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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. A malt double with a coke mixer .......... drunk it that way for years, I guess there are those that would call me a heathen ๐Ÿคฃ I go through almost a bottle of whisky, and 3 maybe 4 bottles of wine per week, been like it years, the only time I throttled back was when my Ulcerative Colitis got bad, and I was unable to mix alcohol and steroids. BTW, spelling is OK with either Whisky, or Whiskey, although I usually associate the latter with bourbon's ...... bring on the JD
  2. This has been my earworm today ................. can't find the vid of Metallica doing a live cover, so we will have to do with the original from Plastic Bertrand.
  3. Better ๐Ÿ‘ double malt, with crushed ice, topped up with coke or pepsi ๐Ÿ‘, maybe a slice of lemon too.
  4. I tend not to drink beer, far too common.......... Merlot or malt whiskey is a far better option ๐Ÿ‘
  5. How true is that, but twice in one day was taking the pish. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฃ
  6. Today, whilst picking the grand daughter up from school, I stopped off in the little seaside town to get a few things. As I walked through the pedestrian part, our old friend @JonC had come all the way from Essex to pay me a visit . There on the street corner (I kid you not) was a rather rotund geezer of about 50 with a neatly cropped beard, dressed as a bloody jester in red / green and ringing a hand bell, which was feckโ€™in loud. To add insult to injury he was blabbering on about a load of old rubbish in an equally loud voice. I just looked at him and said, kinโ€™ell youโ€™re a long way from essex, but he just blankly looked at me ๐Ÿคฃ To make matters worse, on the way home I stopped at Tesco and as I walked in there as a bloke of about mid 20โ€™s with shaved head and tatโ€™s dressed in a full length bright orange dress. Even worse was the geezer with him, a bloke in his 50โ€™s with a white jacket and wearing a cravat ! ๐Ÿ˜ก ffs, what is going on in this world !๐Ÿคฌ
  7. You obviously wore a black suit, and from then on was known as Duracell
  8. I think this is aimed at one market place septics go Toonah fishing !
  9. But there will be those that will buy it ................. I got the chance to try a NAKED shore sinning rod and TBH didnt think it was anything special, unlike the Century which really does feel the part
  10. A new Tuna Rod from ZENAQ, which is the NAKED brand Rod name NAKED NC83 Tuna Rod's length ( ft ) 8' 3" Joint type Offset Handle Rod's closed length 176cm Lure weight ( Max ) ~ 160g Lure weight ( Best ) 60 ~ 120g Line weight PE 4 ~ 8 Rod's weight ( Average ) 430g Grip length 840mm Reel seat HEXAGON REEL SEAT #20 Price ยฅ 1,280,000 ( Tax not included ) Production Made to order The link to their website ............. https://zenaq.com/en/
  11. GPSguru


    Yeah, but I did get him to bite on another thread ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคฃ
  12. It is not well known but a good few tope have been caught in deep water off the outer edge of the skerries. The Salcombe crews are reporting that wrecks to the west of Dartmouth are clear of gear. This year I had only one cod which went about 6lb. I guess Bream fishing from the boat is a novelty for us here in Lyme bay, ok on light gear. The local divers have been kind enough to give me the exact location of an estimated 10 - 15lb Ballan, which tends to bully the divers, so I will give that a go.
  13. It is a bit like the mafia without guns ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ I can pretty much guarantee that if I dropped my 2 pots ( correctly marked) anywhere along our coast here, they would disappear within 2 days. The longest they lasted was 5 day when I fitted a dummy GPS tracker to a flagged and buoyed dhan buoy.
  14. There is no organisation of the local fishing fleets, it is a free for all, with competition between the 6 ports that the under 10m fleet operate from.
  15. That is usually my way of thinking, but the there needs to be a bit of give and take on both sides. Right now that just isn't happening. Also the line caught commercials need to make living and currently their ability to do that is severely compromised.
  16. It is one thing to put you on the mark, but the angler needs the skill to catch the fish ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. The only trouble is, whatever the outcome, the damage for the summer is now done. I will spend the rest of the summer fishing inshore marks like the skerries for Plaice / Rays, and the reefs for Wrasse / Bream. Once Autumn is here, it will be back the wrecks awaiting the arrival of the winter lodgers. Have you fished the Mussel rope beds ? Good info is telling me that a fair few Bream have been caught ? Matt did the right move in taking a year off to go to the Philippines ๐Ÿ‘
  18. Last time out, I didn't bother with the wrecks, only the Galicia to take some pictures of the 2 nets and 7 pot buoys ! ........... instead, I spent my time filling the bait freezer with fresh Mackerel. I have spoken at length to a couple of the line caught commercials / Charters, and they are seriously peed off, so I am guessing there will be a local Mafia war to sort this crap out. My next trips will be towards the South Hams wrecks and the skerries, but it is a long steam. The situation in the South Hams and off of Dartmouth seems to be a bit better than seems to be a fair bit better than what we have right now in Lyme Bay. It has been suggested to just cut ropes, but in reality that only makes the situation worse and there will be floating ropes and other gear cluttering the wrecks /reefs until it rots away, which from my experience takes years If you want a real pot buoy spectacular visual, then take a look at the Mudstone ledge next time you are out, there must be 30 there. TBH, pots I can live with, but netting each side of a wreck or across a reef is just plain greedy ................... I will have a chat with the local dive club and see how they are handling the situation ๐Ÿ˜‰
  19. Agree, but it takes a while to get to that way of thinking, as here in the uk is is not something we do. I lost a Tuna in 2014 which spooled me, but in hindsight we should has chased it. These days, chasing fish is now a natural thing for me to do.
  20. The BFG takes on a whole new meaning ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ
  21. Nah, it is just his ADHD kicking in, I guess he forgot his meds. He better not go for a drive, as licking the windows is not cool. It has taken me 2 years to get a tetchy response from the tw@t, so I can leave him be now ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™„ BTW, I think the word we are looking for is rotund ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ, but hey, I match that description, time for me to lose a few kg before type 2 kicks in again. Oh, the joys of old age.๐Ÿ™„
  22. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ I guess the truth hurts somewhat. ๐Ÿ™„
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