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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. That might not be entirely true. Go to ‘view’ at the top of the screen and select ‘list’ and show ‘file extension’. That will then give the true file type. I am doing this from memory as I am on the school run for an hour or so.
  2. Now that the SLT resident retard has been silenced, let us continue with a sensible discussion. Once you have the ADM file working, maybe you need to think how to safely keep it and add marks at your leisure from the pc. Garmin Homport is no longer available or supported, which is a shame as you could use your charts with it, however I have a copy if you want it. Another alternative is to download Garmin Basecamp, which does the same thing but without the charts, you just enter the GPS co-ords, which plots as a mark. You can then save all the marks as a ADM file to a micro SD. To update the plotter, just plug in the card and when prompted, tap the ‘merge’ button. If you hit the replace from file button, then all your marks on the plotter will be duplicated !
  3. Yes, about 11 miles off Berry Head, and about 16 miles from Teignmouth. It's true name is the La Blanca, but it was carrying 1000's of ton's of meat when it went down. Very hit and miss, I often go straight on to the Pomella which is another 7 miles further on, but this puts you in the centre of 14 wrecks all within 5 miles, however, the Pomella usually fishes well. IIRC the current record conger of 133lb came from the Meatboat.
  4. TBH the Empress that you went to first is more of an Autumn / winter wreck, but the Château fishes quite well all year round.
  5. Who the feck is Ned ? ................ I guess it is your imaginary friend 🙄 This is your version of fixing tech ........... It is a pity we can't fix your wayward tendencies with this ..........
  6. John Wallington ........... he is also a commercial. On his trips, you only get to keep your best fish of each species 🙄
  7. Ok, open the file explorer on your pc. Locate the required ADM file on the card and then right click on it. A context menu will pop up and you need to turn off UAC (user account control) then copy the file to your pc. Once on the pc, copy the file across to a blank formatted card. I am not near the pc right now, but I think I got that right, perhaps @Andy135 can confirm
  8. I guess you went out to the 'empress of India', and then onto the 'Château Yquem'. The Château is known locally as the 'Salvage' These are local wrecks for us, and I am thinking about going to the 'Ursa' on Sat or Sun. The Ursa is about a mile from the Chateau. I will guess at the 2 charter's being 'LazyDaze' and 'Shandie III', both from Exmouth.
  9. It is usually the sea conditions that dictate what I do. I usually got out with a couple of plans in mind, and then decide once I have seen what the sea is really doing once out of the navigation channel.
  10. That looks better. Yes, it should load onto the plotter ok, albeit a little slow as it does all the validation stuff.
  11. I expected 10 days, but they got a replacement from Barrus ( merc uk) in 2 days.
  12. The first trip was with James (brother-in-law) to the Skerries, and we were tasked with catching Plaice. That was on Saturday 29th April, and it was the first trip to the skerries that we have made this year as the sea conditions have been poor due to the East winds. It was a neap tide and a flat sea, so the trip down was done in about 35mins at a steady 35kts. Alan in his Offshore 25 had already left as I was launching, so he had a 10 min head start on me, but we both arrived at the skerries bell buoy at the same time 😉 Fishing was OK with a drift of 1kt, and we managed 14 Plaice of which 9 were keepers. Although the Plaice MLS is 27cm, we don't keep anything under 35 - 40cm. James also hooked 2 big spider crab, the biggest being just under 4lb. It is annual shagging time for the spiders, and they come into the coastline of Beesands, Hallsands, Slapton, and Balckpool to breed. No rays, only one Grey Gurnard and no Mackerel or Launce. TBF a good day, and we got back at about 3:00pm, however, on the way back I noticed a whistle from the engine and a quick check on the smart craft showed that the Alternator was not charging. When I flushed the engine, I confirmed the Alternator was running very hot and no output. This is a common fault on the Mercury 150, and it has now been replaced under warranty (a superseded part number). With 200Ah of battery, and the engine / electronics probably only drawing 10A max, we had 15 hours of runtime, so no bother really. Birchell Marine at Torquay harbour came up trumps again, by sorting it out, even though they were busy with bank holiday stuff. To change the alternator on the Mercury is a 10 min job, as it is on top of the engine and just 2 bolts hold it in place. The next trip was with Kyle out to the 12 mile wrecks on Sunday 7th May. It was a short trip as we needed to catch the tide on the slip (spring tides). Launched at 7:30 and returned at 12:00 midday. Another successful few hours with 6 Pollock, all around the 5lb mark. It was interesting as I was getting a few Pout on the slow jigs and Kyle was just getting the odd tap on a Vibro shad. Kyle changed to a 115mm dark Red Gill and was straight into a Pollock. Once on the deck, the Pollock was spitting out a load of tiny whitebait and sandeels. A good example of 'matching the hatch' and we both went with the small Red gills and took a further 5 fish. Also, Kyle got bitten off twice, with the line completely frayed, So I assume there might have been some Ling in the mix. Looking for a nice calm day now with a 10sec plus wave pattern, as I want to get out to the Gateway wrecks in the mid channel (about 47 miles), out there you are closer to Alderney than the UK mainland. That is always a 100 mile plus round trip and I have to carry extra fuel as the inboard tank is only 90L The stamp of the Plaice, that one was a plump 40cm The stamp of the Pollock, it has lost some colour as it had been in the fish coolbox for an hour or so with loads of ice.
  13. The Garmin will accept either an ADM or a GPX file, i.e. 'myfiles.adm' or 'myfiles.gpx' ADM files are pure Garmin but contain ALL the waypoint info, including any notes you might have made. GPX files are a GPS waypoint standard file format, and Garmin will accept the GPS info and the waypoint name. If the card has them in any other format, let me know and I might be able to convert it.
  14. On your plotter, plug in a blank SD card, go to waypoints, then tap export waypoints, you will then be prompted to enter a file name, do that, tap continue and it will create a file on the SD card of your waypoints 👍
  15. You plan is to export them as a *.gpx from your plotter to an SD card, then you can import them to any other plotter as GPX is a recognised file standard for GPS waypoints. As an example, I exported mine from the Garmin, and imported the file into ‘bro in laws’ Lowrance.
  16. If you got the relief shading option, then it loaded it ok. My be you didnt zoom in enough ? on your phone, go to the chart and then increase the zoom with you fingers to see it it switches to shading as you zoom in. On my phone the shading does not kick in until I zoom to 2nm as shown in the bottom left corner of the screen. Anything greater than 2nm and it only displays the raster chart, which is normal.
  17. Ok, good plan. Not being funny, but another good plan would be to let Leo do it. Just explain what should happen and let him get on with it. Kids these days are good with tech, they don't think about it, they just do it. kyle is always finding stuff on the panoptix and sonar, also Josh the other evening cleaned up my PC for me and got the fancy fan software working like it should and he is only 14.
  18. On the plotter main screen, tap ‘charts’ and you should get about 5 options come up, i.e nav chart, fishing chart, birds eye view, etc. one of the options will be relief shading. Just tap that and the shaded chart should appear.
  19. My marks have defo disappeared from the plotter. 100%. I still use ‘Homeport’ on my PC. It is no longer supported by Garmin, but I think it is still available on their website. Obviously, it dose t support relief shading, but the standard raster charts work well on it. i use it to enter marks, which are then stored as an *.ADM file onto a SD card. To transfer them the the plotter ( or the other way around), I just plug the card into the plotter and use the ‘user data’ function to merge the waypoint data.
  20. Unless you have done a plotter factory reset, the marks should still be there. I don't think there is any other way to bulk delete them. Firstly restart your phone /ipad (what are you using ?) to see if the chart delete works again. If not, then delete the app and reinstall. Once you log in, your chart subscription will show ok.
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