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Everything posted by 240z

  1. Porthcawl and I have had a claim which was dealt with with the minimum of stress.
  2. This has turned into a job and a half and ended up with me having to replace coupling, shaft, propeller, stern tube, cutlass bearing and housing. Looking at a bill of about 2k because the previous owner neglected the anodes.
  3. Just spray a little glass cleaner on first and then wipe it down
  4. Hi mate, the rubber shrinks over time so if you can get it out and take it to the nearest aluminium window manufacturer they can supply new rubber,, it is sometimes worth going up to the next size seal.
  5. Got out today, two nice undulate ray a conger and a few whiting but n a sniff of a cod
  6. Derbyshire so not too close to the sea
  7. How far would you be prepared to moor your boats from where you live, what do you guys consider being too far to travel, I only ask as I have an opportunity to move with a good job offer but I think it would be the end of boat ownership sadly. cheers Alan
  8. It’s all looking good but you do know once all the jobs are done another list of things to do will come along 😫👍🏼
  9. I was thinking old split pin and gripfil
  10. No prop anode but sure it is the earthing that needs sorted
  11. It was anti fouled by the previous owners as I have yet to use the boat as I have been doing her up but it seems the problem is due to electrolysis as I have checked the continuity between the anodes and the shaft and there is no connection, how long this has been like this I do not know.
  12. No it’s bronze just residue of old anti foul and the nut is on 1 1/2 shaft
  13. Yes I’m glad I found it now before I was using it in anger for the first time, shame it took me so long to spot it
  14. 240z


    Very nice 👍🏼 looks like a nice place to be
  15. Doing final checks before lifting back in this weekend and wasn’t happy with the look of the nut on the prop shaft and will now be looking at lots of work and money for a new shaft 😩😩
  16. Hi mate, yes you are correct and I looked at the Duver on the island but couldn’t get a deal together, funny how we both ended up with boats built by Mitchell
  17. More than likely as I used to go there all the time helping him with the build of his cat
  18. Yes it’s the same boat as mine, looks like a good one too
  19. 240z


    This is why I have over the years learnt to do most of the services myself, I can’t believe the price some people are willing to pay 😱
  20. I have been fishing the Solent and beyond for around 35 years started on charters and progressed to my own boat a few years later,,, I fish all year but it’s the cod season I like the most. As Suzook said some of you may know me from wsf
  21. Thanks, it’s been a lot of work but I’m pleased with it
  22. I bought it December last year and have been doing her up
  23. She is well built pretty happy with the boat so far
  24. This is her before I re gelled her from blue to white
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