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Posts posted by GPSguru

  1. 11 hours ago, JDP said:

    There's no way I would rely on ebay braid for any fishing, way to much time and money invested to risk it on.

    I use Spectra braid from ebay. It is made in the same factory as Shimano power pro, it looks identical and behaves identical. 

    also it is cheap enough to replace more frequently, which for me is every 2 years or so.

    TBH, I am a lot more fussy about mono leaders, rig bodies, and snoods. Mono (co-polymer) does vary a lot and usually ‘cheap’ is rubbish.

  2. 14 minutes ago, JDP said:

    Gee it makes me miss my Rhib, loved how it could punch well above its weight in big seas. 

    Totally agree, luckily we don't get big seas here very often, but it felt OK to be out in a 15 -20ft (5m) swell fishing the wrecks last autumn.

    We have been plagued this year with a 'short sea', meaning the time between the swells / waves is often less than 3 secs, and that just makes for uncomfortable fishing, so I give it a miss. I am generally looking for 4 secs plus, and if the big Atlantic swells are forecast, then 7 t0 10 secs.

  3. 5 minutes ago, JonC said:

    I can’t be fucked to google it 🤣

    If you want people to give meaningful answers, then pointless, stupid insults are not the way forward.🙄

    Count me out on this thread.

    I will ensure Daio has all the info he needs.

  4. 3 hours ago, jonnyswamp said:

    The screen picture that you have posted, is that available on most garmin mfd's

    I have a couple of old 5012's and a slightly newer 7410 XSV, can I get that info on any of these

    BTW, looked a nice few hrs out 👍 

    EDIT I assume that it's linked to the outboard and not an option for me

    Yes the trip info is readily available on your 7410 plotter, however, the fuel used info will require an input from the engine (I use a Mercury CAN bus to NMEA black box), but generally I red this infor diect from the mercury smartcraft gauges. When we are moving, I have the smartcraft set to show me fuel burn per hour and litres used since last fill up.

    But the trip distance, odometer, time moving, avg speed, max speed etc is all in the plotter.

    RTFM 🤣 ........... page 114


  5. We were fishing on the skerries today, and the weather was quite the opposite. Although warm, the visibility was variable from 1/4 mile to 1 mile, it was supposed to burn off, but stayed all day. At lunchtime, I even had the Nav lights on !

    AIS seems to work well in the fog / mist as we were called by a tug who was towing, in order we could identify our vessel type and take an agreed action (we stayed on his staboard side).

    Also we heard the CG calling a continual Pan Pan, for assistance to a 6.3m cabin cruiser that was dead in the water and anchored somewhere off Selsey Bill, so I guess you kept hearing that as well.

  6. 8 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    The mark we fished is known for them up to 40lb, so ours were relative babies, however mine was dramatically older than Andy's !

    It was nice to see both of them with their tails intact too, the commercials round here like to lop them off if caught. 

    Anything over 40lb is a good fish anywhere in the world. I hooked one in the Maroochydore ( Oz, in the land of @JDP) that towed us out to sea in a 20ft boat 😳. The wimin got a bit scared so I cut the braid 🙄

  7. 1 hour ago, jonnyswamp said:

    Not a criticism in any way, but wouldn't it be easier to bring a fish in with your left (rod) hand above the reel ?

    You'd get more leverage, making it easier, especially on something that wants to put up a bit of a scrap



    Normally yes, but I knew it was a pout and didn't need the net.

    Under normal circumstances I never hold the rod on the blank above the handle, as that is a sure way to snap a rod as you change the blank dynamics by the grip position. 

    just before the fish surfaced you can see me levelling the as it was bunching to the left.

    generally I hold the rod at the reel, usually left hand. That way I have full control and quick access to the lever drag.


  8. 9 hours ago, ukspearo said:

    It’s going to be used with a 30lb class rod for all sorts really - just a general all purpose reel. Must say I’m a big fan of Penn stuff but the fin nor looks very well made…… can get both about the same price …. So what do you think ? Which is better ? 

    On my 30lb and 50lb rods I use the fin Nor Marquesa 2011 (twin speed)

    On the 6 - 15's, and 12 - 20,s it is mostly Marquesa 12's, and a couple of older 16's

  9. 31 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

    Does that mean they were in/on another boat? 😁

    Nah, the less competent clowns drop them over the side when grabbing a pickup buoy to moor, and they float off in the tide.

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