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Everything posted by JDP

  1. They train giant squid to hold one end of the tape.
  2. I love the fact that we can easily shoot out and fish over canyons that rise up from 4500m from my local launch site. This is where we often target our game species, just 1hr run offshore. It was interesting to see that when I’m jigging big heavy jigs in 340m of water that I’m actually dropping them the height of the Eiffel Tower!!!!
  3. Totally agree we have some crazy rules being constantly changed by our leading convicts. Always good to have a play in a new boat though This is what we are looking at.
  4. Ok not for me, Im just the spare driver for the 1800km round trip. Have to do the trip quick, under 24hrs to work with the travel permits. This is another boat for the fella who's new boat I recently posted on here 🙃
  5. Maybe conger were getting the bait deep hooked, which would snip you off pretty easy. You would need a stronger hook on a decent conger too. I had numerous spots in the solent that I did well for congers (from the IOW side). A soft rod or perhaps using mono and even strong tides might have made bite detection difficult and if unnoticed your hook could soon be down deep in the mouth so that the mono is up against those raspy teeth.
  6. Daiwa TD black 2020 are great bream rods, specially made for bream. There are dozens of rods in the Daiwa black range and in my opinion represent the excellent value in this line of rods. By the way these extremely light rods will handle bigger fish but most of the time we are on line class of around 4lb, so stopping fish of 6kg+ takes a bit longer. My daughter will catch and release 20-40 bream each session in her kayak chasing bream on soft plastics. In the old days bream were mostly targeted with bait but that's far less common these days.
  7. Unfortunately for him we went into lockdown the day of his birthday when we had planned to head away for the weekend so he could see his girlfriend that lives half a day drive away. Still not able to drive to his girlfriends town but hopefully soon.
  8. First weekend of being able to head to a pub. Had a great meal and cider with the Mrs and our boy got back into his first gig since our restrictions. Hopefully he can head back to school next week😉
  9. I use 50lb mamoi diamond as my heavy leader from the shore and boat. This 160kg striped marlin was caught and released using that same line and an 8/0 mustad demon circle hook. It will get snipped through by sharks if they swallow a bait but most of the time that's my intension, if not I use a short wire. That line you are using looks extremely thick compared to the skinny light gauge hook, any reason for using such a heavy trace with a hook that looks like it would straighten on any decent fish and a well set reel drag.
  10. Its been over a week of poor weather here, doesn't look great for the weekend either but who knows I may head out for a quick trip. Just had both mine and my daughters engines serviced today, so hopefully ok for a while. Pouring down and a big electrical storm right now 10-30pm and my daughter has headed out for a night of fishing!!!!!....I remember being young and crazy once!!!
  11. JDP

    Sharky skate!!!

    They are free from fisheries, though a bigger brim would be better to keep the sun off!!!!
  12. Well not really but the little shovel nosed ray is part of both!!! Quite day on edible species but still came home with enough for a couple of meals. Banjo rays and shovel nosed rays were a nuisance but still good sport on the little kids outfit with 8lb braid. When things are quiet I often drop down to the little outfit as it makes anything I catch seem that much more demanding. It was Humpback highway yesterday with groups often coming to the boat to check me out, at one point one was so close it gave me a right soaking!!!! When they get so close I pull any lines in as Ive had then get tangled before, which funny enough the last time it happened the whale came to the side of my old zodiac and let me untangle the line from around its pectoral fin. Some knob came flying over in his boat which spooked the family group I had been having close interactions with but you get that with idiots who don't have a clue. Saw a few yellowfin feeding on very small baits but had no luck getting close enough to them.
  13. He sorted out the blocked Suez Canal with just 1hp I'ts not just him but even his dog is not to be messed with.
  14. Been struggling the last few trips to find much to throw my stick at, or should I say struggling to find the edible variety.
  15. Do you mean that guy in the canoe with a poll and line!!!!!....most of the time we use a sharp stick over here to throw at fish!!!!
  16. No beads, clips, bait elastic here and most of the time I don't even use swivels. Most hard body lures, soft plastics and even poppers don't spin, so swivels simply aren't needed. The fish I catch don't swim upside-down spinning in circles.
  17. Red urchin from the commercial day, $3600 worth to the boat owner. Picture is from the second haul of the morning, by late afternoon deck space was scarce. The shells are turbans, similar to whelks, which we ended with 6 boxes off.
  18. Had to cancel today. The bar crossing had solid 3m swell even though the wind had dropped bellow 10kts, no boats out from our harbour. The day skippering went well even with such poor conditions. The divers came across schools of paper nautilus (argonauts) which Ive been desperately hoping to find and film when ever I get back out.
  19. Been windy as fark here but might squeeze out today and look for a tuna!!!
  20. JDP

    Big Cuttle

    Its a wobbegong, there are a 12 species of them growing to around 3m. They are one of the species we need to be careful of while diving as they live in caves where we collect abalone and lobsters from, they can be pretty snappy. Their teeth hook backwards and once they bite they will lock their jaws resulting in drowned divers. They blend in so well with their environment that they are surprisingly hard to see and also extremely common. Lobsters love living with them as wobbegongs eat octopus and octopus eat lobsters, so no safer place to live than next to or even on top of each other!!!!...its pulling a lobster off the head of a wobbly that can be tricky!!!!
  21. JDP

    Big Cuttle

    One for Andy, by no means this was a big doggy for its species but it was for a 20 Daiwa slosh.
  22. JDP

    Big Cuttle

    There are many species that look like dogfish here, some growing to around 3m long, more species of rays and sharks than any country in the world. I do miss laying bricks mid winter in the midlands of the UK though!!!
  23. JDP

    Big Cuttle

    Ive dived with many cuttle fish and octopus etc and not had one ink me before. They are pretty smart creatures and would only ink if they thought they were under threat, most of the time they are quite curious. This little octopus in this video interacts with my daughter.
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