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Everything posted by JDP

  1. JDP

    Black cat

    First camera attempt fail on cat but did film a wombat, wallaby, possum and a raven that ate the bates. New memory card installed and try again. Interestingly one of the baits was a whole rabbit which managed to get taken without tripping the camera, the other baits were deer bones from a last weeks hunt.
  2. I take it those hours are from a deep cycle lead battery, the lads are getting far better out of smaller lithiums over here. I haven't gotten round to using mine yet but I do intend to upgrade to lithium when I do. Lithium are about double the price of a quality deep cycle and dropping in price rapidly. They are also reported to be good for around d 5000 charges, so much cheaper in the long run.
  3. JDP

    Black cat

    Yes certainly not what people claim when they say they've seen black panthers etc but a very big feral none the less. So now Ive put my password in for this site on my phone, where do you go to find new messages ? I ended up having to open my main computer and use photoshop to size the images. As you can see from this screen shot, when opened on my phone to try and post on here all four size options are the same, all these images have been sized in photoshop not in camera as that doesn't work!!!
  4. JDP

    Black cat

    Ok, got the password but find the format on the phone so different to what I’m used to on a Mac notebook. I was advised by a Mac technician to do a full turn off of any phones every few days, this tends to remove passwords, another reason I don’t use the phone for this stuff. The coin is 10c which are 1 inch across.
  5. JDP

    Black cat

    Still to big, also tried from my phone but don't have my codes to sign in. Either the mrs or kids have moved the book with all the passwords, so for now Im at three mercy!!!! Its no big deal, they aren't the greatest images. Ive had to remove my post from Facebook as it caused a fair amount of drama from the fluffy animal welfare society who seem to want to protect cats far more than native wildlife. I now see why those who regularly kill feral cats keep it quiet.
  6. JDP

    Black cat

    Its still so dam small and many apps I use don't open up the same on a phone, I also find those keys to small on a phone!!!.
  7. JDP

    Black cat

    I think the issue is coming from the fact I don't send from the phone and don't have this site on the phone as its to small and fiddly and constantly needing sign ins after each update etc. I crop it down like you describe and then share to my notebook which works fine on other sites that allow the 2.2 its cropped to but the notebook doesn't second compress after cropping like phones do. Your image shows 7.6mb so is obviously being downsized again after cropping to get it bellow 7.6mb when you post on here, where my cropped image is just over 2.2mb from phone to notebook, then no compression from notebook to site. This is why I normally have to turn on my main computer and edit down with photoshop then to the site or shared to my notebook!!!! I like to use just one device for these kinds of sites so I don't have to keep finding passwords for each of them after every update they do.
  8. JDP

    Black cat

    Thats what I've been doing, like I said I cropped the image by at least half and its still over 2meg down from around 7meg. My iPhone camera under settings is set as jpeg as these can still have enough detail for publishing, all I can imagine is that some of you must be using the other option of higher compression .
  9. JDP

    Black cat

    When I go into the edit on the phone I don't see any option to re-size apart from cropping. Once cropped the only option is 'done'. Just cropped one image by over half and its still to big.
  10. JDP

    Black cat

    Yes I have done that before but unfortunately I took the photos pretty close and didn't leave enough space for cropping.
  11. JDP

    Black cat

    We also have around 24 million wild pigs that don't resemble the pink pigy from the movie babe anymore. They have reverted to very larger hairy animals with very large tusks. They can do serious damage to dogs and humans if bailed up badly or injured during hunting. The eat pretty much anything and are incredibly smart, reported to be smarter than dogs which makes them a challenge at times to hunt. My daughter hunts them alone as Im to noisy for her liking. Last hunt she brought home dear the one before a large pig and before that goats. Have a google search on the feral pigs over here!!!
  12. JDP

    Black cat

    Domestic cats were brought here by the first settlers, where many thrived in the native bush. Over the last 200 years they have survived so well that their wild breeding has seen an increase in their size to around 5ft long and 20kg one weight https://knowledgenuts.com/2014/04/27/australias-giant-feral-cats/ This one that I saw today is as big as any feral cat Ive ever seen and the camera is now set. I will re-bate the area in 4 days and swap the memory card over. My daughter who's a far better hunter and tracker headed out with me this afternoon and managed to find some pretty large paw prints in mud (can't post as the images are on my phone and to big to load on this site ) Is there an easy way to drop the size from an iPhone image without having to load them on my main computer and re-size in photoshop. She also found found scats either from a fox or the cat containing bones and teeth within 100m of the sighting. Feral cats do considerable damage to native wildlife, if I get any chance this one will be turned into another of the many skins and skulls we have at home. I contacted a local mountain bike club that have numerous cameras on trails in the area to ask if they had any sightings, which they hadn't but a cyclist had seen a large cat in that area. This is pretty exciting to know its hunting this general area, making me optimistic I will catch either on film or other means (its an area we can hunt). I was lucky enough to capture far rarer quolls just before the fires swept through almost two years ago.
  13. Just been out in a remote location and spotted a large black cat. Not as big as a leopard but certainly bigger than any feral cat Ive seen (or caught )here, longer than a fox and about the same height. It looked to be in excellent condition and I would estimate around 16-18kg. It stayed in front of me on a trail for around 6 seconds at 20-30m away before heading into the bush where I lost sight of it. The area is a wet low land area in dense bush (forrest) where I often see small swamp wallabies which I would imagine it hunts in this area. Im now charging my trail camera and will try to bait it to the camera (hopefully) if it uses this area regularly. Feral cats are common and often adapt to growing around double the size of domestic cats and their heads change shape to a more power larger scull, Ive caught these in traps before but todays sighting was a class of cat well above those. Im pretty excited and not something I was expecting to see.
  14. Not to far from one of the wrecks I used to fish at Alum Bay in those last shots, shallow water but lost of eels on it and rarely fished.
  15. Got a bit hooked into these Youtube videos from a young couple up north (the tropics). They take off on an adventure that ends up blowing out to 4 months of living off the land and ocean in the far north of Queensland. For those who believe all the hype about the Great Barrier Reef being dead take a look at a few of these adventures. This starts off from Cairns and heads far north covering some of the areas Ive towed my boat to and far more that I dream of heading to. The boat is an old 17ft haines with the cab cut off.
  16. To windy for me to head out, i'll leave all that bumping about to my daughter!!!...by the way she had another mako yesterday while snapper fishing with light tackle. Might sneak out and do a quick prop change test though.
  17. JDP


    Welcome to her Majesties secret service Mr Mystery, your secrets will be safe with me, I have no intension of following you as I cant afford the fuel!!!!
  18. Out with the tape measure again Jon, first checking my km's across Oz and now checking the size of anglers fingers 😉
  19. Ok so the fact the wind isn't blowing the flag towards the anchor was another reason why I picked up on the anchor under the boat. Conclusion is the fenders are over the side as an emergency situation is at hand. The anchor is round the prop from chasing down the fish and running it over during the panic. Not all is lost as the rescue boat with a cameraman is close at hand to save the day. Good fish and good looking boat by the way!!!
  20. I did think that but it was the fact the anchor must be very close to those rods fishing out the back stood out, as did the dark shape in the water in front of the boat that looks like burnt drift wood!!!.....apologies, its the photographer in me that checks all within a picture before I send to a publisher.
  21. Trying to figure out the why the anchor line is leading under the boat.
  22. Had a lot of years in and out of work in the building trade before heading over here, I certainly appreciate being able to raise my kids here.
  23. If WA didn't have restrictions we were hoping to of headed over to Exmouth where both the fishing and diving is excellent. In the Northern Territory its far more risky to dive because of croc's, sharks and deadly jellyfish but we do still risk it. As you can see road trips are longer than the 3860km you mention. These don't include any excisions along the way, which is silly not to do on such big trips. One of our NT trips with the whole family we clocked almost 15000km round trip in 4 weeks.
  24. Planning on heading to a place called Shady Camp (an area we regularly fish for Barra as well as Vanderlin island ). My km's are for a round trip which will actually go well over the 8000k. Also hope to catch up with my youngest daughter who is living in the NT.
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