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Everything posted by JDP

  1. An Irish friend of my dads told him that wd40 would help with hair loss!!!!!!....the same fella told him that green cream you put on animal cuts promoted hair growth!!! Yes my dad used both. I would not recommend using wd40 on any fishing reels as the penetrating oil removes grease from the reels leaving them exposed.
  2. 27knots in reverse, what's wrong with that!!!
  3. The button that looks like a clicker ratchet on the side is actually a full lock button that stops the spool from turning, so full lock using this is truly full lock meaning it will go above the drag rating if you need to break out of a wreck or other snag.
  4. Well they look the same as dogfish but yes they do grow pretty big, over 3m in some of the species of them.
  5. I notice that most people change the handles on the silver 1500 models as they are considered to short but the grey models already come with the same longer handles standard. Which model do you use ? My concern going off almost every Shimano reel I own would be that the usable drag system is bellow what they claim, which would make 7kg possibly 4-5kg in real life. I notice many serious jiggers seem to mention upgrading the drag straight away to carbontex to actually get those upper claims of 7 and 10kg. This seems a bit crazy that people are spending relatively big money only to upgrade handles and drag systems in new reels. In saying that I don't remember to many fish pulling much line from my days of wrecking around the English Channel but they don't need to pull much to get back into a wreck if they are hooked close to it. When I went to pick up one a couple of days ago they only had the 1500 and 3000 but Im keen on having a look at the 2000 before I decide which I will get, the silver models don't seem to be available in many stores anymore only these grey models with the extra thumb tensioner.
  6. Can Join in and count wobbygongs, they look the same and in similar numbers Ove most reefs!!!!
  7. So aren't the new ocea jiggers as good now (2020) versions. From what Ive heard the latest ones improve over the last model. I was using the Jigging master versions but have since sold on my multi versions. I do have an ocea on order ( new grey model ) for deep jig work in 300-500m, thought I would give one a try to be better experienced on how they compare to some of the other small jiggers I've owned. Will be used with the 2021 Shimano grapplers.
  8. JDP


    Ive never had a backlight go on any unit, what models are you talking about ? I have a Lowrance HDS 5 which I was keeping incase I ever needed a backup. Not sure what the postage would be or how long it might take to in the post but I can look into it if anyone is interested. Unfortunately I dont have any UK visitors heading over for a while or I could of asked someone to take it back over.
  9. Having been following a thread on another forum regarding the fact people are having to send their Shimano Stellas back to the US for servicing because the UK is unable to supply parts and carry out these higher end reels services I would be wary about buying any high end reels in the UK. Is this something you have considered ? Buy the way I may try and pick up one of limited edition ocea jiggers this week in 3000 or 4000 size to see how they go.
  10. Every boat ramp and carpark in our town are crammed full, literally hundreds of boats at each of our 6 ramps. I won't get my boat out until things have quietened down after the easter break. For a small town of 8000 residents we currently have approximately 3000 trailer boats from out of town.
  11. Crap venue for busking but you can't tell your kids anything when they are 15!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSxApcX2w3g
  12. JDP


    Mate you've got more hair than me, what are you 25!!!!
  13. JDP


    The second has eagle rays as well as bull rays and third a seal .
  14. So after a day cruising the ocean putting clients onto fish this is back at the dock. Cleaning the fish with numerous species hanging around for a free feed each day, such as bream, trevally, sting rays and even seals. I recon my daughter has chosen a pretty good career skippering boats, she even gets to sleep at the boat shed when ever she feels like having a beer and not drive.
  15. I played with a couple of ocea jiggers today, these were the new custom f grey models with the extra fine tune thumb break and longer handles in the 1500 models. Funny thing is you can get these at all stores here in Oz but very few have made it to the USA shelves. On Shimano's new grappler and JDM rods they were a beutifull little match, however that 1500 model is very small. Its amazing that these little things are more expensive than a big tiagra etc or deep drop Ellectric reel. Comparing it with a Talica 12 in my hand the Talica felt like a more robust bit of kit but no where near as cute!!!... Had the intension of picking up a Lexa but due to their popularity the store was sold out again. Just read this interesting note on the jiggers https://www.anglers-secrets.com/ocea-jigger-1500-or-2000/
  16. Back when I first started catching them we actually kept them for food or to sell. I do have pictures but they are of dead sharks and people become far to touchy about that sort of thing even though the sharks were used and not just dragged onboard for photos and most likely fatally injured before being tossed back. On a quick side note, shark is a popular fish for eating over here and sold as flake in fish and chip shops, mako and small bronze whalers being very popular on the target list due to their eating quality. Sharks follow the bait to a certain point, so once you are well into mackerel season you should be trying. I was working on a boat where we hooked a good sized thresher mid winter cod fishing off the Needles many years ago. I also worked on trawlers at night back then and believe the thresher was there due to good numbers of large squid we were catching among the plaice and sole etc. I have found threshers in quite shallow water at locations where I would catch pollack under the Tenison monument (white cliffs around the Needles to Freshwater bay). The areas I caught threshers around St Catherins and Ventnor have also been around the rough pinnacle ares where you find pollack. Most of my porbeagles were simply around any good sized mackerel shoals. One day I hooked porbeagles one after another from about 2 mile out from the Needles keeping three for a restaurant order. Often there were porbeagles around mid channel wrecks too. Blues were further afield towards the channel islands. I would expect the fact that so many of the big overseas trawlers are targeting mid water fish such as mackerel, herring and sprats etc that many sharks would be getting killed as bycatch. Also sharks are still heavily targeted by the Spanish and French longliners on their way up the coast during spring and summer. I dont target them anymore but don't mind letting people have a crack at them in my boat or people I take shore fishing. Keeping the boat moving at a decent speed greatly reduces any chance of them bashing about at the side ion the boat and greatly improves the catch and release time. We were literally releasing sharks of around 300lb two weeks ago in under 15mins on using heavy spin gear. Boats targeting mako in the mako tournament will often tag over 20 mako from just one boat on a maximum of 15kg outfits (tournament maximum class), more points the lower the line class, so most fish 10kg. Back in my day's of sharking in the UK we never used the boat at all, everything was done from a stationary boat. If you do hook tuna I would highly recommend using the boat to work the fish for a faster release. There is already to much poor publicity where people are posting what looks like exhausted fish alongside boats. We are lucky in the fact we can keep our tuna species and their not under threat here. If you make any rigs yourself, make sure they can truly hold up. Holding a fish or shark alongside the boat for hook removal after its been fought for a long period is far different from handling healthy fish that are swimming alongside the boat, your gear will need to be able to take far more pressure than half dead fish. On some fish like marlin and broadbill we will use a lighter gauge circle which we can break the hooks if need be once a fish is tagged. Technology is far better than when I fished back there. Now I would be closely studying the bathymetric charts which most sounders have option of and also closely keeping an eye on water temperature charts (as I do here). http://www.fishtrack.com/fishing-charts/
  17. The boats my daughter skippers are sponsored by both Shimano and Daiwa with a very relaxed easy going relationship. Both manufactures reps will hire the the boats and fish with each other for a day of banter and a night of alcohol at the boat shed. This week she had reps from both sides, its something she looks forward to when every they all get together. Its also not a case of matching outfits with manufactures, some Shimano rods have Daiwa reels and some Daiwa rods have Shimano reels on them. They are what's known as tackle testers, which means they get gear without branding or names to test, some of which won't ever make it to market if it fails.
  18. Yes newer vehicles and boats are ok to run on it but it also needs to be used quickly and not left in tanks attracting water https://www.ipswichcitymechanical.com.au/e10-fuel-may-not-good-vehicle/ I dont know anyone who would risk having it in their boat fuel tanks.
  19. Just had a bit of a clear out yesterday too. Need to make way for a few new bits of gear to to lend to people I take out, as the old stuff was getting shabby. Its funny how hard it can be to let outfits go, some I held in my hand remembering back on trips where the kids had caught things on them which makes it hard to let them go. The fact Im just passing them onto other youngsters at least makes me feel happy they might well end up with a great little adventure to remember too.
  20. My thoughts on this are that some people love nothing more than pretty graphs and spending time with calculators!!!!! Im using jigs and soft plastics with weights that don't come anywhere near those recommendations. If I was to use those a few years ago yes I would of caught fish but given the fact the fish are so used to people using jigs these days they have wised up to not being caught by them. In depths of 80 to 300m Im dropping jigs of 60-80g and plastics to a max of 1/4oz in depths of 60-80m. Of course this can't be done at anchor but its certainly ok on the drift. I do have to constantly work my engine in and out of gear to keep the boat over jigs in deep water but the lighter lures are certainly allowing me to out fish boats still dropping 500g to 2kg jigs wizzing past fish at warp speed. Panoptics has been a game changer for me in seeing how fish behave live on my screen in relation to different jig weights. Everything is constantly changing, with the Daiwa baitjunkie plastics being the latest greatest the fish are taking. I can run several plastics from different manufacturers and see in live view just how fish are reacting to the lures. Its so dam fun and addictive that Im having more fun watching fish's reactions to lures than actually catching them. A few grams of difference on the same jig head can see fish swim to both lures but in most cases just take the lightest.
  21. Do you know what they make in the Daiwa factory over there ? I thought it was mostly rods. I had considered a ocea jigger but they seem way overpriced for what they are. My old tyrnos 12 has more stopping power and a silky drag even after numerous tuna etc. Also the tyrnos 12 were just 100 quid before the 2 speed came out. For my next reel I will go with the Lexa as these are just so easy to let them fish themselves. I set one up that has just enough pressure to pull line as the boat rocks, so once I fast drop to 30m I then set it to just drop as the boat rocks giving it a slow action with the rod in the holder. I have another rod setup which I work faster by hand . Once the slow one reaches bottom I simply retrieve back to around 30m and let it work itself back down. The rod in the holder catches the most fish by far. Its a great way to jig two rods when solo in your own boat.
  22. Welcome Tony. No longer living in that part of the world but used to live on the IOW and fished for may years targeting sharks from the island with good success. It was chasing sharks that brought me to moving to Australia. Still have plenty of old sharking buddies from over there, some head out this way when they want their arms truly stretched!!!!
  23. If its for jigging or micro jigging why not try a Daiwa Lexa if you have all Daiwa reels available (being British reels!). Lexa's have good line capacity and more drag than most people will ever use in the UK and more than the 1500 ocea. For a small population we have an incredible amount of gear on offer, even rivalling the USA in variety and price. This tackle world store in the video is one of 45 stores over here. The store I use most "Complete angler " has 600 outlets around the country. There are 115 BCF mega stores (boating fishing camping ) stores, 60 anaconda stores and hundreds of smaller independent store that often specialise in high end gear. The boating stores are equally large and competitive around the country. Most boaters don't have just one boat, its like fishing rods you need your offshore rig, inshore boat and river boat etc!!!! The only difference being while the UK has a huge forum based group of anglers, here there are far fewer. Personally the ocea jigger is very over priced in my opinion, there are plenty of reels half the price and with more stopping power. Maybe the stopping of angry fish isn't so important for wrecking etc but head overseas
  24. Not a great recording from my phone (might of been better if id taken it out of the case!!) Anyway this is my youngest earning pocket money at the local pub yesterday. Yes its still raining!!!
  25. Had a week of 30kt winds and at least another 5 days of it ahead.
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