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Everything posted by JDP

  1. There were pictures taken but not by me, my camera is allergic to small fish!!!!!
  2. Was struggling to know where to post this one in order to not upset JonC but the fact we did catch fish made me think it would be ok in this one!!!!! I was going to post a no catch report as we didn't stay connected to the desired species (marlin). We did however mange plenty of mackerel as bait and a few small dolphin fish just under 60cm. Dolphin fish have to be over 60cm to keep but being early in the season most of these are just little ones now. Pulled dead skip baits for around 5hrs before raising the first marlin, which unfortunately just crushed one of the baits and turned away. We quickly switched to live baits and various dredge teasers but couldn't raise another even though I found 2 on the sounder rounding up bait balls. A mix of weather with some pretty heavy rain storms followed by blue sky and heat made for some stunning sky. A first for us was seeing a large sun fish jump clear of the water 4 times, unfortunately by the time we got cameras out it was all over. Also saw a brydes whale in the distance feeding on baitfish and various species of dolphin. Another not so common find was a pod of Risso dolphins, which was only my third ever sighting. Sorry no fish pic's.
  3. If we get one, its still a bit early in the season but Im feeling optimistic.
  4. Saturday morning, just heading out in search of my first marlin of the year.
  5. I did get a little GoPro footage which I haven't bothered taking off the camera. One part I liked was following a wobbegong shark which was swimming in a kelp gutter with a stingray heading towards us form the other direction, the stingray gave way by swimming up over us. Also a few large schools of fish which looked ok. This is a seal colony area and was late in the day where a few great whites have been encountered there over the past two weeks. Im not sure if its just that I hadn't dived there for a while but I must admit I felt slightly uneasy at the surface, also there were heaps of bluebottle jellyfish which can be a pain when they sting your face.
  6. I was out, free dived a reef 12k offshore where water vis was around 30m. Didn't take any fishing gear or spearguns, simply relaxed among the fish, rays and sharks. What made the dive especially good was using a set of C4 S-990 Camo 25 Fins which I bought a while ago, these make moving through the water effortless. It's amazing how something you've done for quite some time can take on a new lease of life by simply using new improved equipment. Looking forward to the next weather opportunity to get out there again.
  7. For any club they surely need to be calibrated scales. The clubs I used to fish in and inter club comps tend to use the same scales you see in butchers shops. They had various sized trays which can be zeroed. The bigger hanging style scales for bigger game can cost a fair amount, from well into the $$$_$$$$. Club membership fees and comp fee's and sponsors should cover these costs.
  8. Has the line possibly slipped on the spool ? do you have mono backing under the braid. The braid looks loose quite deep into the spool.
  9. While in the right section, fished tonight for just two bream that managed to get hooked on 10/0 shark rigs. We did have two decent fish on for a few seconds but didn't stay connected. My mates rod pulled from the holder which I just managed to get hold of as the top half reached an incoming wave.
  10. After living on the IOW, the only place I could find that could speak the same language was Australia. I went to London for my visa and had to pay a translator to tell me what those weird folk were on about.
  11. As JonC so rightly pointed out, my last post was in the wrong category and I deeply apologise for misleading those who were offended. In my haste to post my first catch on the first day I accidentally posted the catches in the catch report section. If only I had of scrolled down that bit further I may of noticed a shore catch and not simply the catch report section which must be for anything but shore obviously. Wanting to correct this I headed down the beach this evening in the pouring rain and strong wind in the hope of catching another shark for the brother of the other kid to pull in. The swell was pushing right up against the cliff so I did all the casting as timing between the waves was tricky. First bait out was a hefty piece of tuna, which was picked up within 1 minute of being out there. The shark took the bait and started swimming in towards the shore, when I pulled some line in and caught up to it it then turned to head for the horizon. The young fella was soon leaning back putting pressure on what ever it was but unfortunately some 20 mins later the fish was lost in the shore break. Two more hours and not a bite so headed home cold and wet. So here's the thing, this isn't actually a catch report as we didn't catch it, so again Im most likely in another wrong section and most likely going to cause a great deal of stress to many people. I could try and draw a picture of a shark that I think it could of been but if any of you have seen the movie The Meg, well try to imagine that from a beach in tsunami sized waves and a handsome rugged fella handing his rod over to his offsider when I head of for a bigger knife riding a surfboard.
  12. Looks like shite to me, much prefer clawing and metal roof!!!!
  13. Last day of the year Saturday fished from the boat for a very successful day on the reef fish. Today Sunday, first day of the year, hit the beach for another successful outing. All up a top weekend.
  14. Thanks for the tight lines wishes, it worked!!!!!!.....back at you all.
  15. Just posted. First cast was the biggest shark of the evening but the following two casts also resulted in good sized sharks. Ive got a member from the other site joining me tomorrow, so hopefully find him a few fish, though the weather is turning pretty bad.
  16. Headed back to the spot I fished earlier with light lure tackle, This time it was using the fish caught earlier as bait. Took the same young lad with me as I didn’t fancy doing battle with anything to big. First bait resulted in this hefty fella and a 40min fight for the lad. Rod was an old Penn inxs from my UK which I rebuilt to take a spin reel. The reel was the trusty cheap Penn battle 6000 which had been very good over the past two years on big sharks and rays. My back is a bit stuffed after helping get this thing back in!!!!….also had two more after this one. Tomorrow I have someone from the other forum with me hoping for something to stretch his line.
  17. Just took a young lad up the beach who normally works on the charters with my daughter. We were keen on kicking off the new year with a fish, given we hadn’t fished since yesterday!!!!! Yesterdays trip was successful on smaller reef species, also went for a free dive for shell fish. Plan was to find some deep gutters holding these salmon so we can head back after dark to see if we can hook a few sharks that feed on them. The salmon were in plump prime condition today and the fact a dead dolphin was right near a deep gutter with some big shark bites looks promising for an after dark session. Happy new year lads, just wish JonC was here in the sun with me, so life would feel 🤩
  18. Heading out very shortly as soon as the rain eases off a tad!!!!
  19. Its been very windy over here stopping me from getting out. Even my daughter cancelled the trips yesterday with the 50ft cat. She headed into the mountains where she did a 10km kayak downstream targeting bass. Over the 6hrs she caught and released 46 bass, my best has been 2 in a day!!!!! The bass move upstream but head downstream to the ocean for spawning, they are extremely good sport on light tackle. They are a short bodied stocky fish unlike the bass we get in the UK.
  20. Oh yes its true, was hoping to get a shirt with your head on it for Xmas but still nothing in the post.
  21. JDP

    Best of 2022

    Unfortunately I was on a remote island which had no chooks, closest chook was 1500km. Next time I will try and prepare better. Heres a powerfish flathead that crawled up the beach near where I camped, recon it would love a chook.
  22. JDP

    Best of 2022

    This has to be up there for me, caught on my light 4 piece bone voyage travel rod and a ci4 3000 stradic. 2.4m shovel nosed ray.
  23. Do you start with the small one and work your way up or just go big and work backwards ? By any chance is this fella a relation of yours https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/wwi-shell-found-in-frenchmans-bottom/news-story/810b58ab39081ee24dbf791200b5ecb1
  24. You even managed to get the pot noodles in, the special turkey Xmas addition!!!!!
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