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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. I doubt it, alloy wheels and salt are not the best of friends.
  2. You and I would notice that, but 'Joe average' wouldn't 😉, and out in the Thames estuary they are lucky to see 20m depth ! 🤣 I never liked The RayMarine operating system, but I am fussy. Lowrance works well, but the kit has gotten flimsy in the last few years. I quite like Koden kit, but it is heap expensive and uses 'C' Charts. TBH Jon, if I had a boat with a wheelhouse, then I would be tempted to build my own rugged PC with commercial software, and use large flat screen displays.
  3. These days they are all very similar because they all use the same technology ! It all comes down to which one you like the feel and smell of. Personally, I like Garmin, and I have had Garmin products for years that have never let me down. I like the look of Raymarine, but I always felt the operating system was clunky and cumbersome, however, they might have changed all that now as the new operating system across the board for Raymarine is 'Lighthouse 4' which has had good reviews.
  4. GPSguru


    There are more Mack around at the moment than at the same period over the last couple of years, but they can still be elusive at times, but once you find them they are there in numbers and all sizes.
  5. I hope so Andy, the Jeep wheels were done 2 years ago, and they are still like brand new. I posted the info as an option for other trailer users to think about 🙂
  6. Normally the only external part of a trailer that is not galvanized and gets dunked in the sea ! Unfortunately, trailer wheels in general are quite poorly finished from new, normally with one thin coat of cheap paint. My wheels are now 3 years old and have been dunked in the sea about 250 times, so they were getting to be more rusty than the average Land Rover. In the past, we would just buy a new pair of rims and tyres, but they are now a lot more expensive than in the past. We have a guy locally who specializes in alloy wheel referb, and he did a super job of the Jeep wheels, which he powder coated, and the finish was superb. I took the trailer wheels to him, and he was happy to powder coat them silver, however, his process was going to be, shot blast, acid dip, soda blast, 3 coats of zinc paint, and then a high build silver powder coat ........... and the cost was less than new wheels. I picked them up today, and he has done a super job, also I feel confident that they will last a lot longer before the rust appears again.
  7. The local council car parks have a bylaw that prevents overnight camping, however, it is quite difficult to enforce. They normally have a blitz a couple of time a year, by getting police assistance and knocking up the occupants at 5 - 6am 😀. I take the attitude that if you can afford a £60K - £100K camper van, then you can afford to pay in a dedicated camp site, of which we have plenty. The ignorant bas’tids even park in the dedicated area for ‘cars and trailers only’. We always park with the trailer attached. Last year I boxed a camper van in at 6:00am, and didn’t return until 6pm. The guy called the council and the police, but was told he would have to wait, and was also given a £200 FPN by the council. I am a permit holder (£300 per year) and the council rang me and told me NOT to rush back !
  8. I live close enough to the slip that I wash down when I get home. 😉 However there is a council provided tap in the trailer park, but I can see that being removed to discourage overnight camper vans.
  9. I found a Vid from last year that I have forgotten about. The gopro is mounted on the A frame on a very solid mount to stop vibration. The video is leaving Labrador Bay and heading back into Teignmouth. At about 4min in you can see I make the turn into the navigation channel (note the port hand buoy) and then for the next couple of minutes I am crossing the bar on a 6kn ebbing tide at about 20 -25knts, until I reach the harbour speed limit. The video could probably do with more editing, but hey ho
  10. Looking at that gob, that looks a lot like a Dogtooth Tuna. One of the planets best and dirtiest fighters, once hooked they go straight down and you just cant stop the run. We only ever got to boat about 25% of the ones we hooked. Nice fishing and cracking pics.
  11. Another method we use here is to put on a 60 or 80g dexter wedge instead of the lead weight. It not only works as an attractor for the Mackerel, but has also accounted for some decent bass in the past.
  12. Yes, it depends on which way the tide is running. I tend to go there on the flood, the drift then takes me over the ledge and into the deep water toward Berry Head. In the past we have had Pollock, Cod, Whiting, Mackerel, Dogfish, Bull Huss, and Bass on those drifts. Whilst KKyle will usually fish with baited Hookai, I usually fish a 115mm Red Gill on tube boom from a rod holder, and SPJ with 150g jigs to find the better stamp of fish. A lot of anglers anchor on the Ledge and fish the drop off.
  13. Made an early start this morning as I don't normally 'do' weekends at the slipway, far too many complete plonkers. However, if you get there early it is just usually like minded anglers launching, and we all help each other. The crew today was my wife and Kyle, it was good to have them back on the boat after such a long time. We launched at 07:30am, the sun was shining, and the sea was flat. I had thoughts about going to the Skerries, but a quick check of the Start Bay wave buoy showed that the sea conditions were quite a bit different down there, so that idea was abandoned in favour of trying for a few Mackerel to freshen up the bait freezer. First stop was the Mudstone Ledge near Berry Head. I set a drift to take us over the ledge and on the seaward side of Cod rock, putting us in the deeper water of about 120ft. Over the ledge the depth is about 30ft. Kyle and my wife went for baited Hokkai's and tinsels, whereas I loaded a 4/0 with a full squid. Bites were thin on the ground, however, we had expected that as the May Bloom is still going strong. My first fish was a Pout, which had taken a liking to the large squid bait. After 5 long drifts with only a couple of Pout to show for our efforts we moved to the Orestone. Here we were straight into Mackerel, not hectic sport, but a good few were being brought to the boat. Again, the water clarity was poor, and I got the feeling that you needed to drop the tinsels right under a Mackerel nose !. After a while, we moved a little way over to Long Quarry, and again a few Mackerel were found, together with strings of Pilchards (Sardines), and the odd Tub / Grey Gurnard. A real surprise fish for me was a decent size Herring, normally I would expect to see these in the late Autumn. I thought at first it was an Allis shad as we get a good number of them here, but no, it was definitely 100% a herring. All too soon it was mid afternoon and time to go back in to catch the tide on the slipway. Not a bad day at all, 28 Mackerel (Mostly medium large and a few smalls), Pout, Tub Gurnard, Grey Gurnard, Pilchard, and Herring. Today we covered 25nm, but had a load of fun. Only one picture today, and that say's it all really................
  14. It is quite useful when there are dropoffs, an ledges etc. The visual that it provides gives a much clearer perspective to the under water terrain.
  15. I very much doubt it. Hyperlon is extremely tough, you have to do something serious to puncture a tube. PVC tubes are a different ball game, nowhere near the durability of hyperlon, but hyperlon is almost twice to three times the price. A new set of tubes for mine is £6-£8k
  16. The original slow Blatt is still a highly effective jig and I often use them in the larger sizes on the wrecks. These were one of the first slow jigs to come into the uk market around 2015. A lot of today’s combo jigs are still based on the blatt. well done on catching the target species, and especially well done to Dave for what looks like a master class in lure fishing. TBF all of the Bream I have caught in the last few years have come to lures, mainly 70 & 115mm Red Gills.
  17. Good luck, I will be out with Kyle tomorrow morning, fishing some inshore marks, if the sea is as forecast 🙄 Today the sea was not as forecast, Windguru and MSW were giving it 0.2/0.3m @4secs ........... I checked the local wavebuoy for the daughter's gig race and the sea was 0.7/0.9m @2.1secs !
  18. The reason is that Garmin no longer load the charts as tiles, you just select an area and upload it. I also had to delete the tiles and reload an area, however, my delete and reload worked perfectly. I spoke to Garmin support because they had not issued a tech statement to say what was happening or how to do it. Apparently is was because of the septics who had trouble with tiles, but the uk support geezer said he preferred the tile system, and so do I, but it all works Ok , so I guess it is fine.
  19. Wot you sayin' .............. your arse gets a boner every now and then That, my friend, is way too much information. #essexweirdosagain#
  20. Yes, I like the marquesa’s and currently have a MA20 2 speed, MA16, and a MA12. The only annoying feature is the over engineered anti reverse pawl that is there to prevent slip on the one way sprag bearing, however, the pawl is easy to remove (5 min job) to give a completely silent reel. I also remove the centrifugal brake sleeves whilst I am in there. Most of my fishing is wrecking and it is good to have a free running reel that I can control with thumb pressure in 200 -300 ft of water. I tested the sprag bearing at full drag and couldn't get any slip at all.
  21. No other drag washer comes near to these. I always replace the Brand new shimano charter specials with carbontex and cals drag grease. However, I am moving more and more to fin-nor and they use carbon fibre washers as standard fitment.
  22. I do, I am long past caring. These days I tell it as it is, I think the older you get, the less you can be arsed about offending some woke/green/gay/ not 25 generations of anglosaxon/activist/ gender weirdo/ etc etc............. all those types of weirdo's.
  23. RIP Vangelis -Died in France today of a Coronary whilst under treatment for Covid
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