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Everything posted by JDP

  1. JDP

    Only bait

    You would think, however the charging port isn't. She's gone through three in 12 months and doesn't seem to learn. She was wearing a waterproof jacket with sealed pockets but won't put her phone in those pockets as it takes to long to get it out. Myself and the other young lad avoided getting into that situation, however my daughter seems to have very little sense in regards to safety, how ever many times things happen to her.
  2. JDP

    Only bait

    Tried a different spot this evening, which didn't end well for my daughter!!!!! Big swell had us pushed up against the cliff where my daughter copped a couple of big waves soaking her from head to toe, another $1500 iPhone killed. I still managed a couple of salmon but had to drop down to an outfit with 10lb braid to get enough casting range in the wind. Most likely head back to the the first place we fished again tomorrow evening until the swell backs down, currently over 3m.
  3. JDP

    Only bait

    Just gotten in from another beach session, three more good shark runs all resulting in lost fish. The youngsters decided they wanted to change to wire and the bite shut down. Still a fun evening and good to be getting back out there.
  4. Yes you most certainly can control those conditions. In this diagram you can see how you can move the boat left or right. You can also put a drogue out the back to help hold in the tide.
  5. JDP

    Great day

    Sounds like the shingle banks used to be 40-50yrs ago, good to hear its firing up. How was the weather ?
  6. JDP

    Only bait

    Went to the beach in hope of a decent mulloway or hound. Haven't been for a while and to be honest I'm 4-5 days early for the best tide and moon phase. No end of salmon in the 2kg size which we use for bait, so loaded up on some of those for the first 20 mins before setting out a slab fillet. Took my daughter and the young lad I often fish with who now works for my daughter on the charter boats. I was fishing 3m traces on pulley rigs, joined to around 10m of 80lb wind on leader, all 80lb tackle and a single 10/0 circle. My rod got smacked by something, buckling over in the holder with line ripping for the reel. I got the young lad on it as Im still struggling with a bad back at the moment. With very aggressive head shakes and around 250m+ already from the reel, this thing wasn't slowing at all, until ping, it was gone. Obviously not what we were after as I was only fishing 80lb mono traces, however it wouldn't of made any difference if I had wire as the line was shredded at least 15m back up the main line. Im struggling to get my head around why it was damaged by obvious teeth and rough skin abrasion so far up the main line. Unless there had been several sharks and my line somehow got around another shark, it didn't make sense and something Ive not had happen so far up the main line. It may of started off as a decent fish or hound that was attacked by a far bigger shark possibly, which could account for the line been roughed up over such a length as the sharked chased it. There are lost of great whites currently feeding on the masses of salmon schools and a species of shark Ive hooked on this same beach before. It could have been a large whaler shark hunting in packs but the fact the other two rods didn't get touched was really odd if that was the case. Anyway that's fishing, was a bit of fun and will try a different beach in a day or so, just trying to decide if to take the boat out now. Oh yes and its mid winter, so chilly here at the moment.
  7. I have a gt 51, gt54, armar 175hw and a ps 30. Three are on one boat and the gt54 is on another. The 51 and 54 do traditional and sidescan, with the 51 better in deep water. What depths will you be fishing, also is the echomap a 75 size. I haven't used the transducers you mention but have no problem finding fish and structure with the ones I have.
  8. I think it might be using your home wifi which it obviously can't reach while away from home. You will need to connect via the phone wifi away from home and share that with other devices.
  9. Personally it may be something you need to run through with Simrad on the phone. Have you checked no pins aren't bent on cables and connections and all electrical fitting to the radar. Do you put your phone or a speaker of any kind close to the unit as that will cause that sideways crabbing from the first image. Have you done a heading calibrate ?I don't use radar, so have no experience but I have owned Simrad units and use them on several other boats and find them problematic, hence why I no longer have them.
  10. Never been but always wanted too. Greatly looking forward to seeing some reports and hopefully plenty of pic's. I did hear that theres been a fair amount of commercial level recreational fishing been going on where some vehicles have been found to be carrying over 1 ton of fillets on several occasions which is having an impact on fish stock. Not sure how widespread this is or how it effects the popularity of any foreigners heading there these days . This was from someone who lives there.
  11. The costs soon get away from what you first imagine to what the end job actually ends up at, I keep looking at the new boats I could of bought at the cost of what Ive put into the one I have now 🤑 With this bigger wheels and the design of it, you might find yourself having to back the tow vehicle quite far into the water, which can often be the most slippery part of any ramp depending on the ramp angle. I always like 13in wheels and a low set trailer so I can keep my vehicle out of the water. I also helps in regards to handling with it set lower to the road on the distances I tow. Im enjoying the progress posts, like you I love tinkering around with boats. Shame you weren't closer so I could offload a heap of the trailer parts Ive gathered over the years. I just stripped all the running parts off my old one and dropped the frame at the local tip, id also bought new parts to rebuild it but decided a new trailer was far more cost effective.
  12. Yes correct mate, only remembered him quoting a couple hundred metres a while back, but yes you are correct. Also don't get me wrong in my comments about the importance of a radio or other form of two way communication. Its more a case of being with marine rescue groups for over 20yrs that I would rather anyone to have a radio onboard with or without a licence than not have a radio because they don't have a licence. Here we are quite strictly governed in regards to a long list of must have safety gear, as well as needing a boating licence, which does cover how to use marine radio's. So even though people may not have the radio licence, they will know how to use them if they have a boat licence. We are checked regularly on safety equipment, my record was being checked 4 times in one day, firstly at the ramp on launch, later in the day by water police, then later again by maritime patrol vessel and to top it off fisheries!!!!! From the small coastal town I live in with a population of 8000, we can have two maritime boats patrolling, 4 police jetskis, 2 fisheries officers on land and two in their inflatable as well as the 60ft police patrol vessel which randomly patrols up and down the coast. They are total pests when you are just wanting to get out on the water for a day. Every item is checked for dates and working order, if they pull open your self inflating life jacket and the gas cylinder has any corrosion you will cop a $250 fine, same goes if your it hasn't been inspected with the annual date stamp, some only have 12 month use life. flares have just gone out of date or the batteries in your floating torch are flat etc etc, expect another fine. We even have to carry 2lt of water per person onboard and wear lifejackets in all boats under 4.85m at all times.
  13. We always have surfable swell, this is just relentless mess.
  14. The swell is starting to back down, so I may get a chance at getting my boat at on the weekend at last. Or at least a beac session.
  15. You do remember this small rowing style boat with a little outboard is intended to be used just 100-200m from shore. Most people could row or swim back before a DSC or radio transmission could of been carried out. Not that Im discouraging having a radio or doing a radio course.
  16. No one will prosecute you for using them in an emergency. I have my old vhf UK licence and a new updated vhf which was much the same cource as the UK when I did it here, its an international licence. I only did it a second time as it was part of our Coxswain training (Amsa international) where we were told that nobody had ever been prosecuted for making an emergency call worldwide. The radio training will teach you vital information you will never need to know!!!!!!..such as the distance certain satellites are and frequencies of certain radios to make calls 100's of kms that you most likely never own, or see. Ive worked with marine rescue for over 20yrs where hundreds of boats per day log on using their vhf radios, where I would guess over 90% are not licensed. In saying that we do need a boat licence here which does explain mayday, pan pan cals etc. Ive heard radio emergency calls where people have not remembered the mayday procedure due to panic, which hasn't stopped them being found or rescued in equally fast time. If they are able to say how many onboard, emergency situation and where they are, you can bet people will be on the way to rescue them, not sitting back saying they didn't have the message quite right and don't have a licence. Ive been onboard a vessel where the skipper was licensed but had never used a vhf in his life and when a boat capsized in front of us on a bar crossing, he panicked so much he wasn't able to use his vhf radio. I had to take over and relay communications to the rescue authorities and other vessels to stay clear as a rescue was in progress as well as a capsized boat in the main channel. Our radio conversation was nothing like vhf training day doing the course, it was real life interaction of a constant changing situation. Most people these days log on before heading out in their boat via their phones (I also do it). I then put my phone in a waterproof case which I network to my other electronics so I can see who's calling me without needing to get the phone from the waterproof case. When I log on with the marine rescue group we have an option to allow the land base to track the phone, which I allow. The marine base has several large screen computers showing every boats position from their phones on the computer chart screens. We give a return home time, which can change by either altering on the rescue app or calling on the vhf radio. This info is also relayed via relay towers over hundreds of kms up and down the coast, so not simply vhf radio range. Its also a good way of getting help from other vessels quickly which are known to be in the areas. The phone now outperforms the radio by three times the range with offshore trips too. Personally I carry a Garmin inreach for communications and emergency without range restrictions, I can use it anywhere in the world as long as Im outside with a view of the sky.
  17. Almost every boat here will have a vhf radio, which there is a licence requirement to use, however both here in Aus and in the UK Ive never heard of anyone being asked to prove they have a licence. Maritime will not prosecute any boat owner using a vhf without licence to make a safety call. The only time people get in trouble is when being a nuisance on the radio. Doing an international recognised vhf licence course is very easy, however is it really needed. Most people can easily look up how to do a radio call, whether a mayday, pan pan or relay etc. I would recommend anyone to have a radio rather than not have one because they don't have a licence. Within 2nm its not a legal requirement to have any radio on a boat here but beyond that yes a radio and even an epirb is needed. You can always find your closest rescue service and get the phone number for the call station. In a boat like yours, consider a handheld waterproof floating vhf.
  18. Nice variety, tuna are so messy!!!!....was it harpooned ? I notice the rope stick out of it, why not gaff around the head rather than damage prime areas.
  19. Like I mentioned Europe, was thinking Austria 😄 which was always covered in the white stuff when I went.
  20. Started off with rain where we parked the 4x4 for the night, altitude turns it to snow.
  21. Yes it’s a thing here in Australia as it’s often the coldest month and can be very much like Europe in winter. My son headed off Friday to do a few music gigs in a small town the other side of the mountains, a 10hr return trip. His next gig after that is a 4 day 4500km drive. Just settled down for a relaxed evening with the Mrs when the phone rings🫣 our son, forgot his guitar and music folders😳 Mum, dad can you bring my music gear 😣. However the gear is at a different house an hour in the wrong direction from our place. So a quick overnight trip it was. Got to his gig with 20mins to spare , which was a good night out. Camped at the bottom of the mountains in sub 0’c temps. Didn’t have to head to high before we were driving in the white stuff and -4’c mid day temps. Must admit it’s good to do a few trips to the snow over winter given it’s so close to where we live on the coast. It did feel very much like Xmas.
  22. Baitfish, such as whitebait, mackerel should show as slightly bigger fish in those shallow depths. Also not keen on your colour palette but I do like using black backgrounds. At first I thought you had it on night mode. This is small bait with a few bigger fish hunting around on the shot I’ve included. Long looking fish marks can often make people think they have big fish under the boat, however a long mark simply means the fish stayed within the transducer beam for a longer period. A deep looking mark ( blob) will often represent a big fish. The deeper the water, less pixel's will be used to show fish, making them look small on screen. In shallow water even small wrasse can look decent. Getting used to the size of fish in regards to the depth they are in will become more easily recognisable the more you use the unit.
  23. I know the area well there. Fished many times with several boat owners from Bembridge.
  24. Top effort and nice bass. I like the look of that shingle and sand beach, looks like ideal bass territory.
  25. Thats a scary looking trailer, is it just a launch trolly or an actual road trailer ? hope you check the wheel bearings before towing any distance. I can't say its any model I recognise. It always fun having a project to tinker with, where will you be using the boat ?
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