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Everything posted by JDP

  1. Might do a few pic's as Im also going from a long to xl so will need some additional brackets.
  2. Thought it was just here with the big miles to get to dealerships etc. Im about 5hrs south of Sydney which is where we often need to head for most things!!!
  3. Keep us posted how the anodes on the powerhead look. Im lucky in the fact I skipper a boat for one of the best outboard mechanics in our area, he used to have a Yamaha dealership and his brother has the biggest Suzuki dealership on the south coast. It makes a huge difference when you can rely on decent mechanics.
  4. This is the site I use a fair amount as it often has better imagery, not always. On the Padstow side it has very clean sat imagery clearly showing rocks and gutter’s between them etc. I’m able to import these images into a Garmin handheld 67i which makes up for the areas my vision and reveal charts don’t cover. I enjoy the researching and finding of areas as much as the hunting. It allows such pinpoint accuracy. https://map.openseamap.org Once you open the above link, move around to find any location around the world and zoom in on any part of the coast that interests you. Go to the view tab and click Ariel photo, you will be able to zoom in pretty close and hopefully be able to locate areas out of strong currents. It can be used on land too, where I use it trying to find @JonC all the time. If you open the tools you can use the trip planner to measure reefs or how far from shore they extend etc. This is close to Padstow. Obviously these are reduced in size so not showing the greatest detail. If the link opens already showing aerial photos and boat traffic the screen will be extremely cluttered and you may want to turn those off at first.
  5. So many factors come into play when it comes to catching or missing out. Firstly the fish not only need to be at the location, they also need to be in the mood to feed, which like any creature isn't all the time. Even when in the mood to feed, you will need the right bait and good presentation. It could simply be be you're leader is to heavy or a colour that fish easily see and are wary of. Moon phases, wind direction and barometric pressure are also all major factors that effect how fish will feed. Are you noisy in your boat ? not just banging things around but leaving a transducer pinging away will effect many species and turn them off the bite. I believe that chirp transducers shut down fish bites quicker than traditional single frequency, so I will often pause the sonar. Fish can often be turned on to taking baits by adding burley, something which can also attract unwanted species though. Dropping down to very light line class will often get a fish to bite. Fish are extremely efficient in what we consider fast current and will use that to their advantage hunting, so don't think the fish have shut down due to fast water, its the angler who shuts down to it. Again using much lighter thinner braid will allow you to fish easier in strong current. Larger more predatory fish will often seek out structure and even small depressions on the sea floor to make themselves more efficient in the current. This can often be seen simply watching the likes of a big tout or salmon in extremely fast rivers as they lie in a slight depression barely having to swim at all but put a bait in front of them and they will explode into action. There are numerous interesting studies you can find with google especially on the moon and barometric pressure regarding fish which will greatly help any angler. Something that greatly helped me from an early age living in the UK was actually getting in the water where possible and simply observing as much as I could. This is something you can do to a certain extent with a low cost waterproof camera dropped over the side of the boat with bait in front of it. All my fishing tends to be as you mention "planned" from charts or my own underwater observations, wind directions and times of the tide etc. Beach hounds are extremely easy to work out in my area. They come close to shore around the full moon to hunt a white crab which I only see around the full moon phase. The don't tend to reach shore for at least 1.30mins after dark. From my boat hounds are far less tricky to locate, as they tend to be mostly in 24-28m of water and hunt the edges of reef where reef meets sand. I believe they pick off any small fish or crabs etc which wash over the back of the reef and easily show from their contrast as they drift onto the bright sand. This is also where various other fish will hunt to, in the depression at the back of the reef hunting smaller fish swept across it. Pelagic species are a whole different ball game but no need to go there given you don't have much on offer in the UK.
  6. I had a Suzuki 140, which regularly need plugs replacing, so could simply need plugs. Every 100hrs. E10 is hygroscopic which attracts water, so water could also be an issue https://www.ipswichcitymechanical.com.au/blog/e10-fuel-may-not-good-vehicle https://www.mpmoil.co.uk/blog/what-you-should-know-about-e10-petrol#:~:text='E10' contains alcohol and is,for a more extended period. Ive owned 4 Suzuki outboards but never used e10 as its not recommended for outboards by manufacturers over here for the above link reasons. With any outboard I own I always fit a pre filter with a clear viewing bowl which I check almost every trip. These filters have a tap on the bottom to allow you to drain any water. If you do get water in the fuel tank or even fungus in diesel tanks you can often clean them up by using Castrol Fuel Doctor. Its a good idea to use this for both petrol and diesel engines. Do some google searching into fuel doctor and Im sure you will feel confident in it not just being another of the many rip-off fuel additives which are on the market. There are also numerous video's showing its effectiveness, especially in countries where heap can amplify issues with contaminated fuels. Something else you need to keep on top of with Suzuki engines is the anodes. Even if you have only done very few hours over 12 months, make sure you check the anodes on the powerhead cooling system etc. On my 140 these powerhead anodes had been replaced on a service the previous owners had done which was only 37hrs of engine run time, however those 37hrs were from almost 3 years and nothing was left of any of these anodes. The cooling chambers were blocked solid with salt, where scraping and soaking in salt-away eventually got water passing back through the engine again.
  7. Its Sunday, haven't yet decided if Im going to head out. A few good sized yellowfin tuna are being caught stick baiting but not sure I can be bothered with all the effort that goes into targeting them. A few coffee's, chocolate and a movie with the mrs is winning out at the moment with perhaps a quick dive for lobsters first.
  8. With the bait there its just a matter of time before something should turn up. Do you use google earth to check for shallow water structure around coastal areas ? I use a free chart site which can overlay satellite images which actually seem to have better detail than google earth. I will find the link when I next put my main computer on, what area do you mostly dive ?
  9. I wen't for a dive (snorkel) a few days ago but didn't take anything as I could only find undersized lobsters (hundreds of them). The reef's were about as fishy as Ive ever seen them with bait schools covering the entire reefs, numerous small sharks and rays etc, was more like being in an aquarium.
  10. I had been considering changing boats again but have decided to re-power instead. Removing the Honda 90 from my 4.4 centre console and replacing with a new Yam 115. Hopefully have it fitted later in the week. The Honda doesn't have enough power when needing to carry enough fuel and water for extended remote trips , also the fuel economy from the 90 has been very disappointing.
  11. On the bigger game outfits with Tiagra'a and Talica's I use the rod in my left hand a reel with the right, though the reel handle is also used to assist the lift of the rod when a fish is on. On spin outfits of all sizes I use the reel handle on the left, as being right handed assists by having the rod in my right hand for more accurate casting at fish etc. Also being right handed greatly helps with jig action if I have the rod in my right hand. This is the case for heavy jigs down to extremely light soft plastics, Im simply able to create a better action with my dominant arm. So with light outfits for any kind of action to make the lures work well I use both spin reels and multi's with left handed handles. Casting a multi from the shore I will use a right handed reel. Makes perfect sense really 😁
  12. JDP

    Chilly mountains

    Unfortunately I have no intension of returning but do hope the big man heads over here one day. Im thinking of a go fund me page to get him here. I won't be wearing heals and lippy for him though, more barefoot with brightly painted nails, we do things differently here!!!!!!
  13. Great result, you must of been pleased with that. Given the small amount of ground you would of covered and fish seen at that depth I don't think there will be to much fear of the population decline to much. The fact you saw one at all was most likely because it had just moved and you were lucky enough to come across it, once settled in the sand they are near impossible to find. Ive followed them and stopped above only to watch them disappear as they cover in sand. Have you searched out any protected headlands from strong current ? High tide is often best for spearing as more fish will move in around areas which were exposed on low.
  14. 6 yrs here on Suzuki, do you have the same ? 3 yrs for commercial.
  15. JDP

    Bait collection

    Results from last night. Well and truly under the pump with six people fishing and a constant fish hook up within 30 seconds of bait hitting the water. So yes obviously those baits didn't last long, so approx 20 more tailor and salmon were added to the collection as we fished. It was mostly small fish to 5lb and not until 2 hrs after dark did we hook into something worthy of a back ache. It was the you lad who was keen on getting a big hound who hooked the biggest shark of the night, funny enough on my daughters rod which she had asked him to briefly hold as she took a phone call!!!... This was a very large shark and unfortunately a protected species, so after 45m battle was cut free at the hook in the surf. Its not a good place to be in the surf at night after burleying dozens of fish over the past few hours. The kids did a few video's on their phones but it was down to me to be at the sharp end of the trace, so no photo's from me (sorry JonC) My son landed a small shark of around 8kg but the fact we were targeting a fish species (jewfish, mulloway) meant we were all using just 80lb mono. I was flat out rigging up new traces and replacing hooks, so found the evening exhausting so was glad when we headed for home, even though I still had a few fish to fillet at midnight. Back on the commercial fishing tomorrow but hope to get out over the weekend targeting southern bluefin and yellowfin tuna now they have turned up offshore.
  16. JDP

    Bait collection

    Oh my, those whiskers look so soft 😍
  17. JDP

    Bait collection

    How about a new photo please, the old one isn't doing it for me anymore.
  18. Weight certainly improves the ride in rough water at speed however its also a downside when towing long distances.
  19. As a comparison the Arvor 20mk2 weighs in at 1800kg on a much heavier dual excel trailer, which as you would be aware of is a far bigger outfit.
  20. My little Honda 90 struggles on the back of my little 4.2m centre console. Im putting a 115 on it soon but I thought I would take it the the local weigh bridge today as the fuel tank and boat are empty at the moment. I was quite surprised to find it came in at 1240kg empty. No wonder its so solid and stable.
  21. JDP

    Bait collection

    Broken and bleeding after the beach session catching bait. I dived for lobsters yesterday which didn't help!!!!!
  22. JDP

    Bait collection

    I will ask @JonC which hand cream he uses to keep his hands so soft after handling those scaffold poles.
  23. JDP

    Bait collection

    I doubt I will personally fish, rather keep my gloves on!!!!....stuffed my finger tips commercially fishing for shellfish over the past couple of weeks, even catching the bait was hard going. It will be down to the youngsters mostly. Makes casting
  24. Headed into the mountains, air temp -5'c, water temp 2.5'c. Firstly I hate the cold which is the main reason for leaving the UK, however I still like the occasional reminder of how cold it can be and we aren't even in winter yet. Target species were brown and rainbow trout which move upstream for the spawning this time of year. These fish are an introduced species first brought here by early European settlers. It can be a busy time of year with many anglers trying their luck at the bigger up to 90cm 14kg specimens. I had decided to put the effort into hiking well upstream away from the crowds which involved quite some effort climbing some rock sections. Two other families had decided to join the party and all the youngsters were keen on heading upstream after I told them what a good session I had last year at a water hole well upstream. Apart from really feeling my age on icy slippery rocks all went well and we all reached the magic spot!!!!!! I must admit feeling under pressure after talking the spot up around the campfire the evening before but the pressure soon faded away when we had a triple hookup on solid brown trout from the youngsters. I pretty much sat back and left it to them as they clocked up around 70 fish mostly in the 55-65cm size bracket. A truly magic session we will all remember, with even a large stag samba deer walking in on us and getting quite a shock. One of the young lads had been working hard landing (netting) all the fish so had missed out on the rod action himself which made him feel disappointed, not helped by the teasing from the other kids. Around the campfire that evening in freezing temps one of the parents was keen to do the hike, which meant the lad who missed out had his chance. This day was even colder and my water bottle that I filled before I left camp had frozen solid before I got to the spot. My first nymph fly hit the water for a decent 60cm brown which I kept for the smoker. After that my gloves went on and I left it to the others, like I said I hate the cold!!!) The young lad hooked several fish before he actually landed one but once he did there was no stopping him. At least another 50 fish were caught this day before we headed back with smiles on our faces. While camping I sleep in my rooftop hardshell tent (Motop mk5 also available in the UK). This has a 12v electric blanket, led lighting and plenty of power points which are all run off my lithium battery and solar, I even have a DVD player for movies if it rains!!!! So cold but still comfortable.
  25. Normally I catch bait as I fish, I see it as part of the challenge, however I’ve decided to try things differently in order to concentrate more on larger target species. So headed to the beach with my son in the hope of finding tailor or as some call them ‘bluefish’. You don’t simply rock up to a beach and hope for the best, it’s more a case of stopping on headlands, then scanning the beaches for worthy looking deep gutters with channels to deep water. Found what looked promising and my sons first cast proved we were on target. Another 20-30mins and we had enough bait for tomorrow evening where we will have the usual crew of kids along for some after school after dark hopeful rod bending. I’ve knocked the fillets off as small bait sized and the head gut sections will be used by anyone keen on targeting sharks. There have been some very large hounds to 25kg recently and one of the young lads has his hopes on a large one of those. Might end up a biteless evening but I’m sure @JonC will be urging us on for a top catch report so all we can do is try our best. Bait is vac packed in the fridge.
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