issues with text and image placement this morning.
    First part is to crimp the butts

  21. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Andy135 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    More done yesterday. Late start as had a funeral to attend by which time, was so hot, I waited til about 4 before heading to the boat.

    Fair bit done again. Bilge wires run through and spliced, Plotter box relocated, consul trimmed and nailed down, vhf and search light power cables run through, battery cables rerouted and started terminating wires.
  22. Like
    suzook12 reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 14th July - Weymouth   
    Had a free afternoon before the Euros finals and it was lovely so i took pugwash out solo to see what was about. Just a simple potter about with some feathers. 
    not much action - just 1 Small tub gurnard - 

    lovely afternoon to be out though!

  23. Haha
    suzook12 reacted to Saintly Fish in Jack Tar 17fter   
    What you need deleted? @JonC can do it for you seeing as he has nothing to do these days !! 
  24. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Busy old day today. All the old shot ripped out, consul repositioned, radio repositioned, started to install fish sinder. New busbar fitted along with a fuse box, main battery lead reterminated and all the lights on fresh wire that was rerouted..... Also bought a new cabin light and fitted it. Everything tested ok, lights are far brighter than they were before too.......
    Tomorrow will hopefully see the cabin end sorted, with radio, search light and bilge to wire. Also we have no horn, so that needs to be sourced. All the hardware can then be final fitted and sealed where necessary.
    Will drag the throttle/gear control down and get that fitted up too then can check the harness length.
    Will grab some stills later to post up
  25. Like
    suzook12 got a reaction from daio web in Jack Tar 17fter   
    Busy old day today. All the old shot ripped out, consul repositioned, radio repositioned, started to install fish sinder. New busbar fitted along with a fuse box, main battery lead reterminated and all the lights on fresh wire that was rerouted..... Also bought a new cabin light and fitted it. Everything tested ok, lights are far brighter than they were before too.......
    Tomorrow will hopefully see the cabin end sorted, with radio, search light and bilge to wire. Also we have no horn, so that needs to be sourced. All the hardware can then be final fitted and sealed where necessary.
    Will drag the throttle/gear control down and get that fitted up too then can check the harness length.
    Will grab some stills later to post up
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