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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. I'm glad I left all that behind when I retired 11 years ago. These days I would probably get the sack for being a little forthright 🙄🤣
  2. Yes, it is the first complete blank on this boat. We can usually rustle up a Pout, Mack, or even a dogfish, but today.............nada I think what struck me as most unusual, was the complete absence of bites, not even a tap.
  3. Done that Andy, you can delete it here and your reply if you want ............ thanks
  4. Kin'ell, I will have to put this here, but there was no catch to report ! 🙄 Went out with Brother in law James this morning. We were hoping to go out to the 20 - 30 mile wrecks, but the sea state had other ideas, and although we were still able to do 22kts, it was just not quick enough for a morning session as we had to be back lunchtime for the tide and the school run. To do that run and get some quality fishing time in, then I need to be doing 26 - 30kts. When leaving the slipway, we noted that the water was quite brown and there was a lot of foam / scum floating around, this normally indicates May bloom has taken hold good and proper, so my hopes of good inshore fishing were quickly diminishing ! We went to 4 inshore wrecks, covered 27nm and neither of us even got a tap on the lures. Even at 9 miles out, the water clarity was pretty grim, and I lost sight of the lure at about 3ft down. The water was that Bloom green / brown colour with those millions of silver flecks that you associate with a prominent algae bloom. It looks like the bloom is now in full swing, especially as the water temp has risen to 14C. In desperation, on the last inshore wreck, I tried baited tinsels, the bottom 2 with squid and the top 2 with mack, but even this didn't provoke any response at all. IIRC, this is the first blank for 3 years ......... not too shabby I suppose.
  5. Kin'ell, I will have to put this here as there was no catch to report ! 🙄 Went out with Brother in law James this morning. We were hoping to go out to the 20 - 30 mile wrecks, but the sea state had other ideas, and although we ere still able to do 22kts, it was just not quick enough for a morning session as we had to be back lunchtime for the tide and the school run. To do that run and get some quality fishing time in, then I need to be doing 26 - 30kts. When leaving the slipway, we noted that the water was quite brown and there was a lot of foam / scum floating around, this normally indicates May bloom has taken hold good and proper, so my hopes of good inshore fishing were quickly diminishing ! We went to 4 inshore wrecks, covered 27nm and neither of us even got a tap on the lures. Even at 9 miles out, the water clarity was pretty grim, and I lost sight of the lure at about 3ft down. The water was that Bloom green / brown colour with those millions of silver flecks that you associate with a prominent algae bloom. It looks like the bloom is now in full swing, especially as the water temp has risen to 14C. In desperation, on the last inshore wreck, I tried baited tinsels, the bottom 2 with squid and the top 2 with mack, but even this didn't provoke any response at all. IIRC, this is the first blank for 3 years ......... not too shabby I suppose.
  6. All factory rods are done with hot melt glue. I sell loads of fuji and seymo glue.
  7. Yep, hot melt glue for the tip ring, then whip on the other rings and varnish. The are several options for rod varnish, but to get a spanking finish you need a rod turning machine that stops the varnish ‘dropping’.
  8. Nah, in the summer we have ice cold coke / lemonade / water. In the winter we take a flask of black peculated coffee, but we do have mains electric on the boat.
  9. I don't drink it, for me it is classed as hot smelly water. A nice cup of the finest coffee is the only thing to have.
  10. Wot, he forgot the tea bags? I bet he remembered the ky jelly so he could molest the cabin boy 🤣🙄
  11. Yep, agree. 🤣 It was the only music I could find on corel videostudio, There is more but I just need to install the add-on’s
  12. Here is a short video of the Cod, I was using the Hearty Rise Slow Jigging II rod, which is perhaps a little too powerful (power range 2), although the 6lb Cod did mange to pull it to 90 degrees.
  13. @Andy135 ............ Hmmm, first time I have uploaded to you tube. This is a vid that recently came to me, and it was taken from Alans boat when we went to the Skerries last year. We are both cruising at about 32kts. It was a strange format from a Phone (Samsung I guess ?) and I had to reformat the vid via Corel VideoStudio. Does this work OK for you ?
  14. The sounder tells you quite a lot about the sea bed, but using a rod with just a lead tells you a whole lot more. I tend to use a cannonball lead, but it really should be something like an Aquapedo to get the full effect, however to do this, you must use BRAID as the mainline. Just drop the lead down, drift, and let the rod do the talking, if it is hard rock you feel the grating and sometimes snagging as the lead drags across the rocks, if it is gravel you just feel a steady vibration, if it is sand you feel very little and this is the time to wind up 20 turns and let the lead drop, if when it hits the bottom it sticks, then it is mud, if it doesn't stick, then it is sand.
  15. Yes, seen it before. The pin goes on the flat of the shaft and the impeller holds the pin in place. I seem to remember that some of them have a rounded half moon slot on the internal of the impeller. I know it's not how you and I would engineer it, but it obviously works !
  16. You talk enough shit to power the cooker 😂😂
  17. The reality is …… you should design the electronics on your boat so there is no ‘single point of failure’, in my world known as an SPF. so, twin batteries that can be manually switched, twin or more plotters, at least two GPS sources, main radio plus handheld, etc, etc.
  18. I am impressed Andy, as you are bang on for a Bream mark, and it is the only Bream mark around here for miles ! If you zoomed in a little more, in the SW corner of the above there is an underwater rock called Bream Rock. We do catch Bream out there, but it is not very consistent, and the tide can really rip through there at times. More consistent marks are the East Blackstone Reef and the Mew Stone at Dartmouth. We have had Bream when drifting the wreck of the Emsstrom, which is very, very close to there.
  19. Some nice fish there Mike, and yes, it was a lovely flat day out there, we could do with more like that. Red Band fish - Best to drag the tinsels along the bottom with a little bit of line out, The fish live in mud burrows and will stick their heads out to catch small prey. I have found snowbiki's on size 6 hooks (tindsels) to be really effective. When I get 5 mins to spare, I will shove some in the post to you.
  20. Personally, I wouldn't be out in fog, as fishing is not that important and can wait for a better day. Getting caught out in thick fog is bad seamanship, by not keeping a weather visual, and not understanding the forecast. Many a time I have been out and sea mist has crept in from one direction or another. I determine its visual path and if it doesn't seem to be clearing, wait until the visibility is a little less than a mile, then I head back in. Understanding the weather is as equally important as being adept in navigation, they go hand in hand.
  21. Just refer to your mobile phone, it will give you your GPS position, regardless whether you have GSM service or not. But may you have a very old dinosaur phone without GPS ? Also, you could use the 'These 3 Words App' to give your location.
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