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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. That is excellent. Jeff’s advice would have been good, as his standards are quite high, and he knows what he is talking about.
  2. So what is Jeff up to these days, I thought he still had the worrier 175, but was thinking about going for charter skipper tickets.
  3. It is quite worrying that you know where to find this stuff 😲🙄
  4. I was going to go out this morning as the sea conditions were forecast to be excellent, however, due to the lack of gritting around here and lots of frozen 'run off' I binned the idea as a short section of the A381 has been the subject of a good few ice accidents in the last few days. However, Sunday is looking good, and I may well got out with my mate on his Offshore 25 to the distant wrecks.
  5. 🤣 Actually, Thurs/Fri are looking good for me right now. I just need to finish the trailer service ( new brake shoes, cables, and wheel bearings).
  6. If it is the same on both up and down from both switches, then I would suspect the pump (expensive)
  7. I use the RH Sport Scale (Digital) 132lb x 1oz, also on the boat is the traditional RH specimen hunter analogue scale 60lb x 1oz, which is rarely used. Don't forget to get the storage pouch.
  8. RIP Jeff Beck ........... Formally of the Yardbirds, but most will remember him for this........
  9. TBH, even in a hard boat, that has water in the bilge or is taking on water, you would want to keep moving at least displacement speed to maintain stability and steerage.
  10. RIB’s have a low transom and no splash well, so going against the flow is always gonna end up wet. I went astern quickly to pick up a dog that had fallen off another boat. I should have given full helm and loads of power to pirouette and turn on a sixpence 👍
  11. Displacement speed is ok for them to work, which is fine in a RIB full of water ! I have seen the testing done when the rib is full of water to the top of the tubes, and it empties in just a few minutes. I have only ever used them once, due to pilot error, I went backwards quite quickly and took a ton of water over the transom 🤣.
  12. On the Rib I have an Johnson auto 800GPH in sump, but I can also drop the twin 4” elephant trunks which remove water at the rate of 40,500 LPH (9000GPH).
  13. For some reason, the braid has become loose, which means that even with level wind, it will 'dig in' under tension. I would guess that the mono has probably bedded down, causing the braid to loosen. If it were me, then I would rip it off and re-spool with fresh braid, I buy spectra in 1000m spools, so the cost would be negligible. As @JonC say's, run the line off the stern with an 8oz weight on the end and then and wind back on. Doing that, you have nothing to lose, provided you tied a decent mono to braid knot.
  14. GPSguru


    Yeah, the duracell's are OK 🤣
  15. Peter did OK on the inshore wrecks, he visited two at about 9 miles out, he had 10 Pollock from about 5lb to 8lb......... like this,
  16. No, but I would if I needed to. Strangely enough, the best bait for whiting is Squid, especially the head and tentacles of a small squid. Kyle definitely had the biggest fish using that as bait. Also, we both noticed that bites were quicker when a strip of squid was on the hook, as opposed to slower bites with just mackerel belly strip.
  17. They usually stay until mid to late Jan, then they appear briefly again in April, but yes, weather permitting, the best and most productive time is the Autumn. I usually catch them on a mark, which is a favourite for Cod ! (probably the only Cod mark in the Bay), so I think it is pretty obvious what attracts the Cod. I tend not to target the Cod as they are not prolific enough to make it worthwhile, generally the fish caught are Codling (3lb - 5lb), but there was a 20lb + caught there a couple of years ago.
  18. If you want one, your best chance in the UK will be to take a Charter out to the Shambles gravel banks just off Portland Bill. 👍
  19. Finally, a weather window, albeit quite small and sort of unreliable, but it had to be worth a go ! Last night's weather forecast was saying no, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it would be Ok come the morning, and it was. The wind was light WNW, and although cold, there are plenty of sheltered options. After de-icing the Jeep, the temp was 2c when I picked up Kyle at 07:00. A quick trip to Tesco to put 48L of fuel in, and we were on the slipway at 07:45 and launched at 07:50. We had decided that as we were only out for the morning, it would be inshore fishing at the Orestone to see if the Whiting were around, and maybe pick up another squid or two. Two of my mates were heading to the wrecks, and they will tell me all I need to know about the wreck population 😉 We arrived at the Orestone at 08:15 and made a couple of drifts, with nothing to show, not even a nibble. The Orestone can be a strange place, and it is often a matter of finding where the little sods are hiding. We decided to drift the deeper mud to gravel area on the other side of the mark. First drift and bingo, we were straight into very decent Whiting and also picked up a decent Squid. From about 09:00 onwards the area we were drifting began to fill with boats that were Cod fishing at anchor, it made drifting a bit more complicated, but it was OK. We didn't see any Cod caught, but we did see them land some Whiting and dogs. Our rigs were the usual Hookai 3 string with the bottom hook baited (Mack / Squid), we do that in case there are some Mackerel about. Using this method before we have had all sorts, Codling, Pollock, Mackerel, Gurnard, and even Dogs. The stamp of the Whiting was excellent, with the smallest going about 1lb and the biggest a tad under 2lb, luckily there were no pin's in amongst them. The action was quite steady with Kyle taking 22 and me 19. We also had 3 squid between us. Soon it was 12:30 and time to head back in. An excellent trip out, not far at 17Nm, but the return was good with 41 Whiting and 3 Squid. A couple of pics This was the general stamp of the Whiting The Squid
  20. Looks like a good session, and well done to Leo on the cod. 👍 There seems to be more cod around this winter, today I had to place my inshore drifts to clear the 6 boats that were anchored and cod fishing. I will wait until the cod move out to the wrecks.
  21. Oh, I get the thread title now, you made a pic of the three Ho’s 🤣
  22. Excellent work. Instead of a rheostat controlled motor, which isn't load sensing, you could have used a washing machine motor and a closed loop controller from RS Comps (not expensive). I use one on my 1945 Boxford lathe.
  23. Yes, wind increases pm here, so currently looking at a morning session, however, 2 days to go and that a lifetime in weather forecasting.
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