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Posts posted by GPSguru

  1. 25 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    That's just the thing Ian, I did delete the charts. Think that's why I also lost all my Marks. I'll have another try tomorrow . Don't think I'll bother next year, I'll just use the old out of date chart. 

    The marks will be stored on the plotter, they are not stored on the active captain card, so once you 'sync' with the plotter, they will all come back on active captain.

    Good thing is, you can play around at home until you get it right, without having to go to the boat.

    I haven't updated my charts for nearly 2 years, TBH very little changes.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Yea it's me I'm 100%. It's something I only do once a year so not a thing that sticks in the head. As you know I'm a manual person not a techie nerd like you!

    Ok, I think I had a similar issue when Garmin used the ‘chart tiles’ in active captain.

    once you get the shading working in active captain, then it will work when you dump it on the plotter.

    I think you just need to start again, by deleting your current chart selection, make sure you have ‘download relief shading’ ticked, and then reselect the area you want.

    I noted that the boatless unwashed is taking the pee, we can wait 😉🙄🤣🤣👍

  3. Relief shading only works when transferred via active captain. Only a chart can be transferred using Garmin Express.

    when it did the cart transfer to the active captain card, the active captain app should have downloaded the chart from garmin, then validated the download, then transferred the chart to the plotter card, then validated the transferred data, so 4 steps that seem to take forever !

    once transferred, you need to reboot your plotter, by turning off. Sometimes you also need to remove the card, and then reinsert as  the plotters seem to forget it is there.

  4. 1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Ok, so being a technical dullard, my chart subscription has run out. I've renewed no problem, bought a new SD card to put the info on. Ive down loaded the new charts to my active captain app and transferred the data (I think), but I've now lost all my fishing marks and relief shading from the app and plotter. Marks are not really an issue as I know where they are physically. But not having the relief shading is pissing me off. I'm sure this happened last year but I can't remember what I had to do to sort the issue. Any ideas?? 
    Im fed up sat here for an hour trying to work through the settings and getting nowhere. 

    Well, we need to start from the beginning.

    Have you downloaded the correct chart with relief shading ? There are 2 versions of the charts, one with and one without.

    Does the shading show ok when using the active captain app ? If not then enable that layer using the control in the top right hand corner.

    Lowrance vs Garmin ? ….. Garmin kit is generally better made, more reliable, and more intuitive to use 👍

  5. 1 hour ago, Jon cook said:



    How thick would a spacer need to be so that the handbrake energy retainer bracket sits a couple of mm above that cross member ?

    The spacers are commercially available, there is one fitted on my Ifor Williams 2T  trailer, they are usually aluminium, so weight is not an issue, but raising the hitch height maybe an issue if it is more them 10 or 15 mm.

    Here is a pic from my ifor, which uses the same hitch, and you can clearly see the spacer, which looks like 20mm



  6. 8 minutes ago, JonC said:

    Ok so I’ve delved a bit deeper into this through OOs records and stats facility.

    That picture has been viewed 759 times in the last 2 years, always by the same person and usually late at night for a duration of 3 minutes. 
    That’s not me guessing, that’s counting and the system doesn’t make mistakes. 

    You really are a total fuckwit. Your technical ability couldn't engineer your way out of a paper bag, much less interrogate the forum stats. Carry on dreaming.

  7. 8 minutes ago, JonC said:

    Ask yourself one question, who are you actually lying to? 
    We all know who you are thinking of when you go to the wank bank. It’s a bit disturbing but understandable. 

    You really know how to degrade what is essentially a good discussion forum. Sinking to these sort of unacceptable depths is not helpful, and as a member of the SLT, you should know better and equally you should stop making yourself look a complete twat.

    I am sure @Andy135and @Saintly Fishare exasperated by your poor thought process



  8. 28 minutes ago, JonC said:

    Try harder. Lazy? Who does that refer to? We spend hours each night making this thing work for you so that when you remember where you are and what you’re doing there’s something for you to read. 

    Well tbh to get one out of 3 aint bad 😉😇🤣🖕

  9. 9 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

    Don't reckon it's a common/Eurasian wren as they have more mottled wings. See the wings in the pic below, not seen in Josh's photos.


    The beak tells us it is definitely a Wren of some sort.

    The other possibility was a juvenile Thrush, but they are also very mottled, and we have loads of them in the garden at the moment.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Josh said:

    Coaly I’ve never caught one would love one . Fight even harder ??

    Yes, most definitely. You tend to get them above the Pollock in mid water, and they go straight down when hooked, no stopping. Also, they fight all the way to the boat.

    Another interesting point is that unlike Pollock, Coalfish don't suffer from 'barotrauma', meaning their swim bladder does not blow up.

    After over 30 years of not seeing any, we are catching a few small Coalfish (5lb ish) on the wrecks now, but they are not in any great numbers.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Josh said:

    *Back in the day of disposable cameras E02C52A8-FC81-4417-9B86-F2E0AF2553FF.thumb.jpeg.39d2f5d9ccb3cce2ca486edb61aa1a98.jpeg

    That is a very good fish Josh, these days you really have to work hard to get fish above 15lb, but there are still some stonkers out there.

    I remember the days when we used to get almost as many Coalies off the wrecks as we did Pollock, and some of the Coalies were getting on for 20lb.

    My best Pollock stands at 24lb, which I caught 55 years ago, on a very famous conger charter out of Brixham.



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