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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Pair of pricks, they were both from Middlesex, so not even from the east end. However, I have found one of YOUR old youtube vids Jon ( @JonC ) only these days you have got hair around your mouth and talk like a .........🤣
  2. Proper pair of pr1cks, I expect they were from Essex 🙄😇🤣😉
  3. #youshouldneverlabelpeople🙄
  4. Who said anything about it being an achievement ? It is just a fact and some people are proud of the fact. You seem to have a penchant for twisting words and meanings to suit your own very strange agenda, especially when you are on the losing side. 🙄 #twatfromessexloser🤣
  5. Just a locality thing, It is no different to being a Geordie, Brummie, Scouser, Devonian, or tw@t from Essex.
  6. ffs, get it right, the word you are looking for in your limited Essex vocabulary is Bretton. Anyway, even though I have lived here since 3 years old, I am actually a cockney , born within the sound of Bow bells.
  7. Probably, especially as they were not 25 generations of anglo saxon 😛😇🙄🤣
  8. It is negative trash comments like this that stop folk from posting up their catch reports, perhaps you should rethink your position and take some positivity pills.
  9. Yes, that is great, but he still needs to keep an eye on the 11.6v battery, just in case, 1. The battery is faulty 2. The dual charging system is faulty.
  10. Which battery is 11.6, start or House ? Is the twin battery control automatic via a VSR, or is it manually switched via an OFF, 1, 2, BOTH switch ( which I prefer) ? next job will be to charge the battery and get the engine running to check the charging voltage at each battery. If the flat battery is 5 or more years old, it will be best to replace it.
  11. What size cable did he use ? If the cable size was as per the original or then there will not be an issue. Most fishing boats have a relatively short cable run, so generally there is not a problem. If the engine was turning over strongly, then I would guess that the problem lies elsewhere, like immobilization. You could check the voltage drop, by testing the voltage at the batteries during a short start period, and doing the same at the engine and noting the difference. If the voltage drop was significant, then the engine would turn over very slowly or not at all, as the starter motor current is probably 40 - 80 amps for most fishing boat outboards / inboards.
  12. Is the first picture a ‘Blue fish’ ? The shape suggests they put up a decent fight.
  13. Nah, you probably wouldn't, after what he said about the rock inhabitants 😂
  14. No, Gordon Ramsay (Celeb Chef) has a £6m house at Rock on the estuary.
  15. Gordon feck'in Ramsay, you know the geezer, head cook and all that 🤣 .......... you were close to his £6 pad 🤣 Yes, the Doom bar is named on reputation and the rip currents are fierce. I didn't want to be a spoiler, but felt I just needed to remind you of the perils !
  16. You need not be, the smaller fish are a PITA. find some soft sand / mud, and you will find Gurnard, we get them a lot on tinsels, but they will also take bass lures and small fish baits.
  17. Well done on your first spear fish, we had some of the Plaice caught yesterday for dinner this evening. Not wishing to be a spoiler, the Doom bar is aptly named, and TBH even in calm conditions is not a good place for an underwater swimmer OR an inflatable kayak. The currents and rips over that bar are notorious, and it is spring tides this week. Are you having a BBQ at your mate Gordon's house, it is very close to where you were today ? 🤣
  18. He was 16 yesterday, and he is 6ft 2” tall !
  19. Launched at 7:30am this morning just before high tide, onto a beautifully flat sea, however, the wind was due to veer South later in the day and I knew that would bring a wind over tide situation, but hopefully not a problem as the wind speeds were very low. Crew for the day was Kyle and my wife, both of them absolutely love fishing the banks. We arrived at the Skerries in about 40 – 45 minutes, and I was surprised at the lack of fishing traffic, given the calm conditions. Although the MLS for Plaice is 27cm, we decided to keep nothing under 35cm, and the smaller fish are a pain to fillet. Kyle was first in with a decent keeper, however, the drift speed was a tad fast at 1.9kts, so we were making 2 mile drifts across the banks from inner to outer. We found that unusually most of the bites came on the outer banks, so we concentrated on that area. I also dropped down some snowbiki’s for fresh mackerel and the first hit was a full string of proper snake launce, one of them we measured at 26cm ! The drops with the tinsels were producing Mackerel, Launce, and something I have never had before, which was a full string of 5 Gurnard. Talking of Gurnard, the Skerries was full of them and we lost count of the number caught, however, I know that we definitely had, Tub’s, Grey’s, Red’s and one or two Streaked. They were all a reasonable size of up to about a 1lb. Just before the flood slack, Kyle hooked into a decent fish which was a 7lb Small Eyed ray, a new specie for him. Once the flood slack came we were stationary, and that is when the dog’s came out to play, of which we had four, before I got fed up with them !. Whilst we were waiting for the drift to start again, Kyle set up my HTO Shore Game spinning rod and was catching Mackerel, Launce and Gurnard using a 12g metal. Also, during the slack I managed to foul the prop with one of the lines, but luckily I was able to unwind and free if off quite easily after tilting the engine. The wind veered south at about 2pm, but the sea didn’t get too angry, and we headed back the 18 miles to port at about 3:30pm, arriving back on the slipway at 4:15pm. An excellent day in which we covered 49nm, we returned 3 Plaice, but 9 were keepers, also we had 30+ Mackerel, 20+ snake Launce, a 7lb Painted Ray (small eyed), 4 dog’s, and way too many Gurnard to count. African Queen was close by,
  20. I suppose you will be extracting money from little old ladies 🤣
  21. Why am I not shocked at the revelation 🙄
  22. Well, if the weather holds for tomorrow, the skerries will be my destination 👍
  23. I think part of the word that I am thinking is ‘phobic 🖕🙄😇
  24. Well, sort of 50/50. I thought that Fluke were Atlantic Flounder, but when I checked the true name is summer flounder, which surprised me. I knew they grew pretty big, we have friends in Maine that fish for them and stripers.
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